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Better Late than Never: Christie Turns on Common Core

Say what you will about Republican governors, eventually they catch on. Well, most of them do, anyway (I’m looking at you, Jeb.)The latest addition to the ever-expanding number of governors turning against Common Core education standards is New Jersey’s own Chris Christie

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Executive Spying Goes Further than the Patriot Act

On Sunday, the Senate will vote on reauthorizing Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the controversial section that allows the bulk collection of telephone metadata. Actually, it doesn’t allow it, according to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, but everyone is still acting like it does and framing the debate accordingly.

Op-ed Placement

Civil asset forfeiture: The reform issue that’s sweeping the nation

The issue of civil asset forfeiture is getting a lot of attention these days, and with good reason. This centuries-old law enforcement procedure is based on British laws that predate the American Revolution, and which do not reflect the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Stand with Rand, Again

As you read this, Sen. Rand Paul is standing on the Senate floor, delivering an old-fashioned talking filibuster. He intends to stand until he can no longer speak.


Chris Christie’s Position on NSA Spying Is "Ridiculous."

Gov. Chris Christie has never been a particularly distinguished champion of freedom, but his recent comments and outright defense of the NSA’s illegal spying program was eyebrow raising even for him.


Conservatives Should Support Free Trade, Oppose Trade Adjustment Assistance

Congress is currently debating whether to pass Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which would speed up the consideration of any international trade deal that the executive branch reaches over the next several years. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans have caved to Democrats’ demands that this fast-track trade bill be merged with a reauthorization of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program (TAA), a program which gives assistance to workers who have supposedly been displaced as a result of foreign trade. While the former program may potentially be beneficial to promoting freer trade, the latter is a failed and duplicative government welfare program. The two proposals, TPA and TAA, are not complementary and should be considered separately.

Op-ed Placement

The FDA does something right for once, approves first biosimilar

High health care costs are one of those problems that everybody recognizes, and the high cost of pharmaceuticals is a significant contributor to it. The intensive regulatory process drugs have to go through before being approved not only raises prices for consumers, but keeps potentially life-saving medicine off the market for years at a time, even when similar drugs have been approved in Europe, where the regulatory process is different.

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Government Abducts Children when It Doesn't Agree with Your Parenting Style

Children are unique little snowflakes. Each one is different, with their own strengths, weaknesses and personalities. What’s more, they’re flexible, meaning that there’s not a single approach that works best for any given child. There are a wide variety of educational styles that can work equally well in molding a functional and successful young adult, right?


Federal Court: NSA's Metadata Program Is Illegal

In an era of judicial activism and a lot of nonsense talk about “a living document,” it’s refreshing to see that there are still some Courts interested in upholding the Constitution and defending the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights.

Op-ed Placement

How occupational licensure hurts small business

On this year’s Small Business Week, it behooves us all to examine some of the policies that keep entrepreneurs from achieving their potential. While support of small business is a favorite talking point of both political parties, there in fact remain many government-created barriers designed to protect big businesses from smaller competitors. One such barrier is occupational license requirements.

