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May 20, 2009

Border skirmishes

On front-porch border patrol yesterday, Tiny allowed neighborhood lothario Earl Gray — caught by our camera's eye below in mid "uh-oh" moment as he realized he was being watched — to pass through her realm without incident.


A handsome devil with a pronounced Chelsea Gray look about him, Earl is the rare pussycat whose company Tiny seems to enjoy, and the feeling is mutual. They often form a clowder of two basking in the sun.
Peering out from behind her freshly leafed-out hosta hunting blind this morning, she drew a beed on a "furson of interest" we didn't see at first. Following her gaze, we perceived a soupçon of movement along the bottom of the high retaining wall.


An opossum! It waddled among the border-garden leaves for cover, then froze in position, playing possum, as we approached for a photo op.

Tiny wanted to pursue the matter, but we just said no.
A gesture of appreciation for her efforts from top agent Tuck.


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Aw - pretty Tiny on patrol. She looks as if she should have minions patrolling for her. Lol.


I didn't know that I had a clowder of felines in my home.

Wait till I tell the HuggaMutt about her housemates...

Tiny has a boyfriend! Should I sing the song? No? ;)

Earl Gray is a "wicked good" name for the guest of honor at Tiny's Catnip Tea Party.

Great job catching the possum picture! Even tho slow, they are so shy around us we only ever see them run over on the road. Glad TIny has a friend nearby.

The Sam person has managed to find a special locale for fleeing the boundaries of the screened in deck and goes out larking about in the neighborhood! His progress can be audible as he kicks butt on various critters he encounters. I have seen good sized dogs being walked down the street cringe at my driveway if they see Sam in the living room window. He is one fierce fellow my dearly beloved cuddle bunny!

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