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Page last updated at 23:44 GMT, Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington Netanyahu warns of peace talks delay
Israel's PM says Middle East peace talks could be further delayed by Palestinian demands to freeze settlement building.

A soldier stands on a vehicle behind a burning pile of over two tonnes of seized marijuana and cocaine in Ciudad Juarez on 18 March US to expand Mexico drugs effort
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledges a broader effort to help Mexico fight the deadly trade by drugs gangs.

Daimler logo and boss Dieter Zetsche Daimler charged in bribery probe
The US accuses German car giant Daimler of bribing 22 governments in order to win contracts worth tens of millions of dollars.


Obama signs health bill into law
US President Barack Obama signs his landmark healthcare bill in a ceremony at the White House, saying it is "desperately needed".

UK punishes Israel in Dubai killing row
Britain expels an Israeli diplomat over the "intolerable" use of forged UK passports in the killing of a Hamas leader in Dubai.

Pay cuts for US bailed-out bosses
White House pay tsar tells bosses at five bailed-out firms to take a 15% drop in pay after calling AIG's recent bonuses 'outrageous'.

France backs down on carbon tax
The French government signals that it is dropping a plan for a tax on domestic carbon dioxide emissions.

BA cancels flights after strike
British Airways is still being forced to cancel flights as it tries to resume normal services after a three-day strike by cabin crew.

Nigeria leader 'chooses cabinet'
Nigerian acting President Goodluck Jonathan picks new ministers, sources say, a week after he sacked his cabinet.


Ghanaian immigrant to Italy names his son Silvio Berlusconi
A Ghanaian immigrant to Italy names his son Silvio Berlusconi, despite the prime minister's tough policy on immigration.

German pensioners jailed for kidnapping financial adviser
Four German pensioners are found guilty of kidnapping the financial adviser they blamed for US investments that went awry.


Hammers sunk by Wolves
Wolves ease their relegation fears with a crushing 3-1 victory over fellow strugglers West Ham.

Bresnan keen to force England win
Tim Bresnan says England have hard work ahead but are confident of sealing a 2-0 series whitewash over Bangladesh on Wednesday.


Is Google right to end China censorship?
Chinese readers react to Google's decision to end self-censorship


Thrown out
Expulsion from UK sends strong signal to Israel

German pensioners who took financial adviser captive

Gay at the prom?
US schools struggle with lesbian and gay 'culture war'


Recount trouble?
Fears of violence as Iraq candidates contest vote result

Shades of pale
India's obsession with skin whitening creams

'Get out!'
Chinese netizens react strongly to Google move


City traders arrested in FSA raid
Three firms named in FSA insider dealing probe - Deutsche Bank, Moore Capital and BNP Paribas - as six people are arrested.

BA boosts flights for next strike
British Airways says it will run more flights through the next planned strike as more crew will report for work.

China slams Google censor move
China attacks Google's decision to stop censoring search results as its long-running row with the US internet giant escalates.


Nintendo unveils 3D-enabled DS
The console maker is to offer gamers the chance to play 3D games without having to wear special glasses.

Firefox releases security patch
Web browser maker Mozilla has brought forward the launch of version 3.6.2 of Firefox after security issues discovered.

Historians gain own search engine
Searching for sources on British history should get easier as a "sophisticated Google" for historical databases is launched.


Jackson account is 'inconsistent'
A lawyer acting for Dr Conrad Murray, who is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, criticises a leaked witness statement.

Actor Lee told to pay £640,000
Actor Sir Christopher Lee has been ordered by a court in Spain to pay £640,000 to an illustrator for work he did for a DVD cover.


'Muscular' UK Space Agency set up
Britain establishes its new executive space agency, to put space policy in the hands of one co-ordinating authority.

Dinosaur rise linked to volcanism
Massive volcanic activity may have helped dinosaurs rise to prominence more than 200 million years ago, a study argues.


'Good fat' cuts heart risk by 20%
Replacing saturated fats with healthier options can cut the risk of heart disease by a fifth, a US study says.


Libya releases Islamist prisoners
Libya frees 214 Islamist inmates as part of its programme of rehabilitation, Muammar Gaddafi's son announces.

Zimbabwe FM 'unhurt' in car crash
Zimbabwe's Finance Minister Tendai Biti is reportedly unhurt after his car collided with a lorry travelling at high speed.


Bush and Clinton urge Haiti aid
Former US Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton visit earthquake-stricken Haiti to help raise funds for reconstruction.

Democrats hail US healthcare bill
Democrats hail the approval of legislation extending healthcare to 32 million more Americans as a historic advance in social justice.


Suu Kyi 'opposes election role'
Burma's detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi opposes her party registering for elections, her lawyer says.

First refugee-citizen for S Korea
South Korea gives an Ethiopian refugee citizenship - the first such move in its history, says the UN's refugee agency.


Ex-SS man given life for murders
A German court sentences an 88-year-old former member of the Nazi SS to life in jail for the 1944 murder of three Dutch civilians.

Boeing criticises Airbus aid plan
Aerospace giant Boeing criticises German plans to give a 1.1bn euro loan to help Airbus develop its A350 passenger plane.


Yemen rally for child bride law
Women rally outside Yemen's parliament building in support of a law banning child brides, after clerics condemned it.

Row grows over West Bank deaths
An Israeli rights group questions the military's claim that two Palestinians were killed by rubber-coated bullets, not live fire.


Afghan Taliban name new deputy leaders
The Taliban say Mullah Omar has named two new deputies following the arrest of his military chief in Pakistan.

Many killed in Afghan avalanche
At least 35 people were killed in an avalanche in a remote area of northern Afghanistan two weeks ago, officials say.


'No release' for Yorkshire Ripper
Jack Straw says he can see "no circumstances" in which the Yorkshire Ripper would ever be released from jail.

Mephedrone 'likely to face ban'
The government's chief drugs adviser indicates the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs may suggest a mephedrone ban.

Army use of cluster bombs banned
British armed forces are banned from using cluster munitions under a new law

Dead soldier in Afghanistan named
A soldier from 3rd Battalion The Rifles, who was killed by an explosion in Afghanistan on Monday, has been named by the MoD.

Labour MP Moffat 'angry' at party
Labour's East Lothian MP Anne Moffat reacts angrily to her party's decision to deselect her.

MP hopefuls urged to declare jobs
People standing as MPs at the general election are being urged to declare details of other jobs and income and their tax status.


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