Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 20th @ 1:10 PM

Have you seen the new Internet Explorer 8 video that’s floating around YouTube? It’s officially my favorite new video (of the week, that is…I favorite a lot of stuff). Really, this video is so NOT the typical the marketing drivel you might expect. It’s just a humorous take on the “History of the Internet,” and features everything from the Ask a Ninja guy talking about Web 1.0 clip art to hilarious virals (before they were called virals) like the Hamster Dance. 

Seriously, I laughed out loud more than once. Click here to check this out.

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Posted By: Larry Larsen | Mar 20th @ 1:00 PM

10 Add-ons in 60 Seconds or Less  (each)

By now you've heard the IE8 announcement from MIX. They're actually giving out a special release of IE8 at the MIX Conference that includes some extensions developers created that give us an idea of what we can expect from add-ons. Latika Kirtane from the Internet Explorer Product Management Team has taken up the challenge to show us 10 add-ons in less than 60 seconds (each). 

1. eBay Visual Search Provider
2. Amazon Visual Search Provider
3. Accelerators
4. Digg Accelerator
5. Shop and Save with Live Search
6. Facebook Accelerator
7. Mix Webslice
8. Hotmail Webslice
9. eBay Webslice
10. OneRiot Webslice

Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 20th @ 1:41 AM
At MIX09, Microsoft Research unveiled a new translation widget for web sites. The widget lets you offer your website in multiple languages, without having to set up separate pages for each different language. And unlike other solutions out there (like Microsoft’s own translator add-in for example), using the widget does not take visitors away from your site. Translations are done in place, on the fly, and - believe it or not - instantly. All that’s needed to put the widget into use is a small bit of code which you paste into your page. You don’t need to be web developer to know how to do this, either. The widget itself can also be customized to fit in with your site’s color and design, too.[Click to read the full post ]
Posted By: Larry Larsen | Mar 20th @ 1:30 AM

10 Add-ons in 60 Seconds or Less  (each)

By now you've heard the IE8 announcement from MIX. They're actually giving out a special release of IE8 at the MIX Conference that includes some extensions developers created that give us an idea of what we can expect from add-ons. Latika Kirtane from the Internet Explorer Product Management Team has taken up the challenge to show us 10 add-ons in less than 60 seconds (each). 

1. eBay Visual Search Provider
2. Amazon Visual Search Provider
3. Accelerators
4. Digg Accelerator
5. Shop and Save with Live Search
6. Facebook Accelerator
7. Mix Webslice
8. Hotmail Webslice
9. eBay Webslice
10. OneRiot Webslice

Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 19th @ 3:09 PM

Microsoft and Google working together? Yep. It seems Google-owned YouTube is running Microsoft Silverlight in CBS’s dedicated channel for March Madness. (For those of you outside the States, March Madness is when everyone goes crazy over basketball).

In the CBS YouTube Channel located here: there’s an embedded Sliverlight player which appears to be just the same as the one running on the free March Madness on Demand site.

This new Silverlight-powered channel also represents the first time YouTube has ever been able to offer live TV to its audience, which is a big deal since YouTube has been missing out lately on some pretty major live TV events. The Obama inauguration comes to mind, for example. Although YouTube used Akamai last year to stream its own user festival, we hadn’t seen the site showing any other live TV/live video footage since.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, go now. According to Dan Frommer of Business Insider,  it’s “the best Web video we've ever seen.” We totally agree.

Posted By: Larry Larsen | Mar 19th @ 11:49 AM

10 Add-ons in 60 Seconds or Less  (each)

By now you've heard the IE8 announcement from MIX. They're actually giving out a special release of IE8 at the MIX Conference that includes some extensions developers created that give us an idea of what we can expect from add-ons. Latika Kirtane from the Internet Explorer Product Management Team has taken up the challenge to show us 10 add-ons in less than 60 seconds (each). 

1. eBay Visual Search Provider
2. Amazon Visual Search Provider
3. Accelerators
4. Digg Accelerator
5. Shop and Save with Live Search
6. Facebook Accelerator
7. Mix Webslice
8. Hotmail Webslice
9. eBay Webslice
10. OneRiot Webslice

Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 19th @ 10:14 AM

Today, at the MIX09 conference, attendees were told that the latest version of Internet Explorer has been released and is now available for download. No longer a beta, IE8 is ready for public consumption. There have been a number of changes made to this browser which represent what has been a significant overhaul to one of the oldest web browsers out there - and one that’s still very much a staple in many people’s lives, both at home and at work.

If you haven’t been testing the beta, today you can download the the updated browser and see what you’ve been missing. There are several new features being introduced, including a private browsing mode, a visual search tool, colorful tabs, a smart bar, as well as interactive features like web slices and accelerators.

[Click to read the full post ]
Tags: IE, IE8
Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 19th @ 10:13 AM

The Facebook IM chat client for Windows Mobile phones has recently been updated to version 2.1. With this application, you can access Facebook from your handheld and instant message with your online Facebook friends. Facebook IM also lets you upload photos and videos directly from your device to Facebook as well as update your status. And the app alerts you when you have new chat message notifications, new inbox messages, and more. Since it’s integrated with the mobile website for Facebook at, you can easily follow up on the notifications you receive by browsing to the mobile site. The application is touch-friendly and requires .NET CF 3.5 to run.

Facebook IM is available now on the XDA-Developers forum – you can download it from here.

[Click to read the full post ]
Posted By: Lori Grosland | Mar 19th @ 9:14 AM
Unlike previous years, I was only at the CeBIT this year for one day.  It was one exhausting day, but I managed to get several cool Surface demos on video before I caught my flight back to Munich.  In this video, Thorsten Eberhardt from Avanade shows me their Microsoft Surface wealth management application for use in financial planning.  It provides users with tailored retail banking services, estate planning and investment management.[Click to read the full post ]
Posted By: Sarah Perez | Mar 18th @ 11:40 AM

During this morning’s keynote speech at the MIX09 conference, Microsoft made several announcements about updates, new releases, and enhancements to the Microsoft web technologies. Scott Guthrie came on stage to deliver a keynote speech where he talked about the new version of Silverlight 3 as well as the release of Expression Blend 3 Preview  and updates to Windows Azure.

If you weren’t able to attend the conference or watch the live stream at, here’s what you missed:

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