American Life RSS Feed

  • Remade in America
    A series of essays depicts how the country’s newest immigrants significantly impact its institutions. (New York Times)
  • Tweeting the First Amendment
    American journalists struggle with the ethics aspects of using social media. (American Journalism Review)
  • “American Serengeti” comes back to life
    A prairie conservation group is restoring thousands of acres in Montana to its original state. (Reader’s Digest)
  • A Hindu nation?
    Poll shows Americans taking a broader view of religious beliefs. (Newsweek)

Global Challenges RSS Feed

  • It’s not about Left and Right
    What do Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and Ortega have in common? (Qantara.de, a dialog with the Islamic World)
  • The Plastic Plague worsens
    It turns out that plastic does decompose in the ocean. And fast–releasing toxic compounds into the seas. (National Geographic)
  • Unfair to global healthcare
    The U.S. health-care reform furor has resulted in wildly inaccurate claims leveled at health-care systems in other countries. (Foreign Policy)
  • Our AIDS efforts in Africa are myopic
    We need to acknowledge the role of religion and the supernatural in African life for HIV programs to be successful. (New Atlantis)

International Relations RSS Feed

  • Mexico fears tragic loss
    Mexico’s football (for gringos: “soccer”) dominance over the U.S. may be about to end. How long can the country hold this area of dominance over the U.S.? (Foreign Policy)
  • A not-so-great game, but we can’t stop now
    A U.S. withdrawal would plunge Afghanistan into civil war and inflame militant sentiment in Pakistan. (Weekly Standard)
  • Famine fighter
    A Plant scientist helped avert starvation of millions of people in developing countries, has died at 95. (New York Times)
  • Are we becoming a nuclear has-been?
    As other countries surpass the U.S. in nuclear reactor development, we will have less influence over proliferation? (American Interest)

Economy RSS Feed

  • Migrant workers power China’s economy
    As many as 200 million migrant workers travel throughout China to fill tough jobs while leading fragile lives. (Global Post)
  • The bigger they are…the harder it is to let them fall
    Businesses that are “too big to fail” are an old problem in America. (The American Interest)
  • The Federal Reserve owns the economics profession
    The Fed’s dominance of economics means that critical views get stifled. That’s how it missed the financial collapse. (Huffington Post)
  • Does capitalism have a “genetic” flaw?
    A relatively obscure economist believed so, and his work is being re-examined. (Boston Globe)

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Climate Change RSS Feed

  • What’s the plan?
    How will the world deal with tropical deforestation, which contributes more to global warming than all the vehicles on earth. (Washington Monthly)
  • This needs to stop right away
    Tropical deforestation accounts for more carbon emissions than all the vehicles in the world combined. (Washington Monthly)
  • Computing climate change
    Computing devices may be equal to airplanes in generating carbon dioxide around the world. (The Economist)
  • Geoengineering not a panacea
    While it merits more research, geoengineering is no quick fix and should not distract from making meaningful carbon cuts. (Seed)

Top Ten RSS Feed