These photos just in from the DC Pre-Tea Party rally.

If this is the size of the pre-rally, the main rally tonight might be big.



Eric Boehlert at Media Matters recently tweeted the following:


Weird that Tea Party supporters who earn $40K, worship multi-millionaire talkers who feast off the movement;

Ahh, a class warrior to the end. We wonder how Eric feels about union thugs earning north of $100,000.00 per year, throwing objects at moving vehicles and then lying to the cops about it? Should their fellow union victims earning way south of $100,000 think that’s a cost effective use of their union dues extortion payments?

We have been receiving information on at least two separate tea parties happening in Chicago today.

One is being held at noon, and one from 3-5.

Given that today is a work day, the one form 3-5 sounds ill planned if the goal is to draw as large a crowd as possible.

A little bit of digging uncovers some ill will between the two different Tea Parties. [via Backyard Conservative]

Beware Chicago’s Fake Tax Day Tea Party Event

THERE IS SOME CONFUSION in Chicago about two scheduled Tax Day Tea Party events. Both rallies will happen on Thursday, April 15 at Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington in downtown Chicago. One of the events is authentic, but the other is a rogue group that was kicked out of the Tea Party movement. Here’s the 411:

Looking at the line-up, it seems like the noon event is the one regular tea partiers will want to attend. The word on the street is that the organizer of the later party was excommunicated from the movement for behaving like an ass:

The ugliness and mob mentality of the Tea Party movement was on full display last week, during a town meeting held by Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) on Nov. 14 [2009]. What happened? A mob of teabaggers, blinded by hate and anger laughed at and heckled a grieving couple, who lost both their daughter-in-law and unborn grandchild. (Source:

No matter what Tea Party you attend folks, don’t take the bait. The Left (who despise dissent) are spoiling for a fight. They want you to be confrontational so that their media outlets can portray you as crazy. Don’t give them any satisfaction. If someone is being disruptive, simply record them and report it to PJTV. DO NOT ENGAGE THEM. That is what they want.

The blogosphere is aflame with latest Obama bow, in this instance to “President” Hu Jintau of China.

We think people might be missing the real disappointment these bows represent, and are instead caught up in the horror of the image of the President of the United States bowing to anyone. That reaction is understandable if you consider one of America’s founding paradigms to have been that we bow before no King (or dictator) be it symbolically through taxes or jizyah, let alone literally.

That aside, the real disappointment about the Obama bow is what it says about the American people, who elected a stranger – and the media outlets who for fear of losing access and campaign commercial ad buys never brought to light the details of Barack Obama’s past – or the political machine that raised him.

It doesn’t matter that Barack Obama bows. People can feel free to bow if that is how they feel comfortable expressing a greeting to people.

It does matter that the President of the United States bows, because he represents the nation, and thus it carries significant symbolic consequences.

We can’t help but think that if the American media had done its job, and/or the American public wasn’t willing to elevate a person they hardly knew to Commander-In-Chief, we wouldn’t be in this bowing mess to begin with.

File under “You get the government bow you deserve”

It has been a long time since we have updated the so-called Clip of the Day.

Today is the day:

Just another example of SEIU willingness to turn violent in the face of dissent.

People have been arrested for their YouTube exposed crimes in the past, but something tells us that the purple thug above has nothing to fear.

Bad News: Goodbye Thailand. We hardly knew ye.

Good News: America eagerly awaits your brain drain, as your best and brightest flee the violent Socialist crap-hole you are erecting. (Assuming we can prevent America’s Progressives from erecting a socialist crap-hole here.)

[via Instapundit]

There are reports that SEIU thug-in-chief Andy Stern is resigning. What’s the catch? Is he going to be nominated to the Supreme Court?

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has more:

Union heavies don’t just relinquish their control and throw themselves under the bus for the standard bogus Beltway excuses (the need to “spend more time with family,” etc.).

This smells. Stay tuned.

We will.

[via Citizens Defense Coalition]

Thanks to the draconian Progressive prohibition era drug policies, murdering drug cartels are taking over Mexico and turning it into a wasteland of violence and bloodshed.

Now it is feared that the violence is about to spill over the border.

A couple hundred people crowded into the grade-school gym to hear a chilling message from Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West.

“You farmers, I’m telling you right now, arm yourselves,” he said. “As they say the old story is, it’s better to be tried by 12 than carried by six. Damn it, I don’t want to see six people carrying you.”

Progressive moralists of both parties have failed us with their drug wars.

It doesn’t matter how many white union workers voted for President Obama, or how much of their union dues went to electing the first black president. As far as the SEIU is concerned, the white union workers are “So fucking rabidly racist.”


What would happen if a white union thug exclaimed to a room full of people that black union workers are “so fucking racist?” Do you think that would be considered news, or do you think it would be ignored by the mainstream media just like this will be?

Perhaps mainstream outlets don’t want to report on this racist crap because they are worried about losing their Democrat campaign advertising income. Can you say conflict of interests??

Still blogging from 30,000 feet on American Airline’s GoGo SkyFi.

When A “Family Values” Conservative is busted receiving a blumpkin in an airport bathroom, he is rightly denounced as a hypocrite.

When a “Progressive” Liberal  is busted leaving racist voicemail messages attacking black people who fail to share the rigid ideology of the left, they should share the same scarlet “H”.

Perhaps now they finally will. Sadly, the media has a long track record of failing to report on the disgusting racism of the Left. (Many examples at the link above.)

American Airlines has GoGo SkyFi and it is cool! Now if only there was anything worth blogging about from 30,000 feet.

We here at Founding Bloggers have been contemplating one of the first new Obamacare taxes to encumber our already-burdened economy, slated to take effect in July of this year, to wit:  The Tanning Tax.

Now, there are, of course, exceptions to any rule or trend.  That noted, we cannot help but also notice that the majority of tanning salon consumers fall into a particular demographic.  Generally speaking, they are a) female, b) young, and c) pale.

And so, given that the majority of tanning salon consumers are female, would it be fair to characterize this Obamacare tax as a sexist tax?

And, given that the majority of tanning salon consumers are young, would it be fair to characterize this Obamacare tax as an ageist tax?

And, given that younger people tend, on average, to have less money and resources available to them than older people, would it be fair to characterize this Obamacare tax as a regressive tax?

And, given that the majority of tanning salon consumers are naturally pale, would it be fair to characterize this Obamacare tax as a racist tax?

Reasonable minds may certainly differ and may arrive at different answers to these questions.  We maintain, however, that these questions are fair.

And what will this new tax mean to the Federal Treasury?  A windfall in revenue?  Probably not.  It seems more likely that people will simply opt for natural sunshine, which has the double benefit of being tax-free and less efficient – this means people will simply expose themselves to radiation for longer periods of time to achieve that coveted golden hue.  Not to worry, though, the price of sunscreen probably won’t go up all that much.

The likely long-term result of this ostensibly well-intended Statist health initiative will be more melanoma.


  • Just Another Purple Thug