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BUSINESS & TRADE | Achieving growth through open markets

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  • Cars Shift to Green feature

    Cars Shift to Green

    Automakers’ move away from total dependence on conventional engines and fuels prompts a re-thinking of transportation by consumers and the industry alike.

  • Man holding a shoe

    A Lakota stays true to tribal values while working for Nike Corporation. Other American Indians too embrace business opportunities and walk in two worlds.

  • Stamping Out Corruption

    There is growing awareness worldwide of the fact that eliminating bribery and other shady business practices paves the way for economic growth.

In Focus


  • AIG building seen from below (AP Images)
    How Obama Would Change Financial Regulation

    The Obama administration has unveiled its plan for a sweeping financial regulatory reform. If enacted by Congress, it would change the way financial institutions do business and the way government supervises those institutions.


Consumers and the Economy

Date: Wednesday, September 23

Time: 9 p.m. EDT (01:00 GMT)

Consumers and the Economy

Listen to two renowned economists discuss what makes consumers tick and forecast how consumers will affect economic growth in coming years.



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