
Daily Shouts

Proposal: Men Listen to Women for Five Seconds

Jumping off the success of YouTube’s ad model, we will require men to listen to women speak before they move on to content featuring other men, themselves, or animals.

The Latest

Heather Nauert Says Visit to “It’s a Small World” Ride Qualifies Her For U.N. Job

Trump’s choice for the post noted that, while career diplomats might spend twenty to thirty years learning about only one country, “I learned about twenty-five countries in fifteen minutes.”

December 7, 2018

Daily Cartoon: Friday, December 7th

The doomsday thermometer.

December 7, 2018

The Revolution Will Also Be Vegan

Alternative ways of eating the rich.

December 6, 2018

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, December 6th

How to fund the subway.

December 6, 2018

A Letter to My Talent Agency

Although I have enjoyed my time as an I.C.M. client, I will not hesitate to inquire with the United Talent and Creative Artists Agencies about becoming the new Snoopy balloon at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

December 6, 2018
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Daily Comics

Is It Too Early for This?

It’s four o’clock. The sun has set. Too soon for p.j.’s?

Household-Robot Personality Types

Roomba: Has the personality of a small, loved dog.

Dear Pepper

Suggestions for dealing with writer’s block, and what to do if you notice that someone forgot to zip up.

Mascots for the Rest of Us

For people who talk about Bitcoin constantly, who suddenly remember they’re in quite a bit of debt, and more.

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Cartoons from the Issue