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    ‘Chaos,’ Charges of Abuses Follow Retaking of Tikrit

    U.S. and Iraqi officials have called for investigations into allegations that Iraqi security forces were engaged in summary executions and looting soon after evicting Islamic State militants from the city.

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    Saudis Airdrop Arms in Yemen

    The weapons reinforced militias struggling to retake Aden from rebels.

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    Germanwings Jet Accelerated on Descent

    The person at the controls of the Germanwings plane that crashed into the French Alps repeatedly sped up the plane during its descent, new data show.

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    Arrests of Women Underscore Jihadist Recruiting Efforts

    The arrests this week of women in New York and Philadelphia who prosecutors say were plotting terrorist attacks or trying to provide support to the Islamic State is focusing attention on jihadist efforts to recruit American women.

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    China Anticorruption Drive Steps Up With Indictment

    China’s high-reaching anticorruption campaign is heading toward its next phase—prosecution—with the criminal indictment Friday of Zhou Yongkang, formerly one of the ruling Communist Party’s most senior officials.

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    Malaysian Cartoonist Charged With Sedition

    A cartoonist known for lampooning Malaysia’s ruling coalition was charged with nine counts of sedition over a series of tweets criticizing the country’s judiciary system.

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    France Moves to Ban Ultrathin Models

    French lawmakers on Friday voted in favor of a law that would ban excessively thin fashion models from the runway and potentially fine their employers in a move that prompted resistance in the modeling industry.

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    Turkey’s March Inflation Rate Rises

    Turkey’s annual inflation rate rose to a three-month high in March amid soaring food prices and a weakening currency, diminishing hopes for central bank interest-rate cuts to stoke sagging economic growth.

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    Private-Equity Firm EIG Digs Into Brazil

    The U.S. private-equity firm is pouring cash into projects associated with two of Brazil’s most tarnished names—Petrobras and former tycoon Eike Batista.

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    American Jailed in China Released, Arrives Home

    A U.S. geologist jailed in China for more than seven years after being convicted of trading in Chinese state secrets was released and deported to the U.S. on Friday, according to people close to the case.

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    Woman Charged With Trying to Join ISIS

    Authorities charged a Philadelphia woman with attempting to join Islamic State, the latest in a string of cases against Americans accused of conspiring to support the extremist group or carry out attacks on its behalf.

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    Europe Raises Scrutiny of Tech Giants

    European officials are escalating their scrutiny of companies including Facebook, Apple and Google in realms that span taxation, personal privacy and competition law.

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    Cameron Defends His Record in U.K. Debate

    British Prime Minister David Cameron went head-to-head with his main political rival, Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, in the only televised debate ahead of Britain’s upcoming national election.

News by Country and Region

News from the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires

Iran Nuclear Talks

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    Prospect of Bolder Iran Unnerves Some, Encourages Others

    Analysis: The tentative nuclear deal raises the prospect of a reshuffling of Iran’s place in the Middle East and beyond, which some fear could intensify regional conflicts, while others hope it might help resolve some

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    Republican White House Hopefuls Condemn Iran Nuclear Deal

    Republican White House hopefuls were quick to condemn the emerging nuclear deal with Iran almost as soon as it was announced, arguing the pact will do little to prevent the Iranian regime from developing nuclear weapons.

  • The Saturday Essay

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    Pope Francis and the New Rome

    The most radical element of Pope Francis’ papacy is his embrace of the liberalizing principles of Vatican II of the early 1960s. He is pushing to open the church to the modern world.

India Real Time

Japan Real Time

Korea Real Time

Real Time Brussels

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    Some Germans Really Are Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

    Wolf sightings in Germany have made parents and shepherds anxious, but conservationists say an excessively literal reading of “Little Red Riding Hood” is fueling hysteria against the canine.

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    The Iraq War and Stubborn Myths

    Essay: Officials didn’t lie, and I wasn’t fed a line, writes Judith Miller. There was no shortage of mistakes about Iraq, and I made my share of them. False narratives deserve, at last, to be retired, she writes.

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    Mercy in Victory Is as Ancient as War

    A brief history of postwar reconciliation, from Athens to Appomattox.

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    Honoring a Saint’s Fight Against Heresy

    The frescoes of the Cappella Nuova, by Luca Signorelli, influenced Michelangelo’s Sistine ceiling.

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    Photos of the Day: April 3

    In photos picked Friday by Wall Street Journal editors, a cartoonist in Malaysia is charged with sedition, Kenya mourns students killed in an Islamist attack, a man in Alabama is freed from death row and more.

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