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    « Roll over, George Washington, and tell Ben Franklin the news | Main | Obama's presidency: The unforeseen consequence of affirmative action »

    April 29, 2009

    "I'd like to think a penguin would prefer a handmade sweater"

    "BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE: Mormon women in New South Wales are knitting sweaters for fairy penguins," to keep them warm during post-oil-spill clean-ups, twitters G. Vanderleun of American Digest. "I'd like to think a penguin would prefer a handmade sweater," says the Salt Lake City medical secretary who organized women of the Church of Latter Day Saints to help the little fellows out. More on  the "Jumper Project" here. [LDS Church photo]

    Thank God we'll be watching THE most compelling TV show ever — "a lot of crazy people" and music to die for — "Boston Legal," while the inedible Leader of the Free World spews forth his "100 Days" taxpayer-funded self-promotional tour at the expense of the so-called mainstream media. The Fox broadcast channel is just saying no, noting that those who are so inclined can catch Prez Obama's PR blitz on Fox News cable this evening. It will be interesting to check out the stats tomorrow morning.

    We couldn't help but notice that the NYC flyover that set New Yorkers' teeth on edge was obscenely given a pass by President Obama's fellow travelers in the MSM. Doh. Be still, my foolish heart. Like Big Guy's teleprompter, we are as ever constitutionally unable to listen to his toe-curling "soaring rhetoric" and depend upon those who are paid to do so to let us know, next day, the latest con he is asking us to buy into.

    Until tomorrow.

    Update: Crapazola. "Boston Legal" ain't on in its usual slot. Sigh. Flipping through the channels to find something watchable. Nothing. Finding Dear Leader on all the networks is SO totalitarianesque. Can't imagine anyone but paid talking heads putting themselves through it.

    Update II next day:  Mary Katharine Ham watched so we didn't have to and and synopsized with panache. A tasty tidbit, and then head on over and devour the whole thing:

    Obama obfuscated for 5 minutes before answering Jake Tapper's question, but eventually and mercifully used just seven words to wrap things up: "I do believe that it is torture." He also asserted that vital information for preventing terror attacks could have been gleaned from hard-boiled mass murderers through other means, the guidebooks for which are hidden in the sugarplum grove at the foot of the gumdrop tree in the Mythical Forest of Prosperity from which Obama's domestic plans come. Convenient!

    Jammie Wearing Fool reads the ratings entrails:

    Heh: Fox's 'Lie to Me' Wins 8 pm Timeslot While Obama Lied to Everyone Else.

    He made his bed, and he lies in it.


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    5-7 years ago, I saw something in Vogue Knitting regarding the Jumper Project. They made a point of advising readers not to send anything, as nothing was needed. Is curious that this is cropping up again. Will find the source in my flat file in the basement if needed.

    Obama the leader of the sick society.

    Penguins aren't really human friendly I've been told! So no matter how adorable they might be - I'd be reluctant to get up close and personal with one.

    There's an old saying around my house that goes" "When in doubt, turn the television OFF!"

    Why do people persist in thinking that animals are people with fur or feathers... Good grief! So they knit these "cute" little sweaters and then who gets to go around putting them on the birds? How about taking them off the birds? Or even making sure the birds don't get them caught on something and die trying to escape!

    I don't suppose it ever occurred to them to knit sweaters for poor children who live in the north and might be in need of warmth they can't afford. Then again, maybe they do and they are now at a loss for projects.

    I didn't turn the tv on until much later to watch the end of the baseball game. It's far more intelligent conversation when they talk about base runners than it is when The One talks about how he'll: save the economy, run GM, cure swine flu, keep an eye on how governors are spending money... etc, etc, etc.

    Amen to everything you said, Teresa. You're one very smart cookie!

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