Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My raid just wiped on teh Stupid Boss.
I'm declining the soulstone for a while.
Good journey.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Zombie Culture

The Postmodern Conservative is still nattering on about teh "Culture Wars".
Sorry, Poulos, but there is no culture war in America.
There is only an evolution of culture event, like an ice age or the extinction event at the K-T Boundary.
From a First Things commenter on Poulos' post....
I’m with Nietzsche. He was just observing what had become inarguable. Not that God was dead, but that He wasn’t to be found in cultural/civilizational forms out there. Sure the forms exist, but with a few exceptions these forms have as much relevancy to the spirit that once animated them as the New York St. Patrick’s Day parade has to the spirit St. Patrick. They are dead forms animated by the undead energies of nostalgia, jingoism, and other vulgar passions. Conservatives simply don’t want to face up to this truth, and keep fighting this battle for a zombie culture, and in doing so are looking for love in all the wrong places–out there in the mainstream culture. They are fighting for the preservation of cultural forms that were shaped by spiritual cultural energies that simply no longer exist.
A zombie culture defined by slavish adherence to irrelevent undead forms.
21st century American culture is multi-gendered, multi-religioned, multi-colored, multi-ethnic and multi-aged.
WEC zombie culture is old, white and christian.
All the bearers of cultural authority; music, film, science, academe, the MSM,
literature.....indeed, all the arts....have become colonized by liberal memetics.

Let me repeat….there is no culture war…..there is only an evolution of culture event
Conservative efforts to “take back teh culture” are as useful as battling glacial flow with pitchforks and torches.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Party of White Evangelical Christians

Sorry, been busy.
I have one question for Sunday morning......what is the current percentage of the GOP that is White Evangelical Christian (WEC)?
In 2000 it was 33%(Pew), 2006 it was 47% (GSS), in 2008 it was 50% in the CNN exit polling.
WECs make up 20% of the electorate, and the GOP is at 22-24%.....are ALL the WECs in the GOP?
It is my hypothesis that the decrease in republican party affiliation is caused by non-WECs leaving the party to become independents, resulting in the party becoming increasingly homogenously WEC.
Could percent WEC be as high as 70-75%?
I was going to cowboy up 20 bucks and buy a month of access to Rasmussen crosstabs to find out, but my mac started yelling bluemurder that the Rasmussen site didn't have a valid security certificate, and I would surely be infected with cyber-stds if I went there.

What kind of data provider interweb poll site doesnt have a valid security certificate?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Conservative Ragnarok

Can it be?

Ace attacks Charles.

Charles attacks Allahpundit.
The Doom of the Conservative Pundits.
How long before Malkin enters the fray?

Conservatives will fight
and kill each other,
Reagan’s children
will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the blogworld,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the blogworld goes headlong.
No pundit will have
mercy on another.

Brooks Goes Third Culture

Gradually Third Culture scientists are taking over the debate.
The work demonstrates that we are awash in social signals, and any social science that treats individuals as discrete decision-making creatures is nonsense. But it also suggests that even though most of our reactions are fast and automatic, we still have free will and control.
Unless the conservative movement can reconcile their increasingly WEC base with Science, I think they are doomed to the dustbin of history.
SBH (social brain hypothesis) FTW!!

Throw Down

I was against raggin' on Obama to repeal DADT (he can do that).
But I have changed my mind.
Let's roll.

update: a bill will be introduced in two weeks to strike down DADT.
Obama knows best I guess.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why So Serious?

I am purely mazed by the hoo-rah about Obama receiving the Nobel. The Insanity Saturation Level of Known Blogspace is pegging over 50%. Sully and the Wapo want Neda Agha Sultan and/or Mousavi/Karroubi to have the award, ignoring the fact that those old swedes would have had to have a time machine to nominate any of them. Miss Agha Sultan was a university student and Mousavi and Karroubi were vetted candidates on the Iranian election ticket in February when the nomination deadline occurred.
Douthat warns darkly that Obama's historical legacy will be compromised forevah!
We Are All Chunky Reese Witherspoon Now.

My reaction to all this is why-so-serious. For the youth-culture-challenged this means, why are
you stroking out over a non-issue?
2. why so serious 66 up, 22 down
The phrase the villain “The Joker” played by Heath Ledger uses in the new Batman movie, “The Dark Knight” when he asks his victims why they are always so serious and not smiling.
The Joker holds a knife up to Rachel Dawes mouth and tells her the story of how he got his scars. He says that one night when his parents were fighting as a young child and he was watching from the corner, his dad asked him “Why so serious?” and used a knife to cut into his cheeks so it looked like he was always smiling.
I think everyone agrees that the old swede posse can give it to anyone they want. It is a subjective decision they are empowered to make according to the terms of Alfred Nobel's will.
during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
Why is it a bad thing for Obama n/e ways to get the Nobel? We already had preemptive war....how about a preemptive strike for peace?
It isn't a WTF moment.
It is a FTW moment.....for all of us.

Except for Glenn Beck I guess. ;)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Conversations At A Wake

Reihan Salam and Sam Tannehaus have a mildly interesting exchange on The Death of Conservatism.
However, they seem completely oblivious to the demographic landscape shifting under their intellectual feet.
This prophecy came true, and I don't see any change reversing current demographic trends in the future.
Technically speaking, even a large Obama victory would not be a realignment. Realignments are moments when there are broad shifts in the electorate, and in 2008 there will be no significant shifts in the partisan voter preference of any demographic group. Important swing groups such as white Catholics, suburban women, Latinos, seculars, Independents and working-class whites are not likely to demonstrate any large, sudden or long-term shifts in allegiance from one party to the other. Instead, an Obama victory would simultaneously be comeuppance to a forty-year-old conservative strategy of scapegoating minorities and the realization of long-term demographic trends that finally allow those minorities collectively to achieve majority status.
Since 1968 American presidential elections have been defined as a competition over fundamentally conservative identity groups. Even though they are not precisely congruous, a direct lineage exists from the Nixon-forged Southern Strategy of the 1960s and '70s, to the Reagan Democrats of the '80s, to Mark Penn's Bubbas of the '90s and on to the Values Voters of this decade. These swing voting groups are overwhelmingly white, not very urban, heavily blue-collar, generally Southern and always socially conservative. Even though the labels have changed, these four criteria have been the genetic code of swing voters for nearly forty years. In every case, the decisive swing voting group has been hostile to impending social change brought on by various civil rights movements and resentful of the cultural predilections of an urban, bicoastal "liberal elite." The quest to capture these voters has created an entire generation of pundits, strategists and party leaders who will do everything possible to appear not-liberal, not-elite and in touch with the values of small-town America, whatever those values happen to be at any given moment. A Southern accent helps, too. A Democratic politician's willingness to distance himself or herself (but usually himself) from--and to use "Sister Souljah" moments frequently to denounce--the left wing of the Democratic Party helps even more.
Andrew praises the call for truth telling, but I don't see any truth here.
the "small but intense and vocal minority," many of them "white evangelical Christians," who today populate the eroding island of movement conservatism.
Huh? White evangelical christians are all that is left in entire GOP base. In the 2008 exit polls evangelical christians pegged at 50% of the GOP, but my hypothesis is that is much higher now. Evangelicals comprise about 20% of the national electorate, and Mormons about 2%. Catholics represent 27% of the electorate and voted for Obama at 67%.
31% of the electorate is not going to win any elections.

Lol....it is to laff.
The conservative intellectual that informs Mormon convert Glenn Beck's 912 Project is Cleon Skousen.
Is it possible that the GOP has become a purely religious party in the 21st century?
Apparently so....and sadly..... the single most influential conservative intellectual is a mormon crank too crazy for even the LDS elders.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Tone Deaf

English alternative rockers Muse told puffy buffoon Glenn Beck they don't want any endorsements from him, and he'd better not try to play their music in association with his 912 Project.
Remind you of anything?
How 'bout that dimbo with the big hair and mall bangs that ran for veep in 2008 and couldn't even play the tunes of the 80's hair band she named her son(Track Van Palin) after? Rejected! Along with Foo Fighters, Heart, Jackson Brown, Survivor and Jon Bon Jovi.
Ouch, bet that left a mark.

Hehe, conservatives can't dance and got no rythm.
The body of youth culture rejects conservatism like a disease.

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