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Are Earmarks Defensible?

Republicans gave Obama grief this week over them. So The Post asked John McCain, Ron Paul and others: Are earmarks ever a good thing?

PLUS » Why a Lot of Science Is Just Plain Wrong


Stewart vs. Cramer

E.J.'s Precinct | Was the 'Daily Show' host right to take on Jim Cramer and CNBC or has popularity gone to his head? Weigh in.

Jon Stewart

PLUS » Ignatius: Osama's Kind of Economy


Stewart vs. Cramer

E.J.'s Precinct | Was the 'Daily Show' host right to take on Jim Cramer and CNBC or has popularity gone to his head? Weigh in.

Jon Stewart

PLUS » Ignatius: Osama's Kind of Economy


Biology vs. Humanity

Peter Singer | Why do we limit embryonic stem cell research but allow children to die in poverty? Video Q&A

Stem Cells

PLUS » Ignatius: Osama's Kind of Economy


Laughing at Our Economy

David Ignatius | If Al-Qaeda's plan was to bleed us economically, they must be giddy at how things have turned out.

David Ignatius

PLUS » On Faith: Losing Our Religion?


Pricing Emissions

Obama's push to reduce greenhouse gasses has set off a lobbying rush in Congress and made the air thick with rival proposals.
At AIG, Bonuses Keep Coming After Bailout

Despite receiving billions in federal aid, insurance giant is doling out tens of millions of dollars in bonuses this week to senior employees.

David Cho

New HUD Chief Looks Ahead

Donovan says experience creating affordable housing in NYC translates to national stage.

Robin Shulman

N. Ireland Arrests 3 for Killings

Recent murders shake those who thought nation's decades of violent civil strife were long over.

Kevin Sullivan

Smithsonian: No Asbestos Risk

Air and Space Museum defends safety after long-time staffer gets lung disease and files complaint.

James V. Grimaldi and Jacqueline Trescott

Jarrett: High-Powered, Low-Key

White House senior adviser's influence is rooted in long ties built on a foundation of trust with the Obamas. » Michael A. Fletcher

Man Held in Roadway Sabotage

Rockville IT consultant suspected of dumping oil on hairpin highway exit ramp off Interstate 270.

Aaron C. Davis

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Tucker Carlson and Ana Marie Cox, both bloggers for The Daily Beast, offer analysis of the Obama presidency and other goings-on in the world of politics
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Voices on Green

Environmentalists sound off on their ideas for alternative energy and how to go green.

Left of Boom

A look at the U.S. struggle to defeat improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Cheney Vice Presidency

Series examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies for War on Terror, economy and the environment.

Sudan: A Country in Crisis

Interactive report examines Darfur, where conflict has left 450,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced.

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