Metric (Again)

Written By Artist of the Day on April 25th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Today’s artist of the day is Metric. As detailed in a previous Artist of the Day, Metric is a new age/indie/new wave rock band. Originally formed in 1998 in New York City, they are currently based in Toronto, Ontario and Oakland, California. Their latest album was released last week, entitled Fantasies. The album received a 6.4 on Pitchfork, saying in the new album “there is a dreamy quality here that eschews the vague, easy rhymes and lyrical polemics of past Metric records in favor of romance and sex.”

From the most recent album, Gimme Sympathy:

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What The Fuck Is Wrong With America (Comic Version)

Written By Political Ironing on April 25th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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WOTD followup

Written By dance party on April 24th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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As a follow up to Word of the Day’s post, I’d like to throw in my 2 cents and vent a little frustration. I’m really sick of all the anti-American a-holes out there who are willing to sacrifice the ideals of America, everything America stands for, and everything that makes us great so they don’t have to be afraid of the boogy man.

If you don’t like the fact that in America, you should be willing to die as a sacrifice to lady liberty every single day, then maybe you should leave the country and go somewhere safer. The patriots didn’t lay down their lives so that we could be safe at whatever the cost. Patrick Henry didn’t say give me a tall soy latte or give me skim if you’re out of soy. He said give me liberty or give me death. If you aren’t willing to die for your ideals, then what are you willing to die for?

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We Want Your Soul & Input

Written By Administrator on April 24th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Dear Readers:

We are striving to make this website as user-friendly and clean as possible. If you have any comments or suggestions about the design, ads, usability, and general flow of the website, we are all ears. We plan on doing a major facelift this coming month.

-PBH Admins

PS. karmanaut this is my god damn website.


What the fuck is wrong with America?

Written By Word Of The Day on April 24th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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I’ll make this quick and full of pomp and outrage:

What kind of fucking country do you live in where you have to debate whether torturing someone is a crime? What kind of country do you live in when you can spend 3 years prosecuting the President for a consensual sexual act but won’t prosecute a President for authorizing illegal wiretaps and torturing people? What kind of country do you live in where the supposed ’spiritual’ and ‘religious’ leaders think it’s OK to torture non-Christians? What kind of country do you live in where you can’t even use the word ‘torture’ but have to say ‘interrogation techniques’? What kind of country do you live in when their Nuremberg defense (’We were just following orders’) becomes the mantra for not holding war criminals accountable for their actions? What kind of country do you live in where a major candidate in a Presidential primary openly advocates for doubling the size of America’s illegal detention centers and increasing the use of torture?

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Der What Is Carbon?

Written By Video of the Day on April 24th, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Fighting For Your Right To Hate

Written By alec on April 23rd, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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In case you’ve been living under a blog rock (HARDY HAR HAR), PBH has been expanding its efforts into all sorts of new and untold dimensions.

Currently, we are addressing the two major ills of our society: hipsters and guidos. This war must be waged and I will command it (via anonymous blogs with snarky captions). I hope you like it!


On Slashing $100 Million

Written By government_employee on April 23rd, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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Earlier this week, Greg Mankiw jumped on the reports that Obama planned to ask his cabinet members to slash $100 million from their combined budgets:

Just to be clear: $100 million represents .003 percent of $3.5 trillion.

To put those numbers in perspective, imagine that the head of a household with annual spending of $100,000 called everyone in the family together to deal with a $34,000 budget shortfall. How much would he or she announce that spending had to be cut? By $3 over the course of the year–approximately the cost of one latte at Starbucks. The other $33,997? We can put that on the family credit card and worry about it next year.

On the surface, this is an easy and obvious judgment — $100 million is a penny in the well and we’ll never get to fiscal solvency if we don’t make dramatic budgetary changes!

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Written By Blog Roundup on April 23rd, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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I have some really, really, really sad news everybody. Mia Farrow is putting herself in harms way to alleviate the poverty of the Sudanese people. How brave, how noble a lady she is to stop eating food for a couple of weeks in the comfort of her own food, just to raise awareness for third world peoples! Wrong rights explains:

Well, if the hundreds of thousands displaced or dead in Darfur weren’t bad enough already, now the violence is impacting the well-being of our nation’s precious celebrities. Actress Mia Farrow recently announced that next week she will begin a hunger strike in solidarity with the (very hungry) people of Darfur…

And am I the only one who expects to see the “Darfur Diet” popping up in next month’s Cosmopolitan magazine as a great way to get in shape for bikini season and attract the attention of that cute “activist” boy who hangs out at your local fair trade coffee shop?

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Israel-US Relations Explained In One Quote

Written By International Relations on April 22nd, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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“Believe me, America accepts all our decisions. The Obama Admin will put forth new peace initiatives only if Israel wants it to.”

– Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman [quoted in Haaretz]

See Also: Lieberman: U.S. to accept any Israeli policy decision, Lieberman: U.S. to accept any Israeli policy decision, Lieberman: Arab initiative ‘a recipe for Israel’s destruction’, Lieberman Israeli foreign minister first major interview, How Do You Like Being Their Bitch?, and Lieberman: U.S., Israel’s Toady.

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You Got AIPAC’s Dick In Yo’ Mouth

Written By Quote of the Day on April 22nd, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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“I never had any idea that my government was wiretapping me at all… this abuse of power is outrageous and I call on your department to release all transcripts and other investigative material involving me in an unredacted form.”

- Jane Harman on being caught selling her soul to Israel

[PBH Translation: It is outrageous I got caught via legal wiretap selling out my country to Israel!]

See Also: Harman: “I didn’t need to cut some deal with AIPAC.”, Can Jane Harman Hear Herself?, Harman: Alleged wiretap an ‘abuse of power’, Harman/AIPAC Connection Is Not New, Are Members of Congress (and Maybe Even the President) Being Blackmailed?, Interview with Representative Jane Harman (D-Cal.), Harman, AIPAC, and Leaks, and The Lobby is at it again

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Torture Gets A Pass, But Letter Writing…

Written By News to Make You Blue on April 21st, 2009 | Trackback URI | Email This Post Email This Post
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So, you can apparently torture without recourse in America:

The Obama administration on Thursday released top secret memos outlining the legal rationale used to justify the CIA’s torture of terror suspects, but vowed not to prosecute the torturers.

“It would be unfair to prosecute dedicated men and women working to protect America for conduct that was sanctioned in advance by the Justice Department,” Attorney General Eric Holder said.

But, defending a Guantanamo prisoner and writing a letter detailing his torture, welp.. that’ll get your ass sent to jail:

A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who accused a Bay Area company of flying him to foreign torture chambers for the CIA is at the center of a bizarre new case, in which his lawyers face possible jail sentences for writing a letter that asked President Obama to disclose how brutally he was treated.

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