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Dealing with Iran: Time for a “Middle Way” between Confrontation and Conciliation
The Century Foundation recently released a new report “Dealing with Iran: Time for A ‘Middle Way’ Between Confrontation and Conciliation,” by Geneive Abdo. The report, which presents insights about present-day Iran, is a result of the first meeting of the Iran-US Advisory Group, convened by TCF and the National Security Network.  The Advisory Group, which is scheduled to meet over the next twelve-to-eighteen months, consists of Iranian activists with close ties to the opposition movement in Iran, including the Green Movement, and European and American current and retired officials and diplomats. The report highlights the role that communications technology can play in enabling civil society and the Green Movement to work effectively, and in preventing the Iranian government from using such technology to censor and control civil society. View the press release. View video of the related event.
Health Care News: Who Is Responsible for What Is Missing in the Health Reform Plan
Maggie Mahar has been a lone, informed voice saying that the health care reform bill is going to pass. Read Maggie's comments on the latest developments to this the historic piece of legislation. She explores the myths and facts about health care reform and investigates who is responsible key pieces that are missing in the health care reform plan. In this podcast, Maggie discusses how powerful the bill is and how it is going to reign in health care inflation. Follow her daily at and on Twitter.
Putting Deficits in Perspective
The Obama administration's recently released budget, its proposal for a freeze on non-security discretionary spending, and the planned commission on the federal debt have raised widespread alarm about federal deficits. But the much more urgent and severe problems relate to the poor condition of the U.S. economy, which is responsible for the spike in the deficit. Click here for perspective and clarity on this often confusing subject.
The Battle over Letting Nurse Practitioners Provide Primary Care
by: Maggie Mahar
Twenty-eight states are now engaged in a heated debate over the difference between a doctor and a nurse: Legislators in these states are considering whether they should let a nurse practitioner (NP) with an advanced degree provide primary care, without having an M.D. looking over her shoulder. To say that the proposal has upset some physicians would be an understatement.  More...
A New New Deal
How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement

In A New New Deal, the labor movement leaders Amy B. Dean and David B. Reynolds offer a bold new plan to revitalize American labor activism and build a sense of common purpose between labor and community organizations. Dean and Reynolds demonstrate how alliances organized at the regional level are the most effective tool to build a voice for working people in the workplace, community, and halls of government. The authors draw on their own successes to offer in-depth, contemporary case studies of effective labor-community coalitions. They also outline a concrete strategy for building power at the regional level. This pioneering model presents the regional building blocks for national change.  More...
The Survival and The Success of Liberty: A Democracy Agenda for U.S. Foreign Policy
Over the course of the twentieth century, Americans came to see democracy not only as a priority at home, but increasingly as the cornerstone of peace and security abroad. In the last quarter of the century, Americans looked beyond cold war realpolitik to embrace the defense and promotion of rights and democracy as a vital mission of U.S. foreign policy. But the Bush administration’s crusade for democracy—linked as it was to unilateralism, invasion, alliance, expansion, and double standards—so tainted the notion of democracy promotion that much of the foreign policy establishment was soon exhorting President Obama to abandon it. Morton Halperin and Michael Fuchs argue, in this passionate and persuasive book, that to abandon the promotion of democracy now would be a great mistake.  More...
Ideas that Matter
A compilation of recent work from The Century Foundation's The Century Institute. More...
In Plain Sight: Simple, Difficult Lessons from New Jersey's Expensive Effort to Close the Achievement Gap
This is a story about what happens when a state education department partners with city school districts in an attempt to close the achievement gap between poor, minority city students and their counterparts in the predominantly white and more affluent suburban districts. It is a story set in New Jersey, but the lessons apply in any American city that has concentrations of poor children in failing school districts. What sets New Jersey apart is the generous level of court-mandated funding available, and the fact that preschool in the state begins at age three. More...
Improving On No Child Left Behind: Getting Education Reform Back on Track
In Improving On No Child Left Behind: Getting Education Reform Back on Track, a new book from The Century Foundation edited by Senior Fellow Richard D. Kahlenberg, some of the nation’s most respected authorities on education reform examine three central defects of the act: the under-funding of NCLB; the flawed implementation of the standards, testing, and accountability provisions; and major difficulties with the provisions that are designed to allow students to transfer out of failing public schools. The authors detail what needs to be addressed in each of these areas, and propose ways to fix the problems.  More...
New From TCF
The Platform: Net Neutrality Is Not Dead
The Platform by Peter Osnos.
Did DOE get memo on school desegregation?
Richard Kahlenberg blogs for the Washington Post's Answer Sheet.
The Snapshot: The Myth of the Tax Revolt
By Ruy Teixeira.
Springtime for Disarmament: How Wide a Window for Nuclear Rollback?
View video from this event.
Iran's Blogosphere
Genieve Abdo participates in this George Washington University discussion. View on C-SPAN (view Genieve at 2:02:19).
Project on Afghanistan in its Regional and Multilateral Dimensions
Lakhdar Brahimi, the former United Nations special representative for Afghanistan, and Thomas Pickering, former U.S. undersecretary of State and ambassador to the United Nations, are chairing The Century Foundation's new international task force on Afghanistan
Keeping the Spotlight on Student Loans
A new Issue Brief by Gordon A. MacInnes.
The Affirmative Action Trap
Richard Kahlenberg published in American Prospect.
Stay the Course of Withdrawal
Michael Hanna published in Foreign Affairs.
Why All the Steam about Obama’s Team?
TCF Board Member, Ted Sorensen contributed to The Centerline Blog.
How much do they hate Maliki?
Michael Hanna published in Foreign Policy.
Ignoring history, or repeating it: The story of United Nations reform
In the March issue of Global magazine, Senior Fellow Jeffrey Laurenti assesses the prospects for reforming or strengthening the United Nations.
A Year of Crisis
View video from this event that focused on the continuing war in Afghanistan.
U.S. Approach to Iran Criticised
insideIRAN's Arash Aramesh intervied on Al Jazeera TV.
Issues in Depth
Project on Democracy and U.S. Foreign Policy
Should the U.S. continue to support individuals and groups working to establish democracy in non-democratic countries?
Reconstruction efforts, security, elections, the international community, and U.S. policy.
Confronting International Security Challenges
Building security and enhancing stability without the use of military intervention.
Working Group on U.S. Policy Toward Russia
Identifying a new framework for U.S.-Russian relations and policy alternatives.
View All Issues
Media Hits
Michael Hanna quoted in the Associated Press.
Richard Kahlenberg quoted in Duke Chronicle.
Michael Hanna quoted in the Associated Press.
Michael Hanna quoted in the New Republic.
Michael Hanna quoted in the Associated Press.
Richard Kahlenberg quoted in Indy Week
View All Hits

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