Nigeria: Muslims murder 12 more Christians, cut out their tongues

But as Pamela Geller says: "They can cut a thousand, a million tongues, but you can't cut out the truth about Islamic jihad."

Attackers kill 12 in latest Nigeria fighting," by Jon Gambrell for Associated Press, March 17 (thanks to Pamela):

LAGOS, Nigeria - Attackers killed 12 people Wednesday morning in a small Christian village in central Nigeria, officials said, cutting out most of the victims' tongues in the latest violence in a region where religious fighting already has killed hundreds this year.

The attack almost mirrored the tactics used by those who carried out similar massacres in Christian villages last week when more than 200 people were slaughtered.

Under the cover of darkness and a driving rain, raiders with machetes entered the village of Byie early Wednesday, setting fire to homes and firing gunshots into the air to drive frightened villagers into the night, witness Linus Vwi said.

"It was raining. They took that advantage," Vwi said.

Vwi said he and about 20 neighbors rushed into the surrounding wilderness, cowering in bushes as they listened to screams.

He said the attackers spoke Fulani, a language used mostly by Muslim cattle herders in the region. Officials and witnesses blamed Fulani herders for the killings last week.

Fulani community leader Sale Bayari denied that Fulanis took part in those killings, though he said the community suffered a similar massacre recently.

Six people were wounded in the overnight raid and taken to a local hospital, said Mark Lipdo, leader of a regional Christian nonprofit group. He said attackers burned down 15 homes during the violence.

The dead included seven women, four children and one man, Lipdo said. Attackers removed the tongues of most of the victims, witnesses said.

It was unclear why attackers took the victims' tongues. In Nigeria, killers sometimes take body parts of their victims for black magic or "juju" rituals, later using them as charms.

Attacks this month come after more than 300 people -- mostly Muslim -- were killed in January violence in the nearby city of Jos and its surrounding villages....

Much as AP would like to portray this as an outbreak of ethnic or religious violence in which both sides are equally at fault, in reality the Muslims have been the aggressors all along. The last paragraph quoted above is simply a lagniappe about retaliatory violence, inserted so as to avoid appearances of "Islamophobia."

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The Fulani again, traditionally slave hunters.

"Attacks this month come after more than 300 people -- mostly Muslim -- were killed in January violence in the nearby city of Jos and its surrounding villages...."

I'd like to know if anyone can find a single news report documenting this event?

How barbaric and evil is islam and its adherents.
Warning: 01:00 – 1:45
Stoning, Finger Amputate & Eye Removal
how the “excellent example” (33:21) Muhammad also did

It was unclear why attackers took the victims' tongues. In Nigeria, killers sometimes take body parts of their victims for black magic or "juju" rituals, later using them as charms."

Perhaps a syncretistic sign. Christianity has its variant, Candomblé, found practiced mostly in Brazil. Why should not Islam-plus-juju be found among Fulani herders in the African plains or the African bush?

It may interest some to learn that Usman Dan Fodio, who founded the Sokoto Caliphate, and first declared his Jihad in 1804 against not only non-Muslims, but against "corrupt" (i.e., unobservant or syncretistic) Hausas. Usman Dan Fodio, I recall, was himself a Fulani, the tribe of those who have since January in central Nigeria massacring Christians here, Christians there, with occasinally a Christian response that the Western press constiently exaggerates, just as it consistently misreports everything to do with Muslim-on-Christian violence, just as it failed so completely to report accurately, for three full years, from 1967 to 1969, on the Biafra War, and the atrocities committed not just by the Muslim Hausa (with some other tribes also contributing their mite) but by the Egyptian pilots flying their Egyptian Migs, and massacring helpless Ibo villagers by the tens of thousands.

Cornelius, I asked this very same question earlier today on CBCs website. So far no response from anyone.

The CBC report was very similar to this one.

i once paid a man with a twowheel cart to carry some luggage for me. when he was finished with the task, he knelt and wrote an and an in the sand and then stood, pointed to the sky and motioned as if he was lifting his heart upwards to Almighty God.

he had no tongue. that didn't stop his praises.

i think the Fulani (if indeed they are the culprits of the recent atrocities) can't stand any verbalizing of praise to any other than Allah. cut out tongues. that's their way of exerting superiority.

Blood is on the hands of Western news organizations who misreport or ignore the ongoing carnage instigated by muslim zombies all across the globe. This amoral journalistic malpractice is directly responsible for the lack of political interest and response which would be necessary to stop and prevent islams pandemic genocide of non-muslims.

Cornelius, You asked about documentation of "attacks this month come after more than 300 people -- mostly Muslim -- were killed in January violence in the nearby city of Jos and its surrounding villages...."

The January attacks and death toll are real. The "mostly Muslim" is unclear, and the claim "Fulani community leader Sale Bayari denied that Fulanis took part in those killings, though he said the community suffered a similar massacre recently" is largely claiming victim status throught a classic reversal of perspective. Muslims started the January slaughter.

The January attacks seem to have started with a dispute over muslims playing soccer outside a church during the Sunday morning service. In response to the initial conflict, a muslim mob burnt down the occupied church, so the escalation from local argument into mass murder was made by the muslims. Much violence followed, including people in military uniforms. I have not seen clear reports on the breakdown of deaths and injuries by ethnicity/religion, or cause. Significant numbers of deaths will have been caused by military/police intervention against murderous rioters.

For reports on the January attacks,

The alleged dispute over rebuilding a house of mosque is a misunderstanding based on reports from the home owner who encountered the riots well after they had started, and assumed his house was the target of the riots. It also suited the muslim victimhood propaganda line.

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