Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More hate and bigotry from those 'freedom loving' Danes

Remember the cartoon controversy? And the many breathless denunciations of Muslims who took umbrage? The calls for protection of the concept of Freedom of expression(never mind if it was selectively applied).Well these rabid hate filled extremists have revealed their agenda again.There seems to be no limit to their hatred for Islam and Muslims.Check the link below but be warned that it is bound to cause you a great deal of anguish.


The group that is responsible for this piece of garbage is the same one that has called for the banning of Islam.Much like the SANE group in the USA which has embarked on a 'Mapping Sharia Program'.In both cases, these organisations consist of individuals whose visceral animosity towards Islam is well documented.

What should be our response?I strongly believe that a repeat of the violence that followed the publication of the cartoons will only redound to our advantage and play into the hands of our enemies.There will be a small fringe that may resort to intemperate words and action but the vast majority of us must make our disgust and anger known in a dignified and civilised manner.To do otherwise would mean that we are no better than those who revile us.Let us draw inspiration from the Best of all mankind(peace and blessings on him) This campaign of vilification is an old one;what is certain is that those who indulge in it cannot escape chastisement and a grievous punishment at the hands of Allah Subhan Wa Taala.


Blogger ajsuhail said...

A small correction

It should read'redound to our disadvantage'instead of what was originally published.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Bint Jameel said...

You know they are not even worth it. Do people in Denmark (or anywhere for that matter) take them seriously?

And even if they do, their arguments are hardly stupefying are they. They seem to be outcasts anyway.

However, the prophets (sallalahu alahi wassalam) name must be protected. So my humble opinion is not to publicise this, so it dies it's own death. The reason I say this is like you said, similar effigy burning protests are not going to help our cause. Other than that, perhaps the law could do something?


3:11 PM  
Blogger USpace said...

Go Denmark! Fight the Jihad!
Steve Emerson is a hero!
The more people that discuss the truths of Islam and Islamic Jihad, the more the Jihadis
will be put in their place. The rule of law must apply, the US isn't letting Muslim gangs run around raping schoolgirls.

If they ever try that stuff over here, I'm sure the cops will crack down hard.
This is what is happening less and less in Europe. And that is just like spoiling little kids rotten.
If the law continues not to clamp down and enforce law regarding violence it will just get worse and worse.

Wafa Sultan and Robert Spencer are heroes! Islam as practiced by the Islamofascists will never be peace because if
Earth ever became ruled by Sharia Law all the multitudes of Islamic factions that hate each other would keep fighting each other forever.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
all Christians are terrorists

killing more every day
justified by the Bible

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never criticize prophets

there is no hateful scripture
claim it can't be translated

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
start a riot today

if your faith is so weak
a cartoon will threaten it

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't call a spade a spade

Islamist terrorism
not related to Islam

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
let extremists rule

they will drag your country
back to seventh century

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
all citizens beheaded

for most petty offences
let society collapse

absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
take all girls out of school

they can not be allowed
to achieve more than a man

Educate ourselves and others!

The Religion of Peace

Prophet of Doom

The Brussels Journal

Jihad Watch

Gates of Vienna

Hard To Swallow

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
allow religions to kill

believe its followers
when they claim to be peaceful

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
you can ignore Jihadis

the religion of peace
just wants you to submit

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
Western culture must die

when the world is enslaved
then the world will be at peace

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never criticize prophets

there is no hateful scripture
claim it can't be translated

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
DON'T KILL religious Nazis

let them kill each other
after they have killed you

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
behead homosexuals

while screaming GOD IS GREAT
and The Left will defend you

Robert Spencer Gets Peaceful Death Threats

Do American Liberals Want a Taliban Europe?


1:19 PM  

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