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Barack Obama IS Jesus

March 15th, 2010 at 1:49 pm by Nigel

He MUST be. It’s in the New York Times:

Yes, And Our Cherished Projects Too

March 14th, 2010 at 7:22 pm by Cranky

I’ve heard much Talk Radio criticism of the Obama administration’s canning of the NASA’s Constellation program. This seems to be one government program that Conservatives feel strongly about. This may make me unpopular right now, but we can’t afford it now.

“As with all great human achievements, our commitment to space must be renewed and encouraged or we will surely be surpassed by other nations who are presently challenging our leadership in space,” Democratic and Republican members of the U.S. Congress from Florida wrote to Obama last week.

Obama’s move for a greater private sector role in space launches — as he seeks to keep ballooning federal deficits in check — has generated fears of job losses among thousands of NASA employees who provide an important economic base in Florida, a state usually crucial in presidential elections.

When Obama’s lips mouth the words “private sector”, my sincerity meter flatlines. The only budgets that seem to qualify for his scalpel are those that don’t involve Chicago slumlords or unions. But wouldn’t you agree that, at the moment, privatizing anything and simultaneously shrinking a bureaucracy is a good thing?

I only wish he was as “responsible” across the board. Maybe if Valerie Jarrett has a proposal for subsidized low income housing on the Sea of Tranquility or a special Director of Lunar Diversity position opened for Michelle?

I do wonder if this is part of the President’s disdain for American Exceptionalism; of which the Space Program is certainly one.

All that said, if we’re to be on board with fiscal conservatism, we have to be willing to let our ox get gored.

Our local township is home to the Revolutionary War’s Brandywine Battlefield. Due to a $1.8 million cut in the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission budget, some hard choices are needing to be made. The Commission made this recommendation:

“The highest and best use of (the Brandywine) site is as a local park and open space,” the report states. “Discontinue operating Brandywine as a staffed historic site and continue to maintain the site as a passive recreational park.”

Considering that it costed $385,044 in 2007 to run the park and brought in $65,163 in paid admissions, it is prudent to look the options.

I’d probably be laughed out of our Republican-controlled township meetings for suggesting that a Revolutionary War historic site be trimmed back while funds don’t exist. Too Ron Paul-ish or something.

But there also other options on the table that should be considered. In fact, I’m proud that our township and state representative are remaining more clear-eyed than their counterparts in corrupt Philadelphia.

We have put together a business plan to take over and run the program in the event the (park) is placed in the hands of Chadds Ford or the county,” said Kaat, who is hoping to add another 150 members to her group in the next few months. “We would budget roughly $200,000 per year.”

I agree 100 percent that the township would do a better job and have better vision,” said state Rep. Stephen Barrar, R-160.

“With the proper strategy and campaign, I think you could boost the number of visitors very easily.”

In the meantime, the Brandywine Battlefield Park Associates,, will continue soliciting volunteers and $30 and $40 (individual and family) memberships. A Save Brandywine Web site,, has also been formed to raise money and awareness.

What do y’all think?

Hear the one about “Jihad Jane”?

March 13th, 2010 at 8:41 pm by Cranky

Our friends at the Jawa Report are not only all over the story about New Jersey’s own Jihadi, but had a direct hand in her being apprehended. How is that for cool?

This has become such big news since the Dinosaur Media picked it up. Who says right-wing blogs don’t provide valuable services? Kudos, Jawas!

Uh Oh, Columbia University School of Journalism to Face Massive Influx

March 11th, 2010 at 12:01 pm by Cranky

New students will be slamming the elite J-school’s admissions office this Fall.

China will toughen requirements for reporters by launching a new certification system that requires training in Marxist and communist theories of news, a media official said, citing problems with the current crop of mainland journalists.

The South China Morning Post reported Thursday that Li Dongdong, deputy director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, said some reporters were giving Chinese journalism a bad name because they hadn’t been properly trained. She didn’t give any specific examples.

“Comrades who are going to be working on journalism’s front lines must learn theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and be taught Marx’s view on news, plus media ethics and Communist Party discipline on news and propaganda,” Li told Xinhua on Monday.

Professor Chomsky, call your office! We finally have some crap we can export to China.

Lazy Predators and Other Great Pix

March 10th, 2010 at 3:21 pm by Cranky

I’m swamped right now. So please amuse yourselves as one of my favorite Photo/Photoshop Ninja sites, Are We Lumberjacks.

Still here? Ok, also check out I Own The World and Director Blue.

I hope to blow the dust off my Photoshop and get busy soon. I hear there is something going on with health care and there might be some material there.

UPDATE And don’t forget the best (photoblog after Zombie, of course), Snapped Shot.

Note: it may appear that I’m kissing butt after the SS owner left a comment below, but it ain’t so. However, I am feeling guilty because I intended to put up a link to them yesterday but couldn’t find a photo. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

Promises, Promises

March 8th, 2010 at 6:55 pm by Brian

Here’s one I hope he keeps:

In private pitches to Democrats, President Barack Obama says he will persuade Congress to pass his health care overhaul even if it kills him and even if he has to ask deeply distrustful lawmakers to trust him on a promise the White House doesn’t have the power to keep.

Finally, a promise with an Expiration Date* we can live with.

Well, almost all of us.

Order And Law – Special Criminal Unit

March 8th, 2010 at 7:48 am by Cranky

This makes for bad TV and even worse civilization.

Mr Thomas kept the shotgun pointed at the burglars as he told them he had called the police, even though he had not.

The terrified burglars pleaded for mercy. Mr Thomas went back into the house, dialled 999 and put his gun safely back in the cabinet.

He said: ‘I called the police and they told me they didn’t have anyone available to come over right away but to put the gun away so I did.

‘When I went downstairs, they were getting the bikes out of the car and drove off.’

Sussex Police said they were called to The Anchor just after 2am last Saturday but that by the time officers arrived, at 2.50am, there was no trace of the offenders.

Welcome To Tennessee, Now Ya’ll Go Home

March 7th, 2010 at 12:51 pm by Brian

From Meet The Press this morning.  You ain’t from around here is ya?

Jan. 11, 2010:  “I am a New Yorker, I am a New Yorker, I am a New Yorker.”

It Means So Much More To Lose Your Job If You’re A Journalist or Government Employee

March 7th, 2010 at 11:51 am by Brian

I wrestle with my selfishness.  It’s an unfair fight because no matter which side I root for either way I want me to win.  But no matter how self-centered I may become, it’s always assuring to know that I’m never the worst because “journalists” in the Legacy Media business can articulate it so much better than any of the other millions of unemployed.  They practice tugging at those heart strings.  Especially those of people out of work as a result of the positions and policies they engraved on the tombstones of their cover stories and editorial pages.

Who else ever got paid to alienate customers as long?

So who would want to be a journalist? It has always been work for the strong-hearted, the bull-headed and the hopelessly romantic. People do this work because they love it. They love telling stories, however grim, seamy, or heartbreaking. In fact, the more heartbreaking the better.

Exploiting the humanity of the downtrodden to raise the all-important “awareness”.  Preferably in pursuit of expanding the nanny state.

That’s not to say that the piece linked to above chronicling the personal experience of the toll on family and career is void of sincerity.  It does.  But it is completely absent of any attempt at understanding  the downfall that the old media brought and continues to bring on what’s left of itself.  An obvious and intentional lack of self-examination.  No amount of New Media business model synergies seminars are going to fix that glaring blindspot:

The end of a love affair is always a little sordid, isn’t it? Awkward moments, bracketed by false reassurances that everything is still OK, postpone the inevitable…. They eye non-profit status with government subsidies like it’s Viagra for print.

The noble non-profits in pursuit of The Public Interest ™.   Dutifully reciting Washington’s message in exchange for their bread.  Or cab fare on the nightstand.

Perhaps they’d like it more if the government decided to take over their business, shut down hundreds of small papers and let the ones who donated the most favorable coverage to their campaigns survive and the really doe-eyed idealists among them can go to Washington like Mr. Smith.

By O’Keefe’s count, “Thomson is one of at least 14 journalists to join the Obama administration, with virtually all of them serving in a communications capacity,” and, intriguingly, O’Keefe asserted “other reporters at national outlets are known to be considering similar roles.”

Maybe those precious few remaining ink-stained wretches can gin up hatred of some hard-hearted Senator who thinks that government employees don’t deserve special treatment more than the private citizens he represents.  Those kinds of “grim, seamy and/or heartbreaking” tales are shiny epaulets on that government communications job résumé.

What kind of vocation calls such brave men and women?  Fearlessly standing up for the Big Guy?  Willing to cut the average American off at the knees to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted?

For myself, I learned a long time ago the one thing we can count on is change. Because of my husband’s work, my life has had a rootlessness to it that I never intended, but have come to accept. The only thing that’s brought me to tears during our latest upheaval is the number of colleagues who’ve have contacted him about a job with the same company. So many good people, so desperate to escape the beast’s arms.

The Beast of the Old Media is unwanted and howling in the backyard.  It’s begs for Big Government to hold it’s tether and water it’s bowl.  It longs to attack on command in pursuit of a “progressive” agenda against the private citizen who must involuntarily underwrite it.  It despises the average American while claiming to look out for Those Who Vote Against Their Best Interests.

At the end, it never realized that all it ever had to do to be successful was to be fair.   Either that or it did and chose to fail.

41’s Advice to Our Current Leadership

March 6th, 2010 at 12:26 pm by Cranky

Well, the world’s best 41 impersonator anyway.

Brian Miller on The Unkillable Heath Care Boondoggle

March 6th, 2010 at 12:08 pm by Cranky

Buffet friend and candidate for U.S. Congress, Brian Miller publishes this piece at

Everyone in this country wants better and more affordable health care made available to a larger number of people. Those in this debate are not arguing about whether more people should be insured, the debate is about how to increase coverage for more people. The Democrats make it seem like our choice is between the current, albeit imperfect system, and radical reform. This is not true. As we saw in the last election, voting for change doesn’t necessarily get you the kind of change you want. Sometimes a change can be a change for the worse.

My beef with the whole thing is that it is LBJ and FDR social engineering at it’s worst. This here isn’t hyperbole, just try to enjoy a day in Bloomberg’s New York City.

Mandating universal health coverage and making the government the ultimate provider of health insurance takes our private choices about lifestyle, health, and medicine and turns them into public, social choices. Whether you eat donuts or hamburgers or get a check-up so many times a year is no longer a choice about your life, but rather a public, political choice about how politicians will control the distribution of resources in society. Since we’ll all be tied together through a social health care system, you will no longer make private decisions about your lifestyle. This is a scary prospect. We don’t want to live in a society where a National Health Director can decide that it is verboten to eat Krispy Kreme donuts because those who do have become a social liability.

See also, soda machines on high school campuses.

Brian is truly conservative and importantly, a military man with no political connections. Exactly what we need.

He running for Arizona’s 8th congressional district and is the founder The Freshman 50, a pre-Tea Party political action committee dedicated to fielding conservative candidates in 2010.

Please support his candidacy and get involved. Here’s why:

This is where you come in. Your support is an investment in proper government. And if that’s not reason enough, consider how much you currently pay in taxes – income tax, capital gains tax, gas tax, tobacco tax, death tax … and the list goes on. Then picture how pleased politicians are when they vote for a thousand-page bill, which reassigns your money to a thousand pet projects for the sole purpose of getting re-elected. Those are tax dollars taken from more than one third – for some, more than one half – of your time and your labor.

Bart Stupak, Puppet of the Shadowy Theocrats

March 6th, 2010 at 11:35 am by Cranky

I’m not sure this passes the smell test for me. But hey, it came from Yahoo! News, so it must be real right?

Stupak also has been tied to the “The Family,” an influential but reclusive group that includes several of Washington’s biggest Christian power players, some of whom have rented apartments in a townhouse on C Street, near the Capitol. It is a connection Stupak is now doing his best to downplay.

Much of what is known about the group comes from the work of investigative journalist Jeff Sharlet. His New York Times best-seller, “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power,” notes the group’s core theological instruction reinforces a belief among its members that they’ve been handpicked by God to “rule the world.”

Now you might have some idea why a perfectly good Democrat can go off the rails on something as commonsensical as government subsidized abortion. It’s the shadow cabal of crypto-Christianists! Really, is there any other reason? Indeed, can there be?

I can’t answer that. I couldn’t if I wanted to. They’re listening.

Action Figure FAIL

March 3rd, 2010 at 11:08 pm by Brian

We’ve been had.  Seems Leinart took being a Trojan a bit literally.

If we can just keep Jim Brown from slapping a skullcap on Afro-Leinart for another year or two, I can retire off that sweet, sweet E-bay lucre.

Sorry, Nigel.

We Paid For Robocop And Got ED-209

March 3rd, 2010 at 8:13 pm by Brian

In a strained defense of wasteful “make work” projects to temporarily sustain government employees and their favorite no-bid contractors, the Bolshevik revolution continues with aplomb as the SouthCommunists at the reconstituted Nashville City Paper (NCP) serve up a little cover story complete with quasi-Soviet/NorK iconography:

You Forgot To Add The Sickle

ed. note – Six Meat Buffet uses Commie iconography as parody – not praise.

Among some of the brilliant observations from the Kremlinesque note-takers at the NCCCP:

More than $1 billion in stimulus funds have flowed into Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, represented by U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, a Democrat who voted for the recovery act. That money has created nearly 7,000 jobs in the geographic area that includes Davidson and parts of Wilson and Cheatham counties, according to federal figures that cover Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2009.

At $1,000,000,000.00, that’s roughly $143,000 per job.  Excuse me, “nearly” 7,000 jobs.  Round it up a little.  Now would those be full-time jobs in the private sector that will be contributing taxes next year or a gubmint project filling potholes for 3 months because that’s a top 1-percenter income being funneled through the models of efficiency that are the federal and state government.  At least on Charity Navigator we can see how much went to Administrative costs.

The government’s stimulus-tracking website,, is designed to offer transparency about how the federal funds are being spent, and indeed, the wealth of information is almost overwhelming. The slightest bit of navigation will reveal initiatives throughout Nashville. Some, mostly construction projects, were unveiled with staged photo-ops and now don the familiar red-blue-and-green stimulus logo at their sites. Others have gone largely unnoticed. The list is much too lengthy to cover in its entirety without risking utter boredom.

You read that right.  Indeed,  they would hate to bore all you 10+% unemployed Tennesseans out there with all this free funemployment time on your hands. The information is so overwhelming we simply don’t have the ink to describe how completely awesome it is.

I thought this level of lickspittle A2M Soviet cockslobbery was reserved strictly for The Nashville Scene.

Indeed, I certainly don’t want to bore you with any more of the slavish teabaggery that Joey Garrison begged for at the wrinkled sack of the Obama Administration but this was just too much:

More heat on the street: Perhaps the most celebrated stimulus project allocated to Metro — hailed by Dean and others — is the $9 million grant awarded to the police department to bring on 50 new officers. According to spokesman Don Aaron, most of the money pays for salaries and other benefits.

That’s $180,000 per police officer added for those Metro school graduates averse to math.  Ask those cops how much they get paid a year and then ask where the other $135,000 went.

It seems Pravda On The Cumberland finally got a little competition.

Best not to examine all those Phantom Congressional Districts that got $54 Million in cream right off the top.  You say “Cream!” too loud around these inky apparatchiks and all they do is close their eyes and open their mouths.

$54 Million??? Why, that’s almost 300 new Robocops we could have bought or at least fended off lawsuits over rightfully arresting illegal aliens.  Or at least put a down payment on a light rail so we can have the illegals polishing the brass on our Shining Sanctuary City On The Hill.

Robocop: Only cost $73k in 1987 dollars (though most of his parts were made in Mexico)

Whatever you do Joey and the rest of your Comrades at the NCCCP, don’t look into that ghost money.  We’d all much rather read your incessant lacrimosas over Juana Villegas’ spilled breast milk.

A Sneak Peak of 2012

March 3rd, 2010 at 10:38 am by Cranky

It’s worse than any Mayan calendar running out. Republicans might regain control of government and unleash the wrath of Quetzalcoatl. That is if they anger the gods of the Old Media Pantheon.

Via NewsBusters we have two back-to-back eviscerations of Senator Jim Bunning’s hold on the “jobs bill”. I haven’t looked into the backstory enough to tell you whether the whole thing is political maneuvering or a genuine attempt to impose fiscal restraint.

The jobs bill is popular so it gives them the cover they so need to attack Republicans without reprisals. And like dogs on red meat, they proceed to dive into the nasty advocacy journalism that hasn’t been seen since Reagan pulled blankets off of homeless people.

Again, I can’t speak to the merits of Bunning’s actions, but watch the videos and hear the blatant narration that is being sold.

Expect years of this if and when a Republican Congress actually tries to cut spending. There will be no shortages of crippled single mother’s of ten (actually, the will pick a white mother of three because that is what “Middle America” needs to see) paraded before your eyes while Williams, Couric and Sawyer softly weep.

Here is some info on Bunning’s day on the floor of the Senate. I hope you don’t mind ALL CAPS in red.

(s/t Protein Wisdom)


March 2nd, 2010 at 8:39 am by Cranky

This cannot be true!

A new poll shows Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter now leads conservative Pat Toomey, the Republican challenger who drove Specter out of the GOP last April.

Toomey is truly conservative in the mold of Rick Santorum and has fought for Specter’s seat before. But the country wasn’t in the mood at the time.

Specter is something of a folk hero in Southeast Pennsylvania with fond memories of his days as a dynamic Philadelphia district attorney. Also, he brings home pork like crazy. I’m sure that helps too.

But because not all Pennsylvanians are morons from Philly and Murtha’s Jonestown district, I’m a little shocked. I’d expect Toomey to be doing much better.

(s/t Daily Caller)

Is KISS the coolest band evah?

March 1st, 2010 at 7:37 pm by Nigel

After seeing this, they have my vote:

Click here for more cool stories and pics…

The Unbarackables

March 1st, 2010 at 6:08 pm by Cranky

In Technicolor!

Al Gore Doubles Down

February 28th, 2010 at 9:00 pm by Cranky

Drudge is trumpeting Gore’s re-emergence from his Tennessee burrow, where he saw his shadow and predicted six more years of Global Alarmism.

You must give this guy credit for not just shrinking into the metaphorical snowbank and hiding in the middle of our coldest wettest winter in decades. Nope, he’s either a true believer or is too invested to simply disappear. But it does take some amazing cajones and the shamelessness that can only come with a life in “public service” to pull it off.

By choosing the NYT, Gore gets to preach to the converted. He trots out the same fear-mongering but this time has to play some defense in light of the scams perpetuated by East Anglia and the IPCC.

Let the fisking begin!

It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it.

So speaketh the prophet for whom every prophecy has been met by divine mockery.

Moving on to glossing over intentional misdirection and vicious partisanship:

It is true that the climate panel published a flawed overestimate of the melting rate of debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas, and used information about the Netherlands provided to it by the government, which was later found to be partly inaccurate. In addition, e-mail messages stolen from the University of East Anglia in Britain showed that scientists besieged by an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics may not have adequately followed the requirements of the British freedom of information law.

But the scientific enterprise will never be completely free of mistakes. What is important is that the overwhelming consensus on global warming remains unchanged. It is also worth noting that the panel’s scientists — acting in good faith on the best information then available to them — probably underestimated the range of sea-level rise in this century, the speed with which the Arctic ice cap is disappearing and the speed with which some of the large glacial flows in Antarctica and Greenland are melting and racing to the sea.


An embarrassed IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri reveals the source of the IPCC study, “Global Warming will destroy cash crops”

Wow, I wish I could knock over a liquor store and call it an error made in good faith. In fact as a good liberal I could actually make that case. Right wingers besieged me and I had no choice but to knock off that EZ Liquors on 12th Ave!

OK, let’s address the current miserable Winter we had and why more snow and cold is evidence of more Global f*cking Warming!

The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth, yet scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans, putting significantly more moisture into the atmosphere — thus causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow in particular regions, including the Northeastern United States.

Oh, I must have missed the argument that global warming puts more moisture in the environment. It could be true. Surely Mr. Gore believes that.

Droughts are getting longer and deeper in many mid-continent regions, even as the severity of flooding increases.

Oh, nevermind.

Please note the generalizations. Droughts are getting deeper, flooding is increasing. Citations, please.

It’s like the arguments that I heard back in the 80s that the gap between the rich and poor was getting greater. I was sure that by 2010 there would only be a peasant underclass and guys that look like the top-hat guy from Monopoly ruling the United Corporate States of America. Actually, I was convinced that we’d all be dead by 1997 from Nuclear Winter, so I lied there.

Now since his arguments really can’t stand on their own, let’s turn to an “us vs. them” argument to galvanize the faithful.

Let’s meet the deniers and agents of the status quo.

They are ferociously fighting against the mildest regulation — just as tobacco companies blocked constraints on the marketing of cigarettes for four decades after science confirmed the link of cigarettes to diseases of the lung and the heart.

Simultaneously, changes in America’s political system — including the replacement of newspapers and magazines by television as the dominant medium of communication — conferred powerful advantages on wealthy advocates of unrestrained markets and weakened advocates of legal and regulatory reforms. Some news media organizations now present showmen masquerading as political thinkers who package hatred and divisiveness as entertainment.

TV is a tool of big anti-progressive corporate demons. Such powerful truth! Jeffrey Immelt just wet his pants and made a phone call to GE to invest “like a sonofabitch” in green stimulus-financed windmill farms and Organizing for America.

What’s that? He’s railing against Fox? Of course. They are the ones that killed our “We Are The World” party our elites had in Copenhagen.

So, what about the culpability of the developing economies? Short answer (liberal version) It’s our fault! Where would we be without this trope?

China, now the world’s largest and fastest-growing source of global-warming pollution, had privately signaled early last year that if the United States passed meaningful legislation, it would join in serious efforts to produce an effective treaty. When the Senate failed to follow the lead of the House of Representatives, forcing the president to go to Copenhagen without a new law in hand, the Chinese balked. With the two largest polluters refusing to act, the world community was paralyzed.

I forget, how does one say bulls***t? in Mandarin?

All in all, it is good to see Gore back in form defending his carbon-offset racket. But it it always sad when the protagonist learns no lessons and doesn’t develop as a character.

Earthquake in Chile, possible tsunamis to hit San Diego and Hawaii, Al Gore in exile, Obamacare on the horizon, US vs. Canada tomorrow in an epic Olympic Hockey brawl…so today’s post is on…

February 27th, 2010 at 2:12 pm by Nigel


Not Barack Obama, though I do often think of BO when I think of him.

No, we’re talking body odor…and I am calling BS on this hard-hitting NBC report which lists the top 7 cities for BO (via Hot Air headlines):

* Yuma, AZ #7

* San Antonio, TX #6

* New Orleans, LA #5

* Chicago, Il #4

* Phoenix, AZ #3

* Houston, TX #2

* Las Vegas, NV #1

Uh…no. I have spent time in all of these cities (extensive time in Yuma, Phoenix, San Antonio and Houston) and I can tell you that this report misses the most obvious one…

New York.

Ever spent a July afternoon on the “R” train headed to Brooklyn? Or even a mid-February day, when people don’t bother to clean their overgarments? PEEEE….EWWWWW! A New Yawk friend of mine explained that many New Yorkers just “give up” on hygiene since they have to walk everywhere and the stank just seems to stick to them.

I spend about a month of every year in Yuma and I can tell you there might be stink from the agriculture but
I can’t ever recall that stink being on humans.

The WORST smell I have ever smelled was in New Orleans, but that had nothing to do with BO…it was a few weeks after Katrina right outside of the Superdome (they were taking the water-soaked turf out).

Another town NBC missed…Oakland. Ever been to a Raider game?

Thoughts? Any disgusting BO stories y’all might have?

Freeze Or I’ll Chop Your Head Off!

February 27th, 2010 at 8:52 am by Michele

For your Saturday morning viewing pleasure- Axe Cop! A comic from the head of a five-year-old, illustrated by his 29 year-old brother.

Read them all or I’ll get Avocado Soldier to throw Uni-Baby at you!

Update: LMAO! Episode #7 Uni-Baby is rescued and Good Bad Santa Sockarang buys a chainsaw at the Weapons Store.

Northeastern Republicans Will Never Be Anything But RINOs

February 23rd, 2010 at 9:29 am by Preston Taylor Holmes

I knew better. Really I did.

Nothing changes.

WASHINGTON, Feb 22 (Reuters) – A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on Monday as the chamber’s newest Republican bucked his party and sided with Democrats on a $15 billion package of tax cuts and highway spending.

Republican Scott Brown joined four other Republicans, 55 Democrats and two independents to overcome a procedural hurdle that sets up a final vote later this week.

“I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington,” he said in a statement.

In the back of my mind, I wondered if Brown might be just another McShame in a more appealing package. Confirmed. Is there a money-back guarantee?

He was, however, joined by four other gutless Republicans (names we know well) – BOND, COLLINS, VOINOVICH, SNOWE.

Brown said he got the message. The message we get from Brown is that it only takes a scant few weeks for principle to be replaced by power and greenbacks. It’s even money on whether he will keep his promise to vote against Obamacare and Cap-and-Trade.

The biggest shocker here is that Alexander actually voted against the bill.

You’ll See Your Problems Multiplied….

February 23rd, 2010 at 8:22 am by Michele

…if you continually decide,

to faithfully pursue…

something something something…

I think Jonathan Springston knows the next lyric.  He probably knows the whole song by heart.

Objective truth, is not the  kind of truth that the editor of the Atlanta Progressive News deems a good fit for his rag. Truth is not their policy, so they fired it.

In the end, we had to make a very difficult decision to move forward as a publication without Jonathan Springston. Last Wednesday, we informed him it seemed more appropriate if he found work with another publication or started his own publication.

At a very fundamental, core level, Springston did not share our vision for a news publication with a progressive perspective. He held on to the notion that there was an objective reality that could be reported objectively, despite the fact that that was not our editorial policy at Atlanta Progressive News. It just wasn’t the right fit.

We have already begun drafting a more programmatic statement on our editorial position regarding objectivity, inter-subjectivity, and news. To be sure, I’ve commented on Creative Loafing’s blog previously about such issues.

In the meantime, here is some information from our Frequently Asked Questions page:
“Progressive news is news that brings us closer to universal health care, living wages, affordable housing, peace, a healthy environment, and voting systems we can trust.

We provide news of concern to working families, and therefore, our writing is geared toward a specific audience. Fortunately, our audience–working families–comprises a majority of people in the United States who are largely ignored by corporate media sources.

We believe there is no such thing as objective news. Typically, mainstream media presents itself as objective but is actually skewed towards promoting the corporate agenda of the ultra-wealthy.

The truth sure does give these guys the vapors, doesn’t it? He prefers subjective truth, which is a fancy Orwellian phrase for “lie”. But only uber-wealthy corporate media, and troglodytes like Joe Wilson, would use such an objective “fact-based” word.

The editor made sure to clarify his position in the comments section:

APNEditor Says:

  1. February 15th, 2010 at 6:59 pm Also, I didn’t mean to imply–even indirectly or in the slightest way–that Creative Loafing was objective. Quite the opposite- Creative Loafing’s slant is so inline with the bourgeois, corporate ideology of most of the corporate media in Atlanta, that you all kind of reinforce and reify each other to the point where one can easily become deluded that this corporate ideology you propagate is somehow an objective truth.

I have a subjective truth. I think the term bourgeois is tres passe. I mean, who is this guy? Some mustache-twisting, goatee stroking throwback to the Bolshevik revolution? What kind of currency does Cardinale get paid in for his work ? 1905 rubles?

Probably.  I’ll go search for his picture.

That is definitely the APN editor on the far left, circa 1919.  According to my subjective truth.  Guess you have to go back that far to be “progressive”.

(I found this somewhere on Big Journalism but I lost it somewhere. I certainly didn’t find it by reading Creative Loafing.)

Update: (Or inconvenient objective truth) Atlanta Progressive News is not a non-profit, it is a corporation.

McMurphy’s Corollary To The Reid Hypothesis

February 22nd, 2010 at 11:05 pm by Brian

Earlier today, Weenie The Punchdrunk Midget of the Mighty Searchlight Fightin’ Dwarves spake thusly on The Nature of Man:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested Monday that domestic violence by men has increased due to U.S. joblessness.

Reid, speaking in the midst of a Senate debate over whether to pass a $15 billion package meant to spur job creation, appeared to argue that joblessness would lead to more domestic violence.

“I met with some people while I was home dealing with domestic abuse. It has gotten out of hand,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “Why? Men don’t have jobs.”

He’s technically right but for the wrong reason.  And conclusion.  It makes you think that it’s the mens who are going crazy because they’re out of work, frustrated, in all likelihood bitterly clinging to their guns and religion.

But what if they’re not holding on to their First and Second Amendment rights?  What if it’s the mens getting beaten because they don’t have jobs?  Instead of clinging to the guns and the god, they’re substituting it with a tray of brownies and a six-pack of Fat Tire at 10 in the morning?

Thanks for standing up for us, little fella:

The wife of former professional wrestling champion Ric Flair was arrested overnight in an apparent domestic assault case, police say.

Jacqueline Beems, 41, was charged with misdemeanor assault, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg police.

Beems and Flair were married about three months ago.

If the Nature Boy’s getting pounded over the head with a folding chair in his own home, think of the whipping Mrs. Reid is going to lay on Dingy come November.  Woooo!

If Socialist Healthcare Is The Great White Whale of Liberals, Does Reconciliation Make Them Moby Dickheads?

February 22nd, 2010 at 7:37 pm by Brian

And thar she blows.

Thanks Red State’s Dan Perrin.

I needed that.  Hopefully, this will end the same way.

We've got him right where we want him!