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14 Dec 2009 23:30No Comments
44484_472.jpgPro-Leader students give opposition ultimatum

Fararu | Dec. 13, 2009

Students gathered in the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in Tehran to protest the desecration of one of the late leader's posters and gave an ultimatum to opposition leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Students chanted slogans such as, "Mousavi, Karroubi, this is your last warning, Muslim students are ready for uprising," "Mousavi is a criminal, try him," as well as slogans in support of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Iran makes arrest over torn ayatollah photo

AFP | Dec. 13, 2009

Iranian authorities have arrested several people accused of destroying photos of the Islamic Republic's revered founder and the current supreme leader at student demonstrations, state media reported Monday.

Tehran's prosecutor promised to show "no mercy" to those responsible, but the news reports carrying his remarks gave no details on who was arrested.

Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi said authorities were preparing indictments against those arrested, according to the official IRNA news agency. Under the law, insults to the late or current supreme leader can lead to two years in prison.

Tabriz bazaar closed over Khomeini desecration

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

The Tabriz Bazaar was closed in protest to the desecration of an Imam Khomeini poster during the 16 Azar demonstrations.

According to Fars News Agency, the Bazaar traders closed their shops and staged a protest for the violation of the sanctity of the late Iranian leader's honor.

Protestors chanted slogans such as "Hussein, Hussein, is our motto, Khomeini is our pride," "If Khamenei gives us the order for Jihad, the world cant stop us," and death to the US, UK, Israel, seditionists, anti-[Supreme] Leader groups."

The bazaar was once the financial backbone of the Iranian economy and its cancellation during different historical eras brought the rulers of the country to their knees.

While the Iranian economy is no longer hinged on Bazaar transactions the cancellation of the Bazaar is considered a symbolic form of warning.

Khomeini's daughter has no comment about Imam desecration

Khabar Online | Dec. 14, 2009

The late Iranian leader Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini's oldest daughter Zahra Mostafavi declined to comment about the desecration of her father's poster.

While confronted about the desecration case by reporters at the 30th anniversary of Ayatollah Mohammad Mofateh's death, Mostafavi said, "Permit me to not say anything [about this issue]."

Mostafavi described Imam Khomeini as her father and leader, saying, "As the Imam's daughter, I would rather remain silent and not say anything."

When asked for her opinion about the exploitation of the incident by certain political movements, Mostafavi said, "Like I said before, allow me to remain silent under the present circumstances."

Prosecutor says one Imam Khomeini desecrator in custody

Khabar Online | Dec. 14, 2009

The Tehran Prosecutor said that one of the desecrators of the Imam Khomeini poster has been arrested and awaits justice in prison.

When asked by the ILNA reporter what measures had been taken in the case of the Imam Khomeini poster desecration, Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi said, "After this disrespectful incident, when the people reacted [to the incident] and demanded the judiciary take action against the perpetrators, we asked the case officers to identify all those who had been on the scene."

Dolatabadi went on to add that one of the suspects was arrested on the same day. "This suspect is in detention and it is expected that his file will be sent to court as soon as possible," he said.

When asked if anyone had been arrested for insulting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Dolatabadi said, "The suspects taken into custody are in two different groups [Khomeini and Khamenei insulters]. Our officers have been instructed to close the file on these individuals and send their cases to court as soon as possible."

"We will announce the exact number of suspects after their indictments. We are certain about the guilt of a number of these suspects, as they have confessed to their crime."

Police aides to monitor Ashura mourning ceremonies

Asr Iran | Dec. 14, 2009

Police chief Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam said the force is not opposed to Ashura mourning processions, rather it seeks to prevent the violation of citizens' rights.

"During Moharam certain behaviors cause problems for citizens such as using unconventional musical instruments, using loudspeakers after 9 pm, causing traffic without police coordination... all of which which have been mentioned in the police statement that will be released soon."

"Such actions are what the police intends to prevent."

Ahmadi-Moqaddam explained the police guidelines for the religious months of Moharam and Safar, saying, "Processions must move from the right side of the street and leave room for the passing of ambulances."

"Police aides will be stationed in mosques so I don't think there will be problems during Moharam and Safar."

"There is no difference between Basiji and non-Basiji [aides] and these youths will be introduced after coordination with mourning groups [Heyat]. They will be given proper cover and equipment. These individuals have been chosen from among the members of mourning groups and have received police training."

Ahmadi-Moqaddam said that 180 protestors had been arrested on 16 Azar and that many of them had been released and the cases of the remaining suspects had been referred to court.

Regarding the suspects in the desecration of the Imam Khomeini poster case, Ahmadi-Moqaddam said, "The case of the individuals who tore the Imam poster was not given to us [for investigation] and because it took place on campus it was initially the responsibility of campus authorities and security."

"The perpetrators must be punished in a way that no one will ever dare to repeat such an act again," he warned.

Education minister rejects exam cancellation for Moharam

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

The Education Minister rejected reports that school term exams would not be held during the month of Moharam.

On the sidelines of the Family Conference in Tehran, Hamid Reza Hajibabaei said, "The only acceptable statements from the education ministry are the ones that I make. The statements made by any other official in the ministry are not true."

"The policies of the education ministry are decided by the minister," he reiterated. "Aside from myself, any other educational policy or guidelines announced are not authorized or acceptable."

Hosseinian tells Rafsanjani to return to Islam

Asr Iran | Dec. 14, 2009

Principlist lawmaker Rouhollah Hosseinian advised Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to not allow his children to drive a wedge between him and the leadership.

Addressing the students gathered at the Imam Khomeini mausoleum to protest the desecration of a poster of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Hosseinian said he had attended the gathering to show support for students.

"We must see why they insulted the Imam. What had the Imam done, and who were his enemies that allowed for such a thing [desecration of his poster] to happen?"

"During the cold war era when the world had been divided between the Western and Eastern blocs, Imam [Khomeini] disrupted the balance of power in favor of the oppressed people of the world. He brought awareness in the world of Islam, helping the oppressed to stand up to arrogant powers," ISNA quoted Hosseinian as saying.

"In a country [Iran] that had suffered under 2,500 years of tyranny and monarchy which prevented its progress, the Imam managed to end their rule and defeat oppressors."

"In our present situation we have no fight with [Mir Hossein] Mousavi. He is too small to stand in front of our establishment and oppose it. [Mohammad] Khatami is not big enough for Hezbollah. Rafsanjani is too insignificant for us to take him on; we are faced with a movement that has its roots in the US, Europe and secularism, in other words Reform. We are fighting an illegal, anti-religion and atheist movement that requires us to be vigilant."

"They do not want Imam to be in this world, but I have to tell them that they are the ones who are dead. Imam will forever live in history... you are more wretched than Saddam [Hussein]. At the time of his death, Saddam said 'I have never seen any man as righteous as Khomeini.' You who are more wretched than Saddam. How did you dare insult the Imam?"

"Mr. Hashemi you betrayed the Leader on countless occasions after the recent post-election unrest. You claimed to be a follower of the Leader in official meetings but you showed your true face [and the grudge you hold] in Mashhad. You said if the people don't want us we must leave. The people don't want you and they have shown you with their slogans that you no longer have a place in their hearts."

"Like the Leader, we urge you to return to Islam and [the path of] the establishment. We want you to be the Hashemi who is a follower of the Leader and the Just Jurisprudent. Don't do this to yourself because of [what] your children [want]."

Hosseinian then addressed the grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini, Seyyed Hassan, who is in charge of the Mausoleum affairs. "You are the caretaker of the Imam's Mausoleum. You should have come to greet the students who came here today, to welcome them and thereby return to the embrace of the Revolution and the [Hezbollah] nation," he advised.

"When did Mousavi and Khatami believe in the Imam? If you had reacted when they insulted the Imam and said he belongs in history museums, if you had reacted when they chanted the 'Independence, Freedom, Iranian Republic' slogan or when they distanced themselves from Imam's ideals we would not have a bunch of people with no character tear his poster in front of the eyes of foreign media."

Pajooh family concerned about decline in daughter's health

HRA | Dec. 13, 2009

Iranian journalist and blogger Fariba Pajooh, who was arrested four months ago, has been suffering from physical and psychological problems in Evin Prison.

Despite having a letter of permission from the Prosecutor, prison authorities refused the Pajooh family visitation rights. The family was finally able to see their daughter on Sunday morning.

The lack of proper heating and nutrition in prison has been the reason for Pajooh's health decline. Pajouh, who was arrested in her family home on August 22, continues to remain in custody even after having her case sent to the Revolution Court.

Mehrabian refuses to comment on his looming impeachment

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

The Iranian Minister of Industries and Mining walked away from reporters when asked about his imminent impeachment in Majlis.

According to Mehr News Agency, on the sidelines of the breakfast for commerce, industries and mining chamber officials, Ali Akbar Mehrabian refused to offer any explanation regarding the Majlis' motion for his impeachment.

In an apparent change of stance, Mehrabian, who had previously claimed that the country's industries are thriving and have no significant problems, said, "We must take this into consideration that due to a large number of investments in the industrial sector in recent years, the problems are numerous and resolving them requires more time."

Education Minister encourages teen marriages

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

The Education minister has welcomed the notion of teen marriages, but said teenage brides would need to continue their education in night school.

"There is nothing wrong with teenage girls getting married and it makes us happy," Hamid Reza Hajibabaei told ILNA. "But a [teenage] girl who gets married will no longer be permitted to attend school during the day and must continue her education in night school."

When asked if marriage was good, why girls should be forced to attend night school, which is a form of punishment, Hajibabaei said, "[Going to] Night school is not a punishment and the reason that they are sent to night school is that a married girl changes in behavior and appearance, and it is not appropriate for her to socialize with un-wed girls her age."

Earlier, Zakaria Yarzlou, head of the Tehran Education Office, advised teenage girls to get married if they had the opportunity.

Shahroud or Semnan possibilities for new Iranian capital

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

Shahroud's representative in Majlis said the city is one of the main options for the new Iranian capital.

"Shahroud was chosen as one of the main options, during initial studies, for the new Iranian capital," said Majlis Kazem Jalali.

This is while Asadollah Abbasi, member of the Majlis Urban Management Commission, had told Mehr News Agency that Semnan is to become the country's new capital.

The idea to transfer the capital from Tehran was first floated in 1985, when the city celebrated its 200th anniversary as the Iranian capital. The idea was brought up again in 1999 but the idea didn't develop further.

During a recent Expediency Council meeting, the relocation of the Iranian capital was approved.

US hikers to stand trial in Iran

Press TV | Dec. 14, 2009

Months after the arrest of three American hikers near the Iranian border, Iran says the three will stand trial in the country.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters on Monday that the three young Americans arrested in late July while hiking near the country's border with Iraq had "suspicious intentions" in crossing the border.

When asked if Iran was willing to make a prisoner exchange deal with regards to the case, which could lead to the release of Iranian prisoners in the US, Mottaki said, "The three American citizens will be tried by Iran's judiciary system and relevant judiciary verdicts regarding their cases will be issued.''

Shane Michael Bauer, Joshua Felix Fattal, and Sarah Emily Shourd were arrested in the western Iranian district of Marivan, at Malakh-Khur border point on July 31. The three were traveling on Syrian and Iraqi visas and according to Iranian officials, crossed the border illegally.

Iran says Americans proved they kidnapped Amiri

Tabnak | Dec. 14, 2009

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said the report by European security officials that Sharam Amiri gave information about the Fordo Nuclear site to the Americans is proof that he was kidnapped by the US.

Mehmanparast said that the report stating Amiri had cooperated with IAEA inspectors and given intelligence to Americans proves "the claims by Iranian officials that US intelligence was involved in the kidnapping of Amiri."

[Amiri is a nuclear physicist who went missing while attending the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. While Iran initially tried to keep Amiri's field of expertise under wraps, Tehran Bureau initially broke the news story.]

"European intelligence agents reported Amiri's cooperation with IAEA inspectors based on the information given to them by the Americans."

"A quick review of the above information [report] tells us that the Americans, contrary to their original claims, are well aware of Amiri's fate and henceforth must be answerable to Iranian authorities about this Iranian national."

China cancels world power meet on Iran

Press TV | Dec. 14, 2009

An official meeting between the five major world powers on Iran's nuclear program has been called off after China cited "genuine problems" for attending the meeting.

The nuclear meeting, was scheduled to be held between the US, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany on Friday in Brussels, or on the sidelines of the Copenhagen climate change summit.

According to one official involved in the talks, China made the cancellation request, citing scheduling problems.

Press Roundup provides a selected summary of news from the Iranian press, and excerpts where the source is in English. The link to the news organization or blog is provided at the top of each item. Tehran Bureau has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. Please refer to the Media Guide to put the story in perspective.

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