Our Mission:

To defend America’s free society through educating the public to preserve traditional constitutional values of: Individual FreedomRule of LawPrivate Property, and Limited Government.

Santa Barbara Retreat 2010

Santa Barbara Retreat 2010
The Santa Barbara Retreat will be held April 23 – April 25, 2010, at the beautiful Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara, California. The David Horowitz Freedom Center extends an invitation for you to participate in this important West Coast gathering of prominent authorities on topics ranging from the 2010 elections, ...

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February 23rd, 2010

The New DHFC.org!

The New DHFC.org!
Welcome to our newly modified website! We have several new features and sections to our new site. For more information regarding the site, continue reading. If this is your first time here, feel free to see what the DHFC is all about. Click on the navigation links at the top ...

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March 9th, 2010

Freedom Center Students

Freedom Center Students
The left has already begun the transformation of many K-12 classrooms into indoctrination projects for its agendas. Concerted campaigns have been launched by the left at high schools geared to converting students into activists against the war and discouraging them from volunteering to serve. Radical pedagogy exemplified by the “Teaching ...

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February 23rd, 2010

A Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Today, FrontPage Magazine published a must read article written by Barbara Kay. The subject of the piece is FPM’s managing editor Jamie Glazov’s father, Yuri. Yuri Glazov was an outspoken critic of the Soviet regime. After signing the infamous “letter of the twelve,” the regime had enough ...

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March 18th, 2010
Topic: FrontPage Magazine, NewsReal Blog

Remember when civil disobedience was cool?

Media Matters is now pretending to be outraged about Rush Limbaugh talking up “noncompliance with the health care reform legislation once it’s signed into law” for “the third time.” Here’s Rush yesterday: But I just can’t — I can’t — just don’t believe that here we are ...

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March 18th, 2010
Topic: NewsReal Blog, Uncategorized

Reports of confession wrong: Jihad Jane pleads not guilty

She has been in custody since October, this says. Why are we only hearing about all this now? An update on this story. "U.S. 'Jihad Jane' Pleads Not Guilty to Terrorism," from Reuters, March 18: PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A ...

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March 18th, 2010
Topic: Jihad Watch

A Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Today, FrontPage Magazine published a must read article written by Barbara Kay. The subject of the piece is FPM’s managing editor Jamie Glazov’s father, Yuri. Yuri Glazov was an outspoken critic of the Soviet regime. After signing the infamous “letter of the twelve,” the regime had enough ...

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March 18th, 2010
Topic: FrontPage Magazine, NewsReal Blog

Copies of “The Case For Israel: Democracy’s Outpost” Still Available For Students

To reserve your copy and host a screening, contact Jeff at Jeffrey@horowitzfreedomcenter.org or 818-849-3470 ext 206. A summary of the film is provided here after the link.

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January 21st, 2010
Topic: Terrorism Awareness

Horowitz Could Find The Cure For Cancer – Feinstein and Feingold Would Probably Ban It

David Horowitz could find the cure for cancer.  Senators Dianne Feinstein, Russ Feingold et al would probably ban it from public access and use – forever.  The American Left, long ago the purported champions of freedom of speech and civil rights, has bloomed into a ...

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March 13th, 2010
Topic: Discover the Networks, NewsReal Blog