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Codename Chimpanzee - Check this out.... Media Duration: 4 minutes, 21 seconds

We present another cool game. Codename Chimpanzee - Multiplayer 3D Vertical Scrolling Shooter – is a game still in progress.

3 guys started developing this game in October 2008. As soon as we have the final version you’ll find it here on Channel 8 Wink


You are doing a great job Florian and team Wink

- XNA, PC und Xbox360 -

Posted By: Ivana Tilca | Mar 1st @ 8:56 AM
Well recently I decided to investigate WINDOWS AZURE without understanding what means "construct applications in the clouds" I looked for the info, that shows the best performance of azure.

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Posted By: Silke-Christina Kummer | Feb 25th @ 1:48 AM
VSOne Teil 2 - Chris Sells Media Duration: 7 minutes, 26 seconds
Chris Sells, Program Manager of team "Oslo" Microsoft Corp.,  held the keynote at the VSOne.

Which prio Model Driven Architecture and Model Driven Development in software development has, which possibilities Oslo will offer, what his job as a "PM" is about, what he thinks about Germany, and Munich especially and how he spent his time when I was not on stage during the VSOne.... you'll see the answers in that clip.
Spaceman Spiff!
Posted By: Max Zuckerman | Feb 10th @ 12:47 PM
Ruh-roh… Stefan has a new job?? Now what?! Media Duration: 2 minutes, 51 seconds

Stefan has been flying low recently but I managed to meet up with him to find out exactly what’s going on.

To make a long story short, Stefan took on a big new role here at Microsoft, but he has some words of assurance for all “7 of you” fans Wink.

Spaceman Spiff!
Posted By: Max Zuckerman | Jan 22nd @ 5:50 PM
Imagine Cup 2009 is Coming… are you in? Media Duration: 2 minutes, 43 seconds

Last year’s Imagine Cup was a blast…  some of my favorite moments were with Joe Wilson recapping the day’s events and speculating on what the future brings.

Now it’s up to YOU to be the future of Imagine Cup culminating in Cairo, Egypt for the worldwide finals.  Are you in???

Michael Hurnaus (aka michbex), a true geek and former student (until half a year or so ago), and a friend of him bought two PlayStation 2 Dance Dance revolution mats and a Playstation2-to-PC converter box. After that they wrote a C# library (available from here) to connect the two mats with their Windows Media Center PC.

The result, as seen in the picture, is the largets Windows Media Center Control that the world has ever seen! A video of Michael playing the remote is also available on his blog and here.

Check the title… enough said. Until then, learn more:


Tags: CES2009, windows7

ces Hey there dudes and dudettes… I’m at Vegas for CES 2009 to check out the Microsoft shenanigans going on this year. Let’s just say there’s a lot going on, but I am loving the buzz around Windows 7.

Just a heads up: you can watch the keynote TONIGHT at 6:30pm US Pacific here: 100k, 300k, 750k.

Also, Channel 10 will have a liveblog rolling just for you!

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Tag: CES2009
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