Politics with Marc Ambinder

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Feb 8 2010, 1:56 pm

Tea Partier For Congress

A Tea Party favorite is mounting a challenge to Rep. Travis Childers (D-MS), Hotline OnCall's Reid Wilson reports: Fox News analyst Angela McGlowan, who addressed the Tea Party Nation convention in Nashville over the weekend, will run for Childers's seat, entering a prime race for Republicans in 2010--the Cook Political Report rates Mississippi's third district as a toss up, and the district's partisan voter index sits at R+14--and she'll square off in the primary against a Republican that has gotten some attention from the NRCC; state Sen. Alan Nunnelee is a member of the Young Guns program, having hit fundraising goals that put him at the "Contender" level.


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Armchair Firebrand

Palin’s political perspective or, to employ her preferred, populist parlance, “that fear-y, status quo thingy,” seems to be working out just fine, at least for her. This self-centered strategy has proven extremely effective in the short-term, upping Ms. Palin’s media profile while lining her pockets at the same time.

However, appealing to people’s irrational fear of change generally brings out the worst in them (a fact demonstrated by the many misguided and offensive slogans spouted at tea party events last summer).

And assuring voters that we can continue consuming resources at or above our current rate is as reckless as it is dishonest. To use a tired metaphor, at a time when Americans must get leaner, Palin is scoring political points by telling us we can eat ice cream every night for dinner and never gain weight or run out of milk.

Read more @ http://armchairfirebrand.wordpress.com/

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