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Microsoft Silverlight is a free framework empowering you to build new types of applications for the Web regardless of target platform or browser, using all the familiar features, languages and tools of the .NET framework. Learn why Silverlight is right for your business.

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Light up the Web.A showcase of next generation experiences using Silverlight.

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Check out the pictures from the 2009 CMA Music Festival. It uses Silverlight to browse the pictures resulting in a highly interactive experience.

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MyRealRate allows you to compare your real rate with other merchants and discover your true cost for accepting credit cards.

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EndToEnd Trust

Imagine a safer, more trusted Internet. An experience in which devices and software help people take control and make more effective choices about whom and what to trust online. Join us as we share ideas and work together to enable End to End Trust.

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About Bing

A new breed of search engine has arrived, a search engine that does more than point you to a set of links. We’ve built a “decision engine” and it’s called Bing. Internet search has become the No. 1 avenue for finding information and getting things done.

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Silverlight PhotoBrowser

An attractive PhotoBrowser services with uploading support with full functionality on client side and server side skeleton.

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Creative Technology Works Website

Creative Technology Works corporate website that utilizes Silverlight 2 and WPF technologies.

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5 New Showcase Submissions!!!

5 cool new Showcase submissions have been added to the Silverlight Showcase.  Check out the pictures from the 2009 CMA Music Festival, simulate a Windows desktop application, make appointments with Tool To Meet, view online digital signage with Canvastix, and shop for shoes with Divino Shoes.  Check these out and more in the Silverlight Showcase. Submit your application to the Showcase today!

5 Cool New Samples Added to the Silverlight Gallery!

5 new samples have been added to the Silverlight Community Gallery.  Check out a Silverlight video player called ICE v1.0, demo Telerik's Sales Dashboard for Silverlight and WPF, try out a cool Bug Tracker application, and integrate a Silverlight Menu control inside of your applications.  View these samples and more in the Community Gallery.

6 Newly Added Showcase Submissons!

6 new applications have been added to the Silverlight Showcase.  Check out MyRealRate and compare costs from different merchants for accepting credit cards, view the Creative Technology website built entirely on Silverlight, read about Bing which is a new breed of search engine, and more in the Silverlight Showcase.

Latest Blogs RSS

6 New Silverlight Image Rotators

After working for one whole day, I have created another 4 image rotators. We have all together 6 image rotators now! All image rotators are redesigned such that they can be reused easily using XAML. Read...

Principles of Design Series: Learning about Symmetry and Asymmetry using Expression Design

This Principles of Design Series video describes Symmetry and Asymmetry, two styles of composition you can use in your user interface design. Watch this video to learn more about these concepts while exploring...

Hanselminutes Podcast 164 - Silverlight 3 with Tim Heuer

My one-hundred-and-sixty-fourth podcast is up . When's Silverlight 10 coming out? These versions are moving pretty fast. Scott chats with Tim Heuer to try and make sense of it. How does offline for Silverlight...