The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG

Do not dare to use the wrong trash-can

18 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Ayn Rand

Just passing by. Pay attention to this.

I get pleasure from this little diary of you people’s concerns.

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Sean Gabb: Speech on Libertarianism

18 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Given on the 17th March 2010 to the Politics Society of Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Boys Gabb, Speech on Libertarianism

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They were going to come for our dogs but we spoke out

17 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Michael Winning

just in time then

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Simon Heffer explaining things about nation-breaking

16 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Michael Winning

A slow day today I am back inside early and so I spot this from Simon heffer. The man seems more sensible than other intellectual bods I know give him credit for. Didn’t he write a book about 15 years ago foretelling all this? It was called “Nor Shall My Sword” I think it was.

When Tony Blair said in 1997 “New Labour is none other than the political arm of the British People” I cringed in horror. Wish I’d done more and worse I think.

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Tax cuts for a smaller government

16 March, 2010 · 1 Comment

Michael Winning

I found this over at The Englishman’s Castle, hes up early like me he is. It’s a clever spoof on the people who I think pay for the Labour Party and its bloated bust budget, that lot called Unison or summat:-

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Sean Gabb: Defending the Rights of the BNP

15 March, 2010 · 34 Comments

It Happened There (3): Court Cripples British National Party For Being Too, Well, British

[Peter Brimelow writes: The Orwellian news that a British political party is being forced in the name of “equality” to admit members who oppose its principles got me thinking about another recent victim of what Roland Huntford called “The New Totalitarians”: American Renaissance and its disrupted attempts to hold its biannual conference. So I called AR Editor Jared Taylor and asked what was happening. Answer: nothing—no police inquiries into the left’s death threats, no outrage or even news reports in the Main Stream Media or  Establishment “conservative” and libertarian (!) outlets. (We hope to publish an update from Jared soon.) Diversity may be strength, but clearly it is not equal protection of the law.]

By Sean Gabb

On the most charitable view, Britain has, in recent years, become the world’s largest open air lunatic asylum. You only need open a newspaper to see the evidence—someone arrested for defending his life or home against attack; anti-terror laws used to stop the carrying of hairdryers in public; employers told not to advertise for “reliable” workers, so as not to discriminate against the unreliable.

And so it goes on. The stories almost jump off the page. Some of these may be touched up for a market that is greedy for them. Others may not bear much scrutiny. But enough are true to let people realize that this country has, over the past generation, become a very strange and perhaps a frightening place.

This strange and frightening quality, though, is not the product of insanity. The belief that our leaders have gone even barking mad, if worrying, is preferable to the truth—which is that, regardless of their party affiliations, they have, since at least 1960, been working for the total destruction of Britain as a country and the enslavement of its people.

As evidence for this, look at the way in which the British National Party has been treated.

For those unfamiliar with British politics, the BNP is this country’s most important white nationalist party. It denounces mass immigration and multi-culturalism, and the Politically Correct censorship and persecution that have been used to smother opposition. In the past few years, it has won elections to local representative bodies, and has two seats in the Parliament of the European Union. It may also, in the next few months, win a seat in the British Parliament.

The response of the British ruling class has been wholly rational. Given that these people want a police state and a population too Balkanized along racial and religious lines to offer any concerted resistance, they cannot tolerate a party like the BNP. Before 1999, when Nick Griffin became its leader, the BNP was broadly a national socialist organization. In those days, it had limited electoral appeal, and could safely be ignored, or sometimes held up for ridicule or execration. Now that Mr. Griffin has changed its core ideology, the party is an increasingly credible threat. Therefore, it must be destroyed.

During the past few years, it has been made illegal for members of the BNP to be policemen or prison workers. It is proposed that they should be prevented from working with children. Membership lists have been stolen. Many of those on the lists have come under pressure. Mr. Griffin himself was put on trial under our new hate crime laws for calling Islam—in a private meeting infiltrated by a media spy“a wicked, vicious faith”. If convicted, he would have faced seven years in prison: after two trials, he was acquitted.

The main effort now is to destroy the BNP from within. Not surprisingly, its rules always confined membership to indigenous Caucasians. But a U.K.  Government body called the  Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) decided in 2009 that this rule broke the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended), and took the party to court.

Needless to say, the EHRC had done nothing about, for example, the various black police organizations, which confined membership to black people. Indeed, the EHRC has never responded to one complaint of discrimination by these associations against white people. Then again, starting with its head, West Indian-descended Trevor Phillips, the EHRC is filled with supporters and nominees of the ruling Labour Party. Its whole function is to hound enemies of the New Labour ruling class through the courts.

Quite obviously, the prosecution of the BNP was not intended to promote “racial equality” as this might reasonably be defined. Its purpose was to destroy. According to the Blog of Operation Black Vote,

Nic Careem, [Email him] a former Labour activist from Camden in north London, who is now with the Conservatives, said he originally argued that black and Asian people should join the BNP en mass [sic] to cause chaos and expose the extent of racism inside the party of Nick Griffin.”

In other words, the BNP is to be flooded with non-whites, who will then use further legal action—assuming the internal structures of the party are insufficient—to destroy it.

The courts forced Mr. Griffin to drop the restriction on membership. The BNP’s first non-white member was an elderly Sikh opponent of Islamic fundamentalism.

However, Mr. Griffin did impose two conditions on new members to block flooding attempts. First, he ruled that prospective members should be visited in their homes by BNP officials, to see if they were suitable for membership. Second, all members were required to declare support for “continued creation, fostering, maintenance and existence” of an indigenous British race, and action towards “stemming and reversing” immigration.

This second rule seems to have been used to stop a rich Pakistani called Mo Chaudry from joining. He had said he would join the party to fight them from the inside. [Asian businessman fights to join BNP, Channel 4 News, March 12 2010]

This did not suit the EHRC. It took the BNP to court again, arguing that the requirement amounted to indirect racial discrimination.

Last Friday, 12th March 2010, Paul Collins, the most senior County Court Judge in London, agreed with the EHRC. He outlawed the requirement for home visits, saying that this might lead to intimidation—though admitting that there was no evidence it ever had. He also outlawed the requirement to declare support for party principle and policy. The Judge said:

“I hold that the BNP are likely to commit unlawful acts of discrimination within section 1b Race Relations Act 1976 in the terms on which they are prepared to admit persons to membership under the 12th addition of their constitution”. [New BNP membership rules judged to be biased, Manchester Evening News, March 12, 2010]

The basis for this reasoning, the Judge claimed, is that, while no BNP policy breaks the law, no non-white person could support these policies without compromising their “personal sense of self-worth and dignity as a member of their racial group”.

And so the BNP is now required to accept members regardless of whether they agree with BNP policy.

Nick Griffin was forced on the spot to change his party’s membership criteria, or face jail for himself and forfeiture of party assets.

Of course, this is a bizarre ruling. In the first place, the claim that non-whites cannot support the policies of the BNP is untrue in fact. Some do. It is also patronizing for any outsider to tell people how they should view their “personal sense of self-worth and dignity as a member of their racial group”. That is properly a matter for every individual to decide for himself.

In the second place, the principle stated by Judge Collins leads to absurdity. If I am a white supremacist, I will be deterred from joining Unite Against Fascism, because I shall be expected to support policies contrary to my own sense of my “self-worth” and “dignity”.  If I am a devout Christian, I will be deterred from becoming a Moslem, because I shall be required to say that Mohammed is the Prophet of God. If I am a devout Moslem, I will be deterred from becoming a Christian, because I shall be required to believe that Christ was the Son of God. If the principle enunciated by Judge Collins is to be consistently applied, all these groups must be compelled to accept their opponents.

But the principle will not be consistently applied. As in Zimbabwe, the British courts are increasingly creatures of the ruling party. The Judge had no choice but to rule as he did.

Britain is no longer a free country. It is a police state, in which freedom of speech is being narrowed to allow nothing more than polite disagreement with the authorities over things not regarded as central to the 1997 New Labour Revolution—and in which freedom of association means nothing at all.

Within the next few years, it is likely that the BNP will be banned. This may be an honest ban, in the sense that the party is directly outlawed by Act of Parliament. But, more likely, all candidates will be forced to take an oath of loyalty to the established order before they can stand for election. Any candidate who does falsely swear support for the creation and fostering of “diversity, and who is elected, will then face being unseated and prosecuted the moment he opens his mouth.

For the moment, however, the BNP can be flooded by its political opponents. This may be enough to finish the party as a threat. It will not happen in time to prevent the party from fighting its campaign in the general election that must be held within the next few months. But Mr. Griffin was presented the other day with a legal bill variously estimated at between £60,000 and £100,000—is it any coincidence that this money must be handed over just weeks before a general election, and by a party that is already short of money?

Of course, all of this scandalous.

What I also find scandalous is that so few people other than supporters of the BNP are prepared to speak out against it. I am a libertarian, not a white nationalist. I have never voted for the BNP or any similar party. And I seem to be the only person of my kind, and with any degree of prominence in my country, who is willing to complain.

What is being done to the BNP is unfair in itself, and sets a frightening precedent. We have now reached a point in Britain where no one can truly claim to believe in freedom of speech or freedom of association unless he is willing to stand up in public for the right of Nick Griffin and the British National Party to speak their minds and to organize in support of what they believe.

Dr. Sean Gabb [Email him] is a writer, academic, broadcaster and Director of the Libertarian Alliance in England. His monograph Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back is downloadable here. For his account of the Property and Freedom Society’s 2008 conference in Bodrum, Turkey, click here. For his address to the 2009 PFS conference, “What is the Ruling Class?”, click here; for videos of the other presentations, click here.

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The erosion of liberty in small cuts, or how to boil frogs

14 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Michael Winning

I saw this on Devil’s kitchen just now, and really people should read the whole thing. Not us because we know, but pass it round.

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Been to a concert tonight

13 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

in which one of your blogging team played 3rd Cello.

David Davis

If you are not careful, footage may be put up. In the meantime, here’s Mike Oldfield:-

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A good read and too right it is

12 March, 2010 · 3 Comments

Michael Winning

I found this stuff on Legiron. It is worth tryiong to copy it, so here goes, he calls it the “Bogeyman”…

People are angry. Not just on the internet, not just on the blogs and forums, but everywhere.

You meet them on the street where they point their faces in any direction other than the one they are moving in, just so they can bump into someone and vent a little anger on them. In the supermarkets they angle trolleys across the aisles just to get in someone else’s way, so they can huff when asked to move it. They get really huffy if you just shove it aside but hey, they’re looking for someone to be angry at so I’m just being helpful.

At the checkouts, more and more try that psychological trick of taking small steps closer and closer to you to intimidate you into packing faster. You have never seen anyone take such care over arranging items in a bag as I did this evening. They never learn.

If there is more than one bottle of whisky in your trolley, the hiss of indrawn breath follows you around the store until you start wondering if they have a snake aisle. So I didn’t mention to anyone what Eyebrows plans to do to booze prices next week. I’m sure it will make them all very angry indeed. Let them enjoy themselves.

I’m not going to drink it all tonight, in fact I won’t drink any of it tonight because I have a meeting tomorrow. I’ll get there with the help of an angry bus driver and in the company of his angry passengers. I’ll wait for the bus, smoking, just upwind of the 25% enclosed bus stop I’m still not allowed to smoke under and let the smoke drift onto the angry people waiting there. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining. I have a wide-brimmed hat with a brim that matches the length of a roll-up. It’s green and battered and has a tiny enamel Welsh flag on it. Somewhere, there might be a raddled old harridan surfing the net whose fingers are even now leaving an impression in her keyboard. Yes, you old bat, that was me.

I met this one at Tesco. I had the offer of a lift there and back so I thought I’d stock up because I wouldn’t have to carry it home. My shopping was quick, my lift’s shopping was not so I sat on the bench outside that’s some distance from the doors and is beside one of those bins with an ashtray in the top. And, given that description of the location, it’s obvious what I did next. Inevitably, everyone who passed made the fake coughs and waved their hands in front of their faces and I was enjoying the show so much I lit another one.

Then the old bat, with what I presumed was a grandchild in tow, stopped and angrily demanded to know what I thought I was doing.

“Sitting on a bench,” I said. “Thank you for taking an interest.”

“You know I don’t mean that. Would you mind not smoking?” She hadn’t gritted her teeth by this stage so it was game on.

“I don’t mind you not smoking at all. You carry on.”

“You can’t smoke here.” She really wasn’t grasping the situation at all. Outside, not even near the entrance, and sat next to the biggest ashtray in town.

“I can. I’m doing it now. See?”

“There are children present!” She pointed to her pet chimp. “You can’t smoke in front of children. What will it do to their health?”

“I am not smoking in front of children. I am smoking, and you have placed a child in front of me. Quite deliberately, you have forced that child to stand there while I smoke. That is a form of child abuse and I feel I must report it to the proper authorities.”

That’s when she gritted her teeth. If I’d had a stick I’d have made a notch in it. She disappeared into the shop without saying any more. I have no idea whether she went to find a staff member to be angry at but I’m sure her blood pressure must have been brought to dangerous levels as a result of the smoking sinner she had just encountered. Anyway, my ride home arrived before any officials did. Next time, maybe.

Tomorrow’s meeting is at the hospital, full of angry staff and patients and angry drivers circling the grounds with the evident aim of drumming up business for the casualty department. There will, as always, be at least three more cars than there are parking spaces available. They arrange those appointments to make that a continuous feature of the place. It’s a kind of modern art display and it guarantees a high blood pressure reading when those poor buggers finally get into the place and have to wait another two hours because they are running late. They are not running late. They call you in early so they can crank up that blood pressure and sell you pills. Anger is good business for the medical quango. Real illnesses cost them money, but created ones are profitable.

Everyone is angry all the time. Daily Mail readers are angry because Labour have ruined the country and Guardian readers are angry because Labour might not get the chance to finish the job. Photographers are angry at police harassment and police are angry because whenever they catch a real criminal, the courts let them go. The military is angry at the lack of support their government shows them and at the lies told to cover up that lack of support. Radical Islamists are angry because that’s their job. Everyone is angry, all the time.

The thing is, most of the angry public don’t know why.

They think they are angry about John Terry or Tiger Woods playing those one-on-one away games. They think they are angry because something called 6 Music or whatever is to be closed down. They think they are angry at having to wait in a traffic queue or supermarket checkout even though they are in no actual hurry to be anywhere else. They are, in fact, angry because they are frightened.

Frightened that Gary Glitter will steal their child away. They see him everywhere, all the time, in every stranger’s face. They are frightened of escaped lunatic murderers who could be anywhere. They seem to escape to conveniently coincide with awkward moments for the government, don’t they? They weren’t frightened enough when Jon Venables was alleged to have been in a fight, so now he is alleged to be a child porn merchant, an accusation that is levelled at so many these days it’s a wonder we have any children left at all. Everyone who gets arrested for anything has their computer confiscated and there’s always child porn on it. I’m beginning to wonder if Microsoft puts it in with the operating system.

They are frightened in case they do something illegal without knowing it. Very easily done these days. It’s now actually illegal to be a smoking ban denier and soon it will be illegal to be an EU denier and a climate heretic, if it isn’t already.

They are frightened of the police. They don’t tip their hats and say ‘hello’ to the bobby on the beat because the police don’t look like Dixon of Dock Green any more. They look like Robocop. They look intimidating and all too often, they act intimidating too. People are learning to be extra-careful towards the end of the month because arrest targets must be met and wearing a loud shirt in a built-up area could be enough to attract attention.

They are too frightened to protest, they see nowhere to turn for support because the officials they expected to protect them are the ones they are frightened of and that makes them angry. The reason that woman scarpered instead of continuing her harassment of me smoking perfectly legally and in nobody’s way had nothing to do with her realising she was wrong. She still doesn’t realise it now. She left because I mentioned bringing her child (grandchild, shaved chimp, whatever it was) to the attention of the authorities. She was frightened. Far more than any fear of imaginary secondary smoke, she was terrified of letting the social workers know of the existence of her child. Exposing that child to a smoker would cause her a lot more problems than if the child said a bad word.

I very much doubt she complained about me to the store staff because in the back of her mind, she knew what I might say to them. Sure, it was nasty of me, but if people are conditioned to react in Pavlovian ways, is it any surprise that some of us will make use of that conditioning in our own defence? Especially if those people are nasty to us for no sensible reason.

Is there anything they are not frightened of? They are not frightened of the country’s debt because those kinds of numbers just don’t fit into a human head. I can’t imagine that much money and I read about it all the time. Al-Jahom has compiled a handy list of things people don’t seem too concerned about and most of it is because they can’t conceive of anything that bizarre being real. They are indeed frightened of front-line officials of all types but they don’t link those officials with those who control them. That’s why they keep voting the controllers back into power.

They are frightened by the news they read every day because every day, someone’s been stabbed or burned or beaten up and it reads like it’s happened just down the road. Lately, a lot of the horror stories have to be read in full because some way down the page you’ll find it actually happened in Idaho or Alabama or Brazil or in the booze-addled mind of a reporter with a morning deadline. The headline and opening paragraph often doesn’t make it clear that it wasn’t a UK crime at all, and many people will skim those stories. They’ll see the headline, read the first few lines and think ‘Something should be done’. Something has been done. You, Joe Public, have just been conditioned.

If you’re looking for the source of the conditioning, it’s in the news. The BBC is a bit obvious about it, but it’s in all the news, all the time. The four horsemen roadshow is coming to town and you’d better fit in, you’d better conform, you’d better not make a fuss or you’ll be noticed and then they’ll get you. What for? Who knows? Labour have introduced so many new crimes that it would take a whole firm of lawyers twenty years to learn them all. The police don’t know them all. No individual possibly could. So they treat any deviation from drone compliance as suspect because there’s probably a law against it.

I don’t blame the police. They’re all frightened too. Targets must be met every month and the continued application of common sense could put their jobs at risk. They have to have those arrests. Eventually, in that situation, they will all start to think of the public as nothing more than a source of check-marks for their monthly score card. Just as the public are conditioned to be sheep, the police are conditioned to be sheepdogs.

The news teaches us to be scared of the police, the courts, the social workers and children, and it teaches the police and social workers and all the rest of them not to be scared of us. There are consequences if they miss targets but no consequences if they get it wrong and ruin lives in the process. The people are scared of the officials, the officials are scared of their managers, the managers are scared of their area managers, and so on up this one-way line until we get to the top, where the Brown Gorgon is scared of Count Mandelstein, his creator. Is Mandelstein the top of the fear tree? No, it grows ever upwards to the land of the goose that eats golden eggs, the EU. Even Herbie Remploy-van is scared of someone. Mind you, that could well be Mandelstein too. If he was on one side of the road and a gang of fifty hoodies were on the other side, I’d risk passing the hoodies.

Everyone is scared, and everyone is angry about it because being scared when you can’t see who you’re scared of is frustrating. Where is the bogeyman? When you can’t see him, you start to think he’s everywhere.

Everyone suspects everyone else of being the bogeyman. If you happen to be 27 years old in the UK, everyone suspects you of being Jon Venables even though everyone knows he’s currently in jail. If you’re around sixty, everyone suspects you of being Gary Glitter. If you buy a bottle of booze, everyone suspects you of being a wife beater. If you say you’re not married they’ll assume you buy Polynesian wives to beat or nip next door and beat the neighbour’s wife to save him the trouble.

If you have a dog, everyone thinks you train it by giving it child-sized dummies stuffed with mince to savage. If you have a computer, everyone thinks you spend all day looking up porn and playing World of Wasteoftime. Actually, I know a couple of folk who do. Straight porn, nothing nasty, but I have felt obliged to point out that they could buy the entire top shelf at the newsagent’s for far less than a computer and a broadband subscription. If you have more than one cat you are a witch. No question. That’s an old one but it still works.

If you have a car you are polluting the planet even though only six of those container ships produce more pollution than all the cars in the world. If you have a filament light bulb you are killing the polar bears whose numbers are increasing. Good job we’re killing them then, or we’d be overrun and they make huge holes in skirting boards. If you are extravagant enough to heat your home to the degree that there’s no ice on the inside, you are melting the polar ice caps that are increasing. Iceland will thank you for it one day.

If you are a smoker, well, you are the Antichrist personified, here to spread war, pestilence, famine and death among the masses with your Little Sticks of Devil-Leaves. You are the most evil thing ever to have walked on the Green God’s earth and don’t you think it’s about time you started acting like it? Get out there and terrorise someone. They are expecting it of you. Don’t disappoint them.

It’s all fear. Why are we battling the Taliban? They might be loonies but they are someone else’s loonies. The invasion of Afghanistan was to catch the Bearded Binliner but he left there a long time ago. The Taliban were and are no threat to this country and given their minimalist approach to life, never could be. Neither was Madman Hussein, who could not have fired a missile at us with 45 years’ warning, never mind 45 minutes. He’s dead now. We’re still there. As long as we are there, the threat of Islamic reprisals remains. Fear. The Islamic scary boys don’t need to do anything to terrorise us other than pop out from under the bed and go ‘Boo – in the name of Allah’ and we’ll collectively shit ourselves. They know it. They aren’t the real bogeymen. They make use of our conditioning the same way I made use of it with the antismoker harridan earlier, but they didn’t do it. Our government, and not just this one, did it.

Which brings us to – why? Why does our government insist on pursuing policies and releasing news that helps nobody other than underwear manufacturers and high-strength washing powder sellers?

Think back to when you were little, you didn’t want to go to bed and there was school the next day. Remember ‘You’d better be asleep before the bogeyman comes because he takes naughty little children away and boils them up’? You did as you were told because you were scared of an imaginary terror who might crawl out from under your bed.

Second hand, third hand, hundredth hand smoke.
Muslim scary boys.
Passive drinking.
Having your photo taken in the street even though you are continuously on CCTV.
Gary Glitter.
Escaped psychos.
Hoodies with knives and guns.
Jon Venables.
Footballers and golfers shagging someone else’s girlfriend. Yours next?
Rapists and bullies on Facebook.
Fat people eating your taxes.
Thugs let back onto the streets no matter what they do.

It’s Bogeyman control. With a whole army of bogeymen.

When you were a kid, the bogeyman your parents threatened you with wasn’t real.

This time, he is, but he’s not in that list. He’s invisible and you can feel his breath on your neck right now. You can’t see him. He could be anyone. You can’t trust anyone, just in case. You can’t confide your fears in anyone, just in case. So you hold the fear inside and try to live without catching Bogeyman’s eye. It’s frustrating. You want to confide in someone but you dare not because the Bogeyman might be listening – or that person might even be the Bogeyman. How can you tell? Look for traces of underbed lint on his clothes? He might have brushed it off. There’s no way to tell who can be trusted and who can’t.

No wonder everyone is angry.

It’s enough to make an Englishman say ‘tsk’.

Posted by Leg-iron at 23:51

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The 1688 Bill of Rights

12 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

David Davis

Is worth reading in full, as kindly put up this morning by Englishman’s Castle.

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I’m pleased

10 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Michael Winning

that Nick Hogan, the pub owner sent to chokey for letting people smoke, has got free, due to people like you rainsing the monet for his fine (which he couldn’t pay because the bastards bakrupted him.) Guido has a full roundup here.

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Teh funneh

9 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

David Davis

Go here and enjoy.

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Sean on Telly Yesterday

8 March, 2010 · 2 Comments

by Sean Gabb

Dear All,

I made a brief appearance yesterday on BBC1’s “The Big Question”, where I
argued that voting should not be made compulsory. Here is the relevant

On Saturday the 6th March 2010, I recorded a long interview with Al Gore’s
television station all about the decriminalisation of incest. Stand by for
news about where to find this.

Tomorrow morning, I shall be interviewed by BBC Radio Bristol about CCTV
cameras. I will upload the recording of this shortly after.

On the 17th March 2010, I shall be talking to Haberdashers’ Aske’s school
for boys all about libertarianism.

On the 24th April 2010, I shall be speaking at this event:

Saturday 17th April 2010
2.30pm to 4.30pm

Carrs Lane, Birmingham B4 7SX
10 minutes walk from city centre New Street station.
See website for directions

Who Speaks for the People of Britain?

In the Chair
Chairman, Campaign for an Independent Britain


Director The Libertarian Alliance

The Taxpayers Alliance, West Midlands

Vice-Chairman Campaign for an Independent Britain & organiser of General
Election “Candidate 2010″

Published by The Campaign for an Independent Britain For 35 years,CIB has led efforts to safeguard our
nation’s sovereignty. We are a democratic, independent and strictly
remaining a non-party political pressure group, supported by membership
subscriptions and donations from members of the public. Our objective is
Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union whilst maintaining trading
and friendly relations with other countries

. Enquiries 07092 857684

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Vegans now covered by discrimination “laws

8 March, 2010 · 1 Comment

David Davis

Apparently, it is “absolutely central to who they are”.

So, what about libertarians then?

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UK Space Program Launched.

8 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Fred Bloggs.

My contacts at the state of the art launch facility in Skegness sent me some pictures of the highly trained astronauts who will be representing the United Kingdom in space.

The first launch will coincide with the completion of the 2012 olympic stadium in 2014.

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Stop complaining about supermarkets, and start attacking Soviets who stop you helping the “little shops”

8 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

David Davis

Michael mentions “little shops” just below, but aside from the taxation-threats lined up by the GramscoFabiaNazi food-rationists against foods, of whatever kind, this caught my eye. Below is comment (just inside the 1,000 character limit) which I’ve posted on The Daily Wail:-

Modern supermarkets are the greatest boons to Mankind. If you didn’t want them, they’d not exist.

Admit it: you know you must, and you _/know in your heart/_ that these places exist because _/you/_ the customers want them to.

You, I, everyone here all know that we couldn’t function, in the post-modern, socialist hell-hole of frenetic slave-labour just to pay basic bills and taxation, that is “Britain, a Young Country” (remember that Tony Bliar gag?) without these convenient, cheap places.

Yes, “little local shops” are lovely. But Councils, which is to say “Soviets”, have ensured that you can’t either drive to them (pedestrianisation) or park near enough to enough of them to buy enough at one trip to make it worthwhile to try.

RIP UP all pedestrianisation schemes. (Wicked pernicious town-wrecking, on purpose by Stalinists.)
SAW OFF all parking meters and block in the holes.
SACK the “wardens” so they can go and serve you your fresh veggies at “little shops” instead.

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Coming soon, to a “little local shop” near you…

8 March, 2010 · Leave a Comment

Michael Winning

VAT on food? Counting Cats has noticed and all. i don’t seem to see much on it in the press so it’s maybe on the cards.

Hope they’re not ration-cards, neither.

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Ken Clarke is a bloke

7 March, 2010 · 5 Comments

David Davis

The Tories may not be so stupid after all. Samizdata thinks they have really lost their marbles on this one, but I’m not so sure.

The problem with the Tories is that David Cameron, his labour-voting wife, and the advertising-buggers who “advise him”, are all Gramscian crypto-Fabian metrosexual wind-turbinobastobaters and polenta-eating lefties. They even understand Tony Blair, the great and prime anti-liberal Tory of the 20th Century, and probably dine with his friends on their Tuscan kitchen tables.

Ken Clarke could by no means be considered one of these, even if he is an old-leftist-one-nation-Tory-and-Europhiliac. He would not eat polenta, or have a windturbastobator on his roof if you even paid him. And the voters know it in their hearts.

The problem is he is not leader of the Tory party, and this ought to be rectified right away.

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Public Information Broadcast

7 March, 2010 · 2 Comments

Steven Northwood

Frightening, isn’t it? :-)

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Either we’re about to pull out, or else there’s an election coming

6 March, 2010 · 5 Comments

David Davis

So, Gordon Brown has just popped in for a brew with the lads, over on the front, eh? Bet they’re pleased.

The effing bastard will either win the election, or there’ll be a hung-one. You just watch. He’s a wicked socialist scumbag schemer and shyster and snake-oil-salesman, just like his mate Stalin, and you see if I’m right or not. If he gets in again, you just see if he doesn’t end up having people murdered in dank cellars, in the “Ministry” of something or other. Read my friend Richard Blake’s novel “The Terror of Constantinople”, which is prophetic.

Bet each reader of this 1p that Gordon wins, and that the election will have been rigged. You can pay the Libertarian Alliance by paypal when you lose.

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