
Keep Haiti in you Mind

| Posted in Charity |




The people of Haiti are suffering such hardships and are in great need of your help.  The situation in Haiti maybe off the news headlines but it should not be off our minds as the situation there is extremely bad.

Islamic Relief are on the ground in Haiti and were the 1st international NGO to build a camp for the people despite a lack of resources and despite the extreme violence that was widespread in Port au Prince which prevented other aid agencies from distributing. It is because of this enormous effort that allowed the bottleneck which was preventing aid reaching those who need it most to be removed.

Islamic Relief are requesting, on behalf of the people of Haiti, your further help

Subscibe to Islamic Relief YouTube Channels to keep up to date:

Islamic Relief UK

Islamic Relief USA

Islamic Relief Worldwide

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Ummah Design Hold 1st Workshop

| Posted in Media |




A small group of workshops and seminars has recently been organised by the Ummah-Design.Com team for Muslim businesses and was recently held at their offices in Birmingham. The aim of these workshops is to enrich Muslim businesses with knowledge of the online world and increase their efficieny and productivity withn it. It is also a great opportunity for Muslim business to network and share experiences.

More of these events are going to be held inshallah as they have become very popular, to know more visit their blog at

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Beautiful New Converts To Islam

| Posted in Converts |



Beautiful new converts to Islam mashallah

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Update: Daniel Streich Converted Two Years Ago

| Posted in General |



It seems that the Swiss Politician Daniel Streich actually converted to Islam two years ago.  Contrary to my previous blog post, I have been informed by my eagle eyed readers that brother Daniel kept his conversion a secret for these years and felt that the policies adopted by his [...] Continue Reading…

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Daniel Streich Bans Minaret then Embraces Islam

| Posted in Politics |



A good friend of mine used to be a passionate evangelical Christian; he told me that he used to stand in the middle of Birmingham city centre weeping for the people because he believed they were going to the hellfire.  He tells me he used to try and talk [...] Continue Reading…

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Obama Sidesteps Question to Protect Israel

| Posted in Palestine, Politics |



Obama’s unwavering support for the satanic, Dajjalic state of Gog and Magog, otherwise known as the apartheid state of unholy Israel, is well known.  He occupies the important and strategic position of President of the United States of America, the nation that is dedicated to feeding, developing, nurturing and [...] Continue Reading…

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Munaqib Productions: Al Mawlid Al-Barzanji, The Beautiful Poem

| Posted in Nasheed, Seerah |



Munaqib Productions have created, for the benefit of the English speaking world, a translation of the beautiful poem known as “Iqd al-Jawhar fi Mawlid al-Nabiy al-Azhar “The Jewelled Necklace of the Resplendent Prophet’s Birth”

The poem was penned by Al-Barzanji, a hafiz of Qur’an and a master of its many [...] Continue Reading…

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The Legacy of Al-Imam Al-A’zam Abu Hanifa (Rahimahullah)

| Posted in Hadith, Talks |


The Legacy of Al-Imam Al-A’zam Abu Hanifa (Rahimahullah) – A sign from among the Signs of Allah (SWT)

A symposium by erudite scholars on the Greatest of the Imams, Nu’man bin Thabit Abu Hanifa (May Allah (SWT) have Mercy on him).

Speakers include: Shaykh Ahmad Ali (Al Mahad Al Islam), Shaykh Riyadhul Haq [...] Continue Reading…

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The Special Nature of Zamzam

| Posted in Hadith, Prophets, Talks |



This is an excerpt from Lesson 226 of al Tajrid al Sarih (The Abridged Saheeh al Bukhari) from the Book of Hajj by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq.
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Gaza Remembers Do YOU?

| Posted in Charity, Palestine |




What can YOU do?

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