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Sunday, April 18, 2010


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Quoted and responded:

Could you elaborate on:
"Because progressives are predominantly federalists, as soon as someone brings up the concept of state's rights, it's immediately tarred with the brush of the Civil War."

Progressives, I have been led to understand, are Liberals. Federalists, OTOH I thought were Conservatives. If only the dictionary wasn't mounted on a swivel, eh?

Ya gotta watch that lack of "feeback."

One thing that might be done is to require the Treasury to itemize both receipts and expenditures by Congressional district, and make that data public.

My actual suggestion is to transfer all revenues from any given District to the Representative of that District, after deducting proportionately for the salaries of Federal judges (whose income cannot be Constitutionally diminished.) I'm talking the Congresscritters being the owners in fee simple of those funds, indistinguishable from any private monies they might own. They would then have to write checks on their own account to finance their programs.


The first thing that came to mind was that primise Barry made when he was running. He was going to comb through every penny being spent, look at every department and program and eliminate those that were not working. He was going to go through every line of the federal budget line by line and get rid of all waste. Barry the bean counter got elected. Then he never counted a single bean. He just piled on the pork. He increased spending by tons. Nothing ever gets looked at to see if it is working, if it is economical, if it makes sense fiscally or we can afford it. Other administrations have failed to hold the line on spending. Other administrations have failed to cull non effective departments and agencies. Barry is creating more as fast as he can.

Why not use the term states' responsibilities instead of rights? The 10th amendment uses the word powers, not rights, and with power comes responsibility.

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