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Let ’em hang? Not so fast

A hung parliament is still likely to result in a Tory government led by David Cameron, an economic illiterate and a dangerous Europhobe.
Let ’em hang? Not so fast

Hang ’em high with this election

New Labour wasted an unprecedented opportunity to reform Britain economically and politically and create a more equal society. Our best chance for renewing our political life is to ensure we bring in a hung parliament.
Hang ’em high with this election

The choice before Labour

Labour needs to understand why so many of its natural supporters feel estranged from the party.
The choice before Labour

Everyone deserves justice – even Ian Huntley

The one thing missing from all the coverage of the prison attack on the Soham murderer is sympathy.
Everyone deserves justice – even Ian Huntley

Trust me, inflation is not a problem

There is little evidence that greater fiscal stimulus would prove inflationary.
Trust me, inflation is not a problem

Your Democracy

Everything you want to know about your MP, the Lords and the UK’s main political parties. Plus, browse debates from 1803 to the present day.

Labour suspends three former ministers over lobbying claims

Stephen Byers, Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt suspended following undercover documentary into lobbying.

China attacks Google decision to end censorship
Internet giant accused of "violating" written promise after moving operation to Hong Kong

Ministry of Defence projects face cancellation over £36bn funding gap
Public accounts committee warns that the defence budget is "fundmentally unaffordable".

Labour cut Conservative to four points
With weeks to go before the election, polls still show hung parliament is likely.

Get ready for President Cheney

Get ready for President Cheney

Liz Cheney could one day become the first female US President. But she is even more right-wing than her dad.

If Dave doesn’t win, it’s open season
If Cameron delivers only a small win, many Tories will consider him exposed as a charlatan.

The Tories play it Coulson
Andy "I Knew Nothing" Coulson is feeling the strain.

Leader: A hung parliament could yet be the saving of Labour
Progressive realignment in one party, like socialism in one country, doesn't work.

How Tudorphilia rescued Delaroche

How Tudorphilia rescued Delaroche

Delaroche’s portrait of Lady Jane Grey is more popular than ever, thanks to our love affair with all things Tudor.

Sons of Cuba (PG)
Ryan Gilbey is struck by the poverty of Cuba's child boxers.

The World That Never Was: a True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents
The early anarchists were a convenient enemy against which the status quo was strengthened.

Making it pay
On “Never Be Your Woman" by Wiley and “Pass Out" by Tinie Tempah

Extremely brave, extremely Rachel

Rogue traders could save Kyoto
Carbon traders do not easily secure sympathy. Yet their role is vital.

The cockney Siberia
Why the Thames Gateway development must succeed.

How to get ahead in activism

Burning up and burning out
Climate change sceptics are busting out of their dank corners, sensing a moment of weakness.

Hang ’em high with this election

Return of the natives

Armando Ianucci - extended interview

Lobbying scandal: the Rory Bremner connection

How other C4 show got caught up in affair -- and how the Tories were warned off.


Web Only: the best of the blogs

The five must-read blogs from today on Cameron's hypocrisy, budget poll slumps and US health-care.

Sarah Palin, your guide to Alaska

Sarah Palin, your guide to Alaska

Watch out David Attenborough...

1 comment

Is Israel an apartheid state?

Is Israel an apartheid state?

The comparison must not be dismissed out of hand.

Trust me, inflation is not a problem

Trust me, inflation is not a problem

There is little evidence that greater fiscal stimulus would prove inflationary.

The law of unintended consequences
Be careful when making policy, you may get a response you didn't plan for.

UK inflation rate falls to 3 per cent

BA cancellations continue

Budget expected to set £80bn lending target for RBS and Lloyds

John Gray

Anarchism's failure

The World That Never Was: a True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents

Will Self

The mob returns

Will Self


Great political songs

The greatest political songs of all time


Armando Iannucci

The NS interview: Armando Iannucci


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Why we need a hung parliament

In this week's New Statesman: Why we need a hung parliament


Ian McEwan



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