Darfur and Southern Sudan


    Join Enough for a Sudan Activist Call

    Recent events have catapulted Sudan's conflict back into the headlines.   Now is the time to keep the pressure on the White House to help put a stop to the ongoing genocide.

    Join Enough Co-Founder John Prendergast and Executive Director John Norris on Thursday, June 25th, at 2:00pm ET for a Sudan Activist Conference Call to discuss recent news and the CPA conference. 

    Call-In Details

    *Toll-Free Dial-in #:     ( 877 ) 637 - 2077

    Conference ID # 16454039


    Sudan has been torn apart by internal conflicts for most of its independence. The root cause of the conflicts in both southern

    Sudan and Darfur are essentially the same: the hoarding of wealth and power by ruling elites in the capital, Khartoum. Ending genocide in Darfur and fulfilling the promise of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, or CPA—a deal brokered by the U.S. and others to end 22 years of war in the south—requires a comprehensive approach to Sudan rather than reactive crisis management. The international community must demand full and timely implementation of the CPA, particularly the provisions that pave the way for national elections. In Darfur, efforts to protect civilians need to be dramatically improved. There also must be a concerted multilateral diplomatic surge that imposes an escalating cost on belligerents for resisting a sensible peace process. At the same time, the international community should continue to support the important work of the International Criminal Court so that the perpetrators of atrocities are fully held to account.