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Thursday, September 20, 2007
The long-widening U.S. current-account deficit appears to have begun reversing course, as growth slows. A gradual shift could correct imbalances in the global economy, but a rapid one could be painful to U.S. consumers.

A shopping-center developer believes he can restore a once-booming movie studio and tourist attraction called Marineland to its former glory. But ecologists and some locals think they see a shark in the water.

The Fed's rate-cut medicine revived corporate debt markets, and the Bush administration sought to give the nation's weakened housing market a boost by backing modest expansions of Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's powers.

As the Episcopal Church undergoes a wrenching schism, many U.S. members are turning to developing countries in Africa and elsewhere for spiritual direction and authority. Some priests call the phenomenon "theological offshoring."
Researchers and executive coaches are tapping the field of neuroscience as part of an effort to determine the qualities that help people to become business leaders.

Videogame review Web sites such as Metacritic hold a lot of sway due to their ability to influence the sales of games, the stocks of videogame publishers and even the way game developers are compensated.

Phone companies are trying to stop consumers from ditching landlines altogether by reinventing home phones to give them some of the features that are popular on mobile devices.

The iPod Touch is an elegant and capable music player, but this cousin of the iPhone is short on battery life and lacks some important software features, writes Walt Mossberg. (Video)
The race is on to find the next bubble following the fallout from the downturn of the housing-loan market that prompted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.

The weakening dollar is putting upward pressure on oil prices, which closed at another record of $81.93 a barrel. In addition to influences such as voracious demand by China and India, the Fed's rate cuts may push the dollar lower and lift oil further.

Borse Dubai emerged as the leading contender to win Nasdaq's stake of about 30% in the London Stock Exchange.

The Dow industrials rose 76.17 points to 13815.56 as bonds fell. Stock markets around the world soared, with Europe's gains the strongest in four years.

Goldman may shine for now, but higher inflation could cause it to lose its luster next year.
A number of colleges and universities are offering privacy waivers for students to sign, in an effort to simplify decisions about when to release information, protect the colleges legally, and help parents get some information about their kids.

Amid mounting theft and other merchandise loss in recent years, retailers face a daily battle against scam artists. But let the customer beware: With security on high alert, even law-abiding shoppers can fall under suspicion.

Musicians have been rewarding fan-club members with access to presale passwords to purchase tickets before they are released to the public. Now these codes are being sold on specialized Web sites, angering fan-club managers.

College professors are being asked to give hypothetical final talks, a chance to impart wisdom as if it was their last chance. For a Carnegie Mellon professor with cancer, the "last lecture" was more than just an academic exercise.

Reset your phone to erase data from a cellphone before giving it to another user. A reset can erase the memory and restore the phone to its original factory condition. User manuals typically include directions for the process.

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