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Saturday, April 17, 2010


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So I guess Bob isn't on the short list for the Court? He's gotta be at least ten times smarter than the wise Latina.

oh my. No wonder they were using an picture of her from years ago. lesbianism is a tough lifestyle apparently. oink.

Oh fook ... laughter among the tears (hey, Ill take em).

Surprisngly, summa da Supremes are true to their word. Keeping their eyes peeled, out the corners of their eyes. For cases that be sneaking up on them ...


So you'd prefer someone who resembles Bryant Gumbel?

She sure fills the bill on the battle-ax look.

Why do women who love women tend to dress and look like men?

Bob Costas? That's not Michael Myers?

No!!!! John Lovitz!!!! Will SNL be honest enough to bring Lovitz back to humilate her the way they had Tina Fey caricature Sarah Palin?

Jon Lovitz? Yeah. Yeah!

I think we could do with one or two happy, carefree (that is, gay) justices on the SCOTUS, as replacements for some of the sour leftists; I'm just not interested in what the sexual orientation of such gay people might be, so long as they eschew the sour, anarcho-tyrannism of the leftards (which they'd have to do in order to be truly gay, as opposed to sour, anarcho-tyrannists who are homosexual activists). *heh*

(Not surrendering the word "gay" to homosexual activists. As Joe Sobran put it, "The reason the present age is difficult for gay people is that the word gay has been appropriated by homosexual activists. So real gay men have been driven into the closet, afraid to admit they’re gay for fear of being misunderstood." *heh* http://www.sobran.com/columns/2003/030729.shtml)

well then she's 'the Ticket'. She sure looks 'truly gay'.

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