Breaking News

  • RBI announces steps to ease foreign currency flows.
  • [martin0504]Aston Martin

    Aston Martin Aims at Emerging Markets

    Aston Martin expects to garner about a fifth of its 2012 sales from emerging markets such as China, India and the Middle East, the global sales director at the U.K. luxury sports car maker said.

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  • [ganguly0502]

    The IPL's Old Guard

    Twenty20 cricket hasn't quite turned out the way people expected, with perhaps the biggest surprise being the effect the Indian Premier League has had on its elder statesmen.

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  • [india0408]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    India's Military Exercise

    The Indian Army is conducting a military exercise named 'Shoor Veer,' which means brave warrior, in the Rajasthan desert. Some snapshots

  • [india04]Associated Press

    India in Pictures

    Tourists in Srinagar, a military exercise in Rajasthan, a T20 cricket match, and more.

  • [0504aip13]Zuma Press

    Asia in Pictures

    A man relaxes in a capsule hotel in China, police charge people during the Rato Machhindranath festival in Nepal, robots perform ahead of the World Expo in South Korea and more.

  • [050312pod03]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Photos of the Day: May 3

    In today's pictures, aspiring dancers audition to be Radio City Rockettes, protesters take to the streets of Yemen, a cosmonaut gets ready for a space trip and more.

  • [ipresident06]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    India's Presidential Race

    Indian President Pratibha Patil's five-year tenure ends in July. In pictures, a look at those in the running to replace her.

  • [iduke05036]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Duke of York Visits India

    Britain's Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is on a seven-day visit to India. Some snapshots.


  • [imiracle]

    Flawed Miracle - in Hindi

    •The Wall Street Journal's South Asia bureau spent last year on a series of related in-depth articles that examine what the 20 years since India adopted a series of economic reforms have brought the giant nation. Read these articles in a PDF format translated into Hindi.

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