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On King v. Burwell, the Administration Has No Plan

As the Supreme Court mulls over arguments in the King v. Burwell case that could unravel key portions of the president’s signature health care law, the Obama administration has adopted an attitude that is remarkably cavalier.

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Ohio Budget Defunds Common Core Testing

The Buckeye state is fighting back against the intrusive federal testing mandates that come with Common Core education standards. A House version of the state’s budget contains provisions defunding and blocking the use of PARCC, the set of Common Core aligned assessments that have students in tears all over the country.


Judiciary Committee Kills Important Privacy Amendment

Today, the House Judiciary Committee voted on the bipartisan Poe-Lofgren Amendment to the USA Freedom Act, a bill intended to reduce to reduce warrantless spying on American citizens. The Amendment offered two desperately needed improvements to the bill. The first would have prevented the government from searching through “incidentally collected data” without a specific warrant except in emergency situations. The second would forbid the government from requesting or mandating that manufacturers include “back doors” in their products to allow for surveillance of the users.

Op-ed Placement

The FDA continues its war on consumer choice

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), having long served as the gatekeeper of the American medical industry, is setting its sights on increased regulation of homeopathic medicine, a form of extremely diluted drug marketed under the theory that “like cures like” and popular in alternative medicine circles.

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Another West Virginia County Cracks Down on Testing Opt Outs

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a county in West Virginia was trying to intimidate students who wanted to opt out of the standardized testing mandated under Common Core standards. Despite assurances from the State Superintendent of Education that there were no consequences to students for opting out, schools were fearing a loss of funding, and therefore overreacting to parents exercising their rights by singling out and pressuring students to comply.

Op-ed Placement

Free range parents have rights too

Lock up your daughters, free range parents are on the loose. What are so-called “free range parents,” you ask? It’s a newly fashionable term for parents who commit the terrible crime of letting their children run around outside, like all children in the history of mankind have always done.


Tennessee's Common Core Repeal Bill Is Weak, but an Encouraging Start

It appears that Tennessee will be next state in line to repeal the increasingly unpopular Common Core education standards, joining South Carolina, Missouri, and Oklahoma. This week, the state House passed HB 1035 unanimously, a bill that calls for Common Core standards to be repealed and replaced with standards designed by the state. The state Senate followed shortly thereafter, passing the bill by a vote of 27-1.


The Insidious Tyranny of General Warrants

You’ve seen it a thousand times in movies, on police dramas, in any media dealing with crime and punishment. The police show up at a suspect’s house demanding entry, only to have the occupant retort, “Come back when you’ve got a warrant.”


Hey Governors, Stop Asking for Crony Handouts

What do conservatives stand for? In theory, they’re supposed to support less government intervention in markets, responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars, an equal playing field under the law, and a commitment to protect the rights of individuals over the special interests of certain well-connected groups.


Schools Are Panicking over Testing Opt-Outs

When it comes to the welfare of their kids, parents can be pretty formidable. As it becomes increasingly clear in school districts across America that the standardized tests aligned with Common Core standards are making education worse, more parents are choosing to just say no.

