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Sep 18th, 2009
Posted by Ateqah Khaki, National Security Project at 5:49pm

NYT Calls for End to “Ideological Exclusion”

Yesterday, The New York Times opined about “ideological exclusion” — the practice of denying foreign citizens entry into the U.S. based on their political views and associations, rather than any suspicious activity — writing:

"The Bush administration eagerly revived the practice, barring numerous people from entering the country for speaking engagements or conferences or to teach at leading universities — all under a flimsily supported guise of fighting terrorism.

[…]Months ago, a group of free speech advocates, including the Association of American Publishers, the American Library Association and the American Civil Liberties Union called on the Obama administration to end ideological exclusions and to review dubious visa denials. We hope Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton takes heed.
Although “ideological exclusion” originated during the Cold War, when critics of U.S. policy were often excluded as supposed Communists, the misguided practice was revived in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

The ACLU is challenging the exclusion of foreign scholars Tariq Ramadan and Adam Habib on behalf of academic, religious and professional organizations that have invited these scholars to speak in the U.S. The lawsuits charge that the Departments of State and Homeland Security are violating Americans' First Amendment right to hear Professors Ramadan and Habib's speech.

The editorial highlights our cases, stating:

Adam Habib, a well-known intellectual, professor and human rights activist from South Africa, was interrogated for seven hours and told that his visa had been revoked when he tried to enter the United States in 2006 for professional meetings. He was later told that his exclusion was based on terrorism-related grounds. He is challenging the action in court, but the government has yet to explain its precise legal or factual reasoning.

In 2004, the Bush administration revoked the visa of Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss national and Muslim scholar, who was to become a tenured professor at the University of Notre Dame. It again denied him a visa in 2006. Two months ago, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Manhattan unanimously reversed a lower-court ruling allowing the government’s move.
The editors at the Times got it right: ideological exclusion is inconsistent with American values. The sad revival of this long-discredited practice should end, and ideological exclusion should be returned to the dustbin of history.

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10 Responses to "NYT Calls for End to “Ideological Exclusion”"

  1. The Jurist Says:

    It is possible that the president at the time practice of denying entry to visa status conferencee of universities felt that he was preventing terrorism because most of the terrorist were affiliated with these American Universities; terrorist language as a grading system for the universities percept-fist actions, asking your beloved president to leave diplomacy for a university's report that is not substantive is an illegal government. It's the Universities toga party, et tu Department of Defense.

    The day should have came in their administration where the regulators (congress) stated to their agency elect acting outside of as a refuse is a senate hearing. Perfect analogy, an agency with jurisdiction claims unanswered as being regulated as functional by statement to congress of one anomaly of many as an agancy stride.

  2. Paen Says:

    Since 911 the governement uses terrorism as an excuse to act like a police state.

  3. SAMIAM Says:

    Would the ACLU defend osama bin laden?



    Did you know that the ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed and another suit to end prayer from the military completely. They're making great progress. The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the wretched ACLU and our new administration.

  5. Vic Livingston Says:


    U.S. government warrantless surveillance is being deployed as a pretext to harass and censor U.S. citizens right here at home. The evidence:

    http://nowpublic.com/world/how-u-s-spy-ops-censor-web -political-speech
    http://nowpublic.com/world/govt-fusion-center-spying-pretext-harass -and-censor

    Why does the ACLU have its head in the sand when it comes to U.S. government abuses of its own citizens -- DOMESTIC TERRORISM ENABLED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES?

    http://nowpublic.com/world/gestapo-usa-govt-funded-vi gilante-network-terrorizes-america

  6. Almaciga Says:

    I think that I would let any speaker who wants to come to the USA as long as they are inviteed and as long as the audience is allowed to ask questions related to the subject they are bringing. I would not let them if they just want to indoctrinate.

  7. Free Speech Says:

    Freedom of speech is only for APPROVED speech. Bush and Obama would want it no other way!!!!

  8. roald Says:

    LANCE CORPORAL USMC, please research before posting. You lose credibility when you continue to spread rumors that have been discredited for 5+ years. Please see

    http:// www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/jul/02/chain-email/no -aclu-lawsuit-over-cross-shaped-headstones/

    http://www.factchec k.org/2009/07/aclu-and-cemetary-crosses/

    http://www.truthorfict ion.com/rumors/a/aclu-markers.htm

    Stop spreading the rumor and tell the person who told you about this to stop.

  9. JO Says:

    To All People Living in The United States of America, this Country was built upon The Constitution of America, not the laws or religious beliefs of other Countries. Yes, all Men are Created Equal, but under our laws and belief’s not yours. Everyone is welcome to live here but you should be will and accepting of our beliefs and not to try to force your belief’s upon The United States of America. You need to learn our Culture and language not the other way around. If we came to your Country you would expect us to learn and abide by your ways. So now that all the cards are laid out on the table and Thanksgiving is upon us, live by our way. It was very unfortunate that the real Americans “The American Indians” were forced out by all of the other Countries that came to settle here, but that is the past and now we are in the present. Get over yourselves and stop taking away The United States of America!

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Only United States citizens are protected by the United States Constitution and The Bill Of Rights.

    I think maybe you are confusing the One World Government Enslavement Document with the US Constitution.


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