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Action Hero

Bibi van der Zee’s fortnightly guide to activism

Commons Confidential

Political journalist Kevin Maguire’s look at life in the village of Westminster

Crip's Column

View from my wheelchair - Victoria Brignell on life as a disabled person.

Dissident Voice

Mehdi Hasan’s polemical take on politics, economics and foreign affairs

Down & Out in London

Nicholas Lezard's humorous account of urban life

Election Watch

George Eaton's guide to the key players and issues in the run-up to the general election


Ryan Gilbey gives his verdict on the key new movie releases

First Thoughts

Peter Wilby's witty and sardonic take on the week's events

Global Warning

Green activist Mark Lynas explores the myths and truth of climate change

Madness of Crowds

Will Self’s wry look at strange social phenomena and group behaviour

New Statesman Leader

The New Statesman's view on the defining issue of the week


New Statesman critics review the latest theatre, live music and dance performances

Preparing for Oblivion

Fran Reddington's dispatches from deep in New Labour's bunker.

Preparing for Power

Gideon Donald keeps a watchful eye on Cameron's Conservatives


Antonia Quirke’s stylish take on the week in radio

Real Meals

Will Self turns his back on haute cuisine and surveys the establishments where we actually eat.


Rachel Cooke's unmissable round-up of what’s happening on TV

The Art of Listening

Daniel Trilling takes a journey into sound

The Economics Column

World-renowned economist David Blanchflower’s authoritative take on the latest economic developments

The Fan

Legendary journalist Hunter Davies covers the world of football

The Politics Column

James Macintyre’s incisive guide to politics inside and outside of Westminster


Andrew Billen follows the good and the bad in British theatre

What I'm Worrying About This Week

Mark Watson and Sophie Elmhirst tackle ethical dilemmas

What If

Dominic Sandbrook’s weekly exploration of counter-factual history

World Citizen

The legendary John Pilger offers a radical and internationalist view of politics

This week's columns
Sophie Elmhirst

2. Gimmick

Andrew Billen

Love Never Dies

Andrew Lloyd Webber has created a monster.

Hunter Davies

Who ate all the empanadas?

Nicholas Lezard

The Post Office Tower is talking to me

Bibi van der Zee

Extremely brave, extremely Rachel

Will Self

The return of Britain’s lynch mob

Michael Hodges

Class Monitor: Young Offenders

David Blanchflower

Trust me, inflation is not a problem

There is little evidence that greater fiscal stimulus would prove inflationary.

Antonia Quirke

Belgian waffle

Antonia Quirke is caught in the middle of a cross-Channel face-off.

Mehdi Hasan

Why I could never hate America

The notion of anti-Americanism seeks to excuse the crimes of US elites.

Leader: A hung parliament could yet be the saving of Labour

Progressive realignment in one party, like socialism in one country, doesn't work.

Leader: In fear of the petrolheads

Peter Wilby

Childhood, BA strikes and biscuits

George Eaton

Whelan and dealing

Kevin Maguire

The Tories play it Coulson

Andy "I Knew Nothing" Coulson is feeling the strain.

Andrew Stephen

President Cheney?

Get ready for President Cheney


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David Cameron

Tory foes

If Dave doesn’t win, it’s open season

James Macintyre

Lib Dem dilemma

The Lib Dem dilemma

Film review

Sons of Cuba

Sons of Cuba (PG)


Fat Man in a White Hat

Fat Man in a White Hat

John Gray

Anarchism's failure

The World That Never Was: a True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents


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