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Khalid Yasin – Character of a Muslim

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6 Responses to “Khalid Yasin – Character of a Muslim”

  1. As-salaamu’alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

    Masha’Allah, another lecture by Shaykh Khalid Yasin that’s just beyond words.

    Anyone who can’t make time to listen to this particular topic, is truly missing out!! (it’s really on 45 mins long, and 15 mins is clips of other lectures)

    Wa’alaykum as-salaam

  2. [...] ● Character of a Muslim [...]

  3. bilal ibn rabbah Says:

    may allah bless him with greater knowledge n with jannah.
    n bless us all as well.

  4. were is anwar al awlaki

  5. more of khald yasin here full movie

  6. the link is not working.

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