The Story of Ghassan and Alexandra - Part 18

The KissAlexandra felt as if her sobs would tear her apart if it weren’t for Ghassan’s strong arms around her. Suddenly nothing else in the world mattered except escaping this repulsive fate that her father had brought down on her. How could her father take her away from the man she really loved and place her, instead, with someone for whom she had no feelings? He had always been very strict with her, but doesn’t a father ultimately want happiness for his child? In one swift blow, her father had negated her judgment. Feelings of betrayal enveloped her. The hurt was only abated by the love she felt for the man who now held her.

Why couldn’t they just leave for Syria? Leave all this behind and go somewhere where her father couldn’t, or wouldn’t, follow her. The hero and the heroine were always escaping under the cover of darkness in the movies; secretly married and riding off into the sunset. If this scenario could be imagined, why couldn’t it really happen? Alexandra didn’t want to have to defend herself against her father anymore. She wanted, rightly or wrongly, to be whisked off by a fearless defender on a pure Arabian across the deserts to the exotic lands that she could only imagine in her dreams.

As she listened to Ghassan’s heart beating, Alexandra settled comfortably against his body. She breathed deeply and the sensual scent of his cologne mixed with the bouquet of his sweater filled her airways. The ambrosia nearly stupefied her and at the same time rose a desire in her that she had never felt before. Away from his chest she moved her face to nuzzle softly in the tender place just below his ear. The skin there was so soft and compelling. Alexandra allowed her lips to caress that place as she drew him in closer with her embrace. She felt his body tense but continued anyway. As a lock of his hair tickled her cheek she took the supple, irresistible part of his ear gingerly between her teeth and massaged it with her tongue. A more delectable morsel she had never tasted.

Suddenly all the anger, fear, frustration, and even hatred, toward her father transformed into an energy of passion. Back in that little pantry, she knew that what she now wanted she couldn’t possibly have and yet she had no control of her pursuit of it. In her ear, Alexandra heard Ghassan’s breathing intensify driving her further into a state of complete longing. She released the tip of his ear lobe and moved along his strong jawline and nudged his lips with hers. At first he was unresponsive, but as she nudged again, he smoothly replied in kind. Alexandra found the effect so utterly intoxicating that she pulled him in even closer and kissed him fully. At that, as if no longer able to restrain himself, Ghassan enveloped her, drawing her in so tightly that she was sure she would never be able to breathe again.

The agility of Ghassan’s lips and the intensity with which he now poured his devotion upon her made Alexandra weak in the knees. She felt as if the rest of the world was literally dissolving around her. All coherent thought had flown from her mind. All she could do, all she wanted to do, was to hold on to that moment’s rapture forever. But it was not to be. From within the café a plate crashed loudly against the floor and sounded as though it had broken into a million pieces. And so shattered that moment between them. Alexandra desperately wanted to reclaim it and bring it to life again but Ghassan held her back by taking her face in his hands.

“No, no more. Not here. Not now, Alexandra.” He said quietly and took a deep breath as if trying to compose himself, as if trying to convince himself of his own words. With a little smile he added, “We’re wanted criminals now. We have to keep moving!”

“You didn’t like…” Alexandra started.

“I liked it all too much, my Beauty. But you do agree that this pantry is a little…confining?” He whispered with a sparkle in his eyes.

Alexandra couldn’t help but smile and to let out a small laugh. “Where will we go? We can’t go back to Frau Hanaur’s. He’ll be there.”

“Let’s go back to my residence. Your father doesn’t know where that is. We can figure out what we’ll do once we get there.”

With that, Ghassan pushed open the back door of the café slightly to make sure the alley was empty. When he had deemed all was safe, he placed his coat around Alexandra’s shoulders, took her hand in his and they left the temporary safety of the pantry for the Stuttgart streets.

The Story of Ghassan and Alexandra - Part 17

Running AwayThe black anger that had seized Ghassan’s mind, made him oblivious to his surroundings. The northerly wind pushed at him and he pushed back angrily. Words of an imagined argument with Alexandra’s father swirled around in his head; thoughts of stealing Alexandra away in the middle of the night, heading East on a midnight express, made his blood course. With each deliberate footstep away from the house his resolve strengthened. He had to do something. If he went home he would go mad with waiting. Waiting for someone else to decide the course of his future was not something he could stand for. Why was he being barred from the discussions when he was central to them?

Ghassan stopped abruptly with the purpose of turning around but just as he did, a young woman ran past him. Ghassan’s mind had been so focused on his own thoughts that he did not pay her much attention except he noticed she wasn’t wearing a coat and only a scarf over her head. Inadvertently he turned to look back at Frau Hanauer’s home and was surprised to see Frau Hanauer still on the stoop. She was waving frantically in his direction. Then he saw a tall figure emerge hurriedly from the house and leap the four steps from the stoop to the front walk. Suddenly, Ghassan’s mind focused on the events that were unfolding. He realized that the woman who had passed him was Alexandra and the man quickly approaching was her father.

Without another thought, Ghassan began to run after Alexandra. She was at least several hundred metres ahead of him. He could hear her father shouting her name behind him and he knew he had to catch up to her before her father did. His long legs took him further and faster than either Alexandra or her father could run. Without looking back, Alexandra turned down a lane way. Ghassan rounded the same corner now less than 50 metres behind her and was catching up quickly. Alexandra seemed to sense someone approaching and sped up. As the two took a sharp curve in the alley, Ghassan could almost reach out to touch the back of her dress. He quickly looked behind him but could see no sign of her father.

“Alexandra! Stop!” He shouted. “It’s me, Ghassan!”

Alexandra turned to look at Ghassan while she continued to run, her face a mix of surprise and fear.
“I can’t stop! If he catches me…” Her voice trailed off as she continued down the alley.

The alley had mostly a mixture of back doors and doors to storage rooms set into the gray stone buildings. Higher up, were several stories of windows. The alley was deserted except for garbage cans, and stacked boxes and a few stray cats. Ghassan’s and Alexandra’s footsteps echoed loudly as they slapped against the old stone walkway. Ghassan was starting to feel tired from the running and was wondering where they could run to to elude Alexandra’s father. As they had almost arrived at the far end of the alley, he suddenly recognized a sign from a café that he frequented on one of the back doors. Without a warning, he grabbed Alexandra’s arm and pulled her toward that door.

Shouts behind them warned them that Professor Cochrane was still in pursuit. Ghassan pulled hard on the door but it did not open. He rattled it a little more and finally it gave way. The two slipped quietly into the tiny pantry for the café and closed the door gently. Ghassan wrapped his arms around Alexandra and pulled her close as they both panted hard after such a run. Again, they heard her father’s shouts now just outside the door and then nothing as he had emerged onto the main street.

Alexandra began to cry as she buried her face in Ghassan’s chest. “He is going to marry me off to David McEwan! Take me away where he can’t find me!” Ghassan looked down to see her small, flushed face looking up at his. “Take me to Syria!” She pleaded.

Ghassan stroked her hair gently and sighed. “If only it were that easy, Habibti. If only.”

Opinions Needed

A ceasefire has been put into effect on both sides of the conflict in Gaza. Not that this is the ideal situation, but at least its a reprieve. I am hesitant in my optimism. But I have to admit, dear readers, I miss writing the Story of Ghassan and Alexandra for you. Please help me decide whether now is a good time to start posting it again…


Thank you.


A Job for Thinking People

Arrival of the Executioner

“In such a world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, it is the job of thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners.” -Albert Camus

Stop and Listen

We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza)
- Posted by Abufares at

Qabbani on Palestine

أنا مع الإرهاب

نزار قباني -

متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إن نحن دافعنا عن بكل جرأة

…عن شعر بلقيس

…وعن شفاة ميسون

…وعن هند … وعن دعد

…وعن لبنى … وعن رباب

عن مطر الكحل الذي

!!ينزل كالوحي من الأهداب

لن تجدوا في حوزتي

…قصيدة سرية

…أو لغة سرية

أو كتبا سرية أسجنها في داخل


وليس عندي أبدا قصيدة واحدة

تسير في الشارع وهي ترتدي



متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

…أذا كتبنا عن بقايا وطن

مخلع … مفكك مهترئ

…أشلاؤه تناثرت أشلاء

…عن وطن يبحث عن عنوانه

!!وأمة ليس لها سماء


عن وطن .. لم يبق من أشعاره

…العظيمة الأولى

!!سوى قصائد الخنساء


عن وطن لم يبق في آفاقه

حرية حمراء .. أو زرقاء … أو



عن وطن … يمنعنا ان نشتري


…أو نسمع الأنباء

عن وطن … كل العصافير به

…ممنوعة دوما من الغناء

…عن وطن

كتابه تعودوا أن يكتبوا

…من شدة الرعب

!!على الهواء


عن وطن يشبه حال الشعر في


…فهو كلام سائب



…وأعجمي الوجه واللسان

…فما له بداية

…ولا له نهاية

ولا له علاقة بالناس … أو


!!أو بمأزق الإنسان


…عن وطن

يمشي إلى مفاوضات السلم

…دونما كرامة

!!ودونما حذاء


عن وطن رجاله بالوا على

…أنفسهم خوفا

!!ولم يبق سوى النساء


…الملح … في عيوننا

…والملح في شفاهنا

والملح … في كلامنا

فهل يكون القحط في نفوسنا

إرثا أتانا من بني قحطان ؟؟

…لم يبق في أمتنا معاوية

…ولا أبو سفيان

…(لم يبق من يقول (لا

في وجه من تنازلوا

…عن بيتنا .. وخبزنا .. وزيتنا

…وحولوا تاريخنا الزاهي

!!إلى دكان


…لم يبق في حياتنا قصيدة

…ما فقدت عفافها

في مضجع السلطان…


…لقد تعودنا على هواننا

…ماذا من الإنسان يبقى

حين يعتاد الهوان؟؟


…عن أسامة بن منقذ

…وعقبة بن نافع

…عن عمر … عن حمزة

…عن خالد يزحف نحو الشام

…ابحث عن معتصم بالله

حتى ينقذ النساء من وحشية


!!ومن ألسنة النيران

ابحث عن رجال آخر


فلا أرى في الليل إلا قططا


…تخشى علي أرواحها

!!من سلطة الفئران


هل العمي القومي …قد أصابنا

وهو أبكم ؟

أم نحن نشكو من عمى الألوان


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

…أذا رفضنا موتنا

…بجرافات إسرائيل

…تنكش في ترابنا

…تنكش في تاريخنا

…تنكش في إنجيلنا

…تنكش في قرآننا

…تنكش في تراب أنبيائنا

إن كان هذا ذنبنا

…ما أجمل الإرهاب


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

…إذا رفضنا محونا

على يد المغول … واليهود

… والبرابرة …

…إذا رمينا حجرا

على زجاج مجلس الأمن الذي

!!استولى عليه القياصرة


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إذارفضنا أن نفاوض الذئب

!!وأن نمد كفنا لعاهرة



…ضد ثقافات البشر

…وهي بلا ثقافة

ضد حضارات الحضر

وهي بلا حضارة


بناية عملاقة

!!ليس لها حيطان


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إذا رفضنا زمنا

صارت به أمريكا

المغرورة … الغنية … القوية

…مترجما محلفا

!!للغة العبرية


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

…إذا رمينا وردة



…أو لغزة


…إذا حملنا الخبز والماء

…إلى طروادة المحاصرة


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إذا رفعنا صوتنا

…ضد كل الشعوبيين من قادتنا

…وكل من قد غيروا سروجهم

…وانتقلوا من وحدويين

إلى سماسرة !!


…إذا اقترفنا مهنة الثقافة

إذا تمردنا على أوامر


…العظيم .. والخلافة

إذا قرأنا كتبا في الفقه

… والسياسة …

…إذا ذكرنا ربنا تعالى

…(إذا تلونا (سورة الفتح

وأصغينا إلى خطبة يوم الجمعة

…فنحن ضالعون في الإرهاب

…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إن نحن دافعنا عن الأرض

وعن كرامة التراب

إذا تمردنا على اغتصاب الشعب


إذاحمينا آخر النخيل في


…وآخر النجوم في سمائنا

…وآخرالحروف في أسمائنا

وآخر الحليب في أثداء أمهاتنا

…إن كان هذا ذنبنا

!!ما أروع الإرهاب


…أنا مع الإرهاب

إن كان يستطيع أن ينقذني

…من المهاجرين من روسيا

…ورومانيا، وهنقاريا، وبولونيا

وحطوا في فلسطين على أكتافنا

…ليسرقوا … مآذن القدس

…وباب المسجد الأقصى

…ويسرقوا النقوش



…أنا مع الإرهاب

إن كان يستطيع أن يحرر


…ومريم العذراء

…والمدينة المقدسة

!!من سفراء الموت والخراب



كان الشارع القومي في بلادنا

…يصهل كالحصان

وكانت الساحات أنهارا

…تفيض عنفوان

…وبعد أوسلو

…لم يعد في فمنا أسنان

فهل تحولنا إلى شعب

من العميان .. والخرسان ؟؟


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

إن نحن دافعنا بكل قوة

عن إرثنا الشعري

…عن حائطنا القومي

…عن حضارة الوردة

عن ثقافة النايات .. في جبالنا

وعن مرايا الأعين السوداء


…متهمون نحن بالإرهاب

…إن نحن دافعنا بما نكتبه

…عن زرقة البحر

وعن رائحة الحبر

…وعن حرية الحرف

!!وعن قدسية الكتاب


…أنا مع الإرهاب

إن كان يستطيع أن يحرر الشعب

…من الطغاة .. والطغيان

وينقذ الإنسان من وحشية الإنسان

ويرجع الليمون والزيتون


…للجنوب من لبنان

…ويرجع البسمة للجولان


…أنا مع الإرهاب

إن كان يستطيع أن ينقذني

…من قيصر اليهود

!!أو من قيصر الرومان


…أنا مع الإرهاب

…ما دام هذا العالم الجديد


ما بين امريكا .. وإسرائيل



…أنا مع الإرهاب

بكل ما أملك من شعر

…ومن نثر

…وممن أنياب

…ما دام هذا العالم الجديد

(بين يدي قصاب !!(جزار


أنا مع الإرهاب

ما دام هذا العالم الجديد

قد صنفنا

!!من فئة الذباب


…أنا مع الإرهاب

إن كان مجلس الشيوخ في


هو الذي في يده الحساب

…وهو الذي يقرر الثواب



…أنا مع الإرهاب

…ما دام هذا العالم الجديد

يكره في أعماقه

!!رائحة الأعراب


…انا مع الإرهاب

…ما دام هذا العالم الجديد

…يريد أن يذبح أطفالي

!!ويرميهم إلى الكلاب


!!من أجل هذا كله

:أرفع صوتي عاليا

!!أنا مع الإرهاب

!!أنا مع الإرهاب

…!!أنا مع الإرهاب

English translation “I’m with Terrorism” by Nizar Qabbani


PeaceDear Readers,

I won’t be updating my story until the death and destruction stops in Gaza. I would feel callous writing a romance when such horrible events are happening near by.

I hope you will stay with me until I return. Inshallah peace will happen soon.



The Story of Ghassan and Alexandra - Part 16

The ProfessorProfessor John Cochrane was a formidable figure, tall, steely-eyed, and rarely smiling. Even when he did smile, it held the shape of irony – nearly a smirk. At the University he was an esteemed professor. He was very knowledgeable in his field and a fair grader. One look at him and the student knew  to take his course seriously or to leave. He was well respected by his colleagues, outspoken in debate and a well-spring of facts and information. At home he was very much the patriarch - strict and overbearing. He was a good provider - neither his wife nor his daughter wanted for anything, except perhaps for some affection.

The Professor had made decisions about the path in life that his only child should take. He had decided her course of study, where she would work once graduating, and had even narrowed down candidates who might be good husbands. Alexandra had always been an uncomplicated child, willing to please her father and always obedient. But as they sat across from one another in Frau Hanauer’s sitting room, he saw a change in his daughter. One he didn’t like. She had a look of hostility, if not outright rebelliousness in her eyes. He knew that he would have to deal with her toughly and swiftly.

“When we return to Scotland tomorrow, our family shall have dinner with the MacEwans. Do you remember David?” He asked brusquely.

Alexandra sat uncomfortably across from her father. Her hands were set tensely on her knees and her posture perfectly straight. For the most part, she avoided looking directly at him for fear she might impart some information to him that she hadn’t wanted to. Unfortunately, this act in itself, had already signaled to him that there might be a problem. She could see him looking at her keenly and waiting for a satisfactory response.

“Yes. I remember David.” she said quietly.

“And what do you think of David?” Every question was exploratory and never simple.

What do I think of David? Alexandra had never thought about David MacEwan except that she was repulsed by his freckles. He was quiet and studious but hardly appealing – at least to her. She wondered bitterly, where her father was going with this line of questioning.

“David is very hard working.” She responded flatly.

“Indeed. He will be a good provider to a lucky woman.” Professor Cochrane had not moved his sight from his daughter’s face.

“Probably.” Alexandra felt nauseous. She held her breath and quickly added, “But I won’t be able to join you for dinner.”

“What do you mean?” her father said slowly through gritted teeth.

“I’m staying here for Christmas, with Frau Hanauer.” Alexandra’s heart was beating so hard she could hear it pounding in her head.

“You most certainly will not.” Her father’s voice was flat and terse. Alexandra could tell that he was extremely vexed.

“I’ve already made the arrangements with Frau Hanauer.” Alexandra looked at her father with determination in her eyes. Something he had never seen before.

“Do you remember who is footing the bill here? Or have you forgotten that along with your family?” Her father launched at her.

Alexandra wanted to hit him. To smite him as harshly as he had always tromped on her feelings. But she had always sensed it wouldn’t make an impression on him. He seemed to have no feelings to hurt. She decided to play a card from her father’s deck. As cooly as she could she responded. “I haven’t forgotten who is footing the bill or who my family is, but perhaps you have forgotten why I am here and who wanted me here in the first place.”

“Very clever, Alexandra. But not clever enough. While I am paying the bills, you will do as I bid. Once you are married, and someone else is footing the bill, you will no longer be accountable to me.” He sneered.

“Then I shall marry.” Tears of frustration were welling in Alexandra’s eyes.

“Yes, you shall. David MacEwan has asked me for your hand and I have agreed.”

“You did what!” Alexandra was standing now and shouting. “I will not marry David MacEwan.”

“Alexandra, you are making a scene.” Her father looked at her with victory in his eyes. “Go up and pack your bags.”

Without another word, Alexandra stormed from the sitting room, past the stairs, and out the front door. Professor Cochrane started as the large wooden door banged shut. “Alexandra!”


Outside on the front step, Frau Hanauer was watching Ghassan make his way up the street and was startled by Alexandra’s sudden slamming of the door. As the girl flew by her and down the steps, Frau Hanauer made no attempt to stop her.

Wishes of the Season

Merry Christmas to all my readers who are celebrating. Joy to you and your families.


The Story of Ghassan and Alexandra - Part 15

AngerChristmas break was arriving much faster than Ghassan had expected. An enjoyable fall with Alexandra had made the time whisk by. As the snow gently fell, once again, on the Stuttgart streets, he regretted only one thing – that he hadn’t been able to take her somewhere special, just the two of them. He understood Frau Hanauer’s desire to put limits on their freedom, but he had hoped she might grant them a little more, even if it were just a walk in the snow. He had wished to be able to hold Alexandra in his arms, to touch her face, and perhaps even to sneak a kiss – all things impossible in a proper sitting room. For weeks these thoughts had been building in his mind. Today, being Sunday, he had decided that he would finally talk to Frau Hanauer about the possibility.

On this afternoon the skies were overcast, but the freshly fallen snow which blanketed the ground and the roof tops gave the neighborhood a magical glow. The nip of frost in the air was invigorating as opposed to oppressive and Ghassan breathed deeply as he trudged through the streets to Alexandra’s. Many of the homes along the way had beautiful fir wreaths with festive ribbons adorning their doors. Ghassan laughed to himself as he stopped to watch a cat, huddled on a windowsill, yowl unpleasantly at its owner through the glass. Only a cat, he thought, could be so unpleasant and still so adored. Further along, as he approached Frau Hanauer’s, Ghassan felt a spring in his step – a lightness that came only with the thought of Alexandra.

Frau Hanauer’s home was always neatly kept. Today, the walk was shoveled, fresh sprigs of evergreen followed the wrought-iron banister to the bottom of the steps, and a tidy welcome mat invited one to wipe one’s boots before stepping upon the threshold. Everything appeared as it always did and Ghassan had no reason to expect anything out of the ordinary behind the large, wooden, front door. But when Frau Hanauer opened the door, her face was sternly set. In a loud voice she shouted in German something about not wanting any, and forced Ghassan back out onto the landing as she closed the door behind her.

“Ghassan, dear.” began Frau Hanauer in a hushed tone, “You can’t meet with Alexandra today.”

“But why, Frau?” Ghassan staggered with confusion. “What’s happened?”

“Her father is here.” Frau Hanauer looked directly into Ghassan’s eyes to ensure that he understood her message. “You’d better go home.”

Ghassan looked back at Frau Hanauer wide eyed with surprise. “Her father.” He repeated. As he did so, a twinge of fear nestled itself into his heart. “But why?”

“He has come to take her home for the holidays.” Frau Hanauer stated simply. “But I suspect there’s more to his arrival than he has stated. I think he wants to survey my home to make sure all is as it should be, according to his instructions.”

Ghassan stood completely still, his eyes on Frau Hanauer and his mind spinning. The fear that had tried to implant itself was now being washed away by fiery Arab blood. The darkness of anger and frustration began to pool in his already dark eyes. Stiffly, he stood tall while he placed his hands behind his back and clenched his fists.

“I need to speak to him.” he said coldly.

“Ghassan, please.” Frau Hanauer implored. “He is not a man who is easily reasoned with. Go home and let me deal with him.”

“No. I will not. With all due respect, Frau, this matter must be settled by me and Alexandra.”

He does not know.” Frau Hanauer said sternly. “He thinks everything is as he had ordered. What do you think will happen if you go in there right now? How do you think that would affect Alexandra? He could take her home and never let her return.”

“This charade must end. I must face him.”

“Not today, Ghassan.” Something in Frau Hanauer’s voice alerted Ghassan. Her face was stony and her eyes fierce. “Go home.”

Ghassan’s instinct was to push past her and to enter the house. But as he felt his blood boiling, he felt a deeper gratitude to, and respect for, this staunch woman standing before him. He turned briskly and descended the stairs and then turned again to look at Frau Hanauer.

“My heart is in your hands, Frau.” he said with a slight edge to his voice – partially a plea and partially a warning. As he walked quickly away, he heard the large wooden door close again as Frau Hanauer went back inside.

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