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Course Listing

Rice University classes taught by Baker Institute fellows.

Fall 2011

Baker Institute Fellows

Vivian Ho, Ph.D.
James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics
     • ECON 481 — Health Economics
     • ECON 516 — Empirical Microeconomics

Amy Myers Jaffe
Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies
Director, Baker Institute Energy Forum
     • POST 499 — Independent Study

Kenneth B. Medlock III, Ph.D.
James A. Baker, III, and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics
     • ECON 437/ENST 437 — Energy Economics I

Ronald L. Sass, Ph.D.
Fellow in Global Climate Change
     • CHEM 570 — Nanotechnology for Teachers
     • MLSC 502 — Our Environment: Science and Culture

Robert M. Stein, Ph.D.
Fellow in Urban Politics
     • POLI 530 — Approaches to American Government
     • POLI 440 — Public Policy Seminar


Baker Institute Rice Scholars

David Cook, Ph.D.
     • RELI 221 — Life of the Prophet Muhammad
     • RELI 348 — Christianity and Islam in Africa
     • RELI 441 — Arabic Texts

Elaine Ecklund, Ph.D.
     • SOCI 580 — Classical Sociological Theory

Peter Hartley, Ph.D.
     • ECON 480 — Environmental Economics
     • ECON 523 — Corporate Finance

Rachel Kimbro, Ph.D.
     • SOCI 101 — Introduction to Sociology

Richard Smith, Ph.D.
     • HIST 206 — Introduction to Asian Civilizations
     • HIST 341 — Premodern Chinese History

Richard Stoll, Ph.D.
     • POLI 211 — Introduction to International Relations
     • POLI 305 — Directed Readings (supervisor)
     • POLI 405 — Senior Thesis (supervisor)
     • POLI 570 — Seminar in International Conflict
     • POLI 599 — Teaching Political Science

Ted Temzelides, Ph.D.
     • ECON 303 — Macroeconomics
     • ECON 502 — Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics I

Sarah Whiting, Ph.D.
     • ARCH 433/633 — The Cullinan Seminar

Ron Witte
     • ARCH 501 — Introductory Graduate Design Studio

George Zodrow, Ph.D.
     • ECON 483 — Public Finance: Tax Policy
     • ECON 522 — Public Economics: Tax Policy