ACLU Topics

These topic pages are round-ups of the ACLU's work, views, resources and information on issues and stories of interest. Issues in the news that have implications for your rights, freedoms and civil liberties can be found here, along with our take and how you can take action.
The FBI is "mapping" American communities based on crude stereotypes about which groups commit different types of crimes.
For people swept up in the vast network of jails and prisons that is our nation’s immigration detention system, being detained means not just facing a loss of...
Alabama has been in a state of chaos since a federal judge upheld some of the worst provisions of the state's new, draconian immigration law. Learn more about the ACLU'...
Since 1920, the ACLU has been protecting the civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The resources below were created by ACLU staff as...
On May 26, 2011, Congress passed a four-year extension of three expiring Patriot Act provisions without making much-needed changes to the overly broad surveillance...
Ten years after 9/11, the ACLU joins all Americans in remembering the unspeakable losses suffered on that tragic day ...
Taking photographs and video of things that are plainly visible in public spaces is a constitutional right. Learn more about your rights.
Contemporary scientific evidence confirms the countless stories of the therapeutic effects of medical marijuana, which has provided unique relief for serious conditions...
A congressional briefing was held Tuesday morning to discuss the human rights abuses against citizens of Puerto Rico. We live-tweeted the briefing.  
Congress may soon vote on a new declaration of worldwide war without end, and without clear enemies. A “sleeper provision” deep inside defense bills pending...