Leap Wireless opposes AT&T, T-Mobile merger

(Balint Porneczi / BLOOMBERG)

Leap Wireless points out that about 90 percent of pre-tax earnings for the wireless industry would go to AT&T and Verizon, giving smaller regional carriers a harder shot at attracting partnerships with firms such as Apple.

Sony hacked in Greece, Japan

Sony hacked in Greece, Japan

Attacks on music sites in last two days add to Sony’s woes.

Barnes & Noble unveils new Nook

Barnes & Noble unveils new Nook

The major bookstore introduced its new 6-inch, lightweight, black-and-white reader Tuesday.

Army to test new electronic capabilities

The Army will begin a program to test integration of new capabilities into the networks that carry voice and data from headquarters to soldiers on the battlefield.

For health IT firms, regulatory questions abound

For health IT firms, regulatory questions abound

Firms aim to capi­tal­ize on trends in health care technology as portable devices and cloud computing redefine care.

e-G8 summit kicks off

THE CIRCUIT | World leaders gather in Paris for a summit that aims to help policy makers understand how to best regulate the Internet.

Is LinkedIn plunge inevitable?

Is LinkedIn plunge inevitable?

One analyst says “the only question for the investor is how soon they should sell.”

App makes your phone your wallet

App makes your phone your wallet

Payment start-up Square is trying to kill the cash register with its new mobile service.

Technology videos

U.S. outlines global plan for cyberspace

Video: U.S. outlines global plan for cyberspace

The Obama administration has laid out plans to work with other nations to make the Internet more secure, enable law enforcement to work closely on cybercrime and ensure that citizens everywhere have the freedom to express themselves online. (May 16)
AT&T, T-Mobile face off against rivals on merger

AT&T, T-Mobile face off against rivals on merger

Top executives from the cell phone industry faced off on Capitol Hill as lawmakers considered whether AT&T's proposed acquisition of T-Mobile would produce better mobile service for consumers. (May 11)
What the Microsoft/Skype deal means, via Skype

What the Microsoft/Skype deal means, via Skype

The Washington Post's Cecilia Kang talks with Carl Howe, a consumer research director for the Boston based Yankee Group, about Microsoft's announcement that it has agreed to buy the popular Internet telephone service Skype for $8.5 billion in the biggest deal in the software maker’s 36-year history.
Facebook's quirky DC office

Facebook's quirky DC office

Facebook is still trying to think like a start-up. The AP takes an exclusive video tour of the Technology juggernaut's newly-opened Washington, DC office, complete with truly unique features. (May 4)
PlayStation data leak could be largest ever

PlayStation data leak could be largest ever

Sony says that the credit card data of PlayStation users around the world may have been stolen in a hack that forced it to shut down its PlayStation Network for the past week, disconnecting 77 million user accounts. (April 27)
Electric cars get good marks in crash tests

Electric cars get good marks in crash tests

The first crash test evaluations of the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf earn the plug-in vehicles high marks from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. (April 26)
Warden Sees No Need to Panic Over Apple IPhone Tracking

Warden Sees No Need to Panic Over Apple IPhone Tracking

April 21 (Bloomberg) -- Former Apple Inc. software engineer Pete Warden talks about the iPhone and iPad's ability to logs users' whereabouts. Warden is one of the computer programmers who discovered the tracking feature. He speaks with Emily Chang on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg)
Amazon failure takes down sites across Internet

Amazon failure takes down sites across Internet

Scores of websites and Internet services like Foursquare and Reddit crashed or had limited availability Thursday because of problems at a data center run by Amazon. (April 21)
iPhone data retention raises privacy concerns

iPhone data retention raises privacy concerns

Privacy watchdogs are demanding answers from Apple about why iPhones and iPads are secretly collecting location data on users. (April 21)
BlackBerry's first tablet goes on sale

BlackBerry's first tablet goes on sale

Research In Motion, maker of BlackBerry smartphones, released it's first tablet device Tuesday. Customers were checking out the Playbook at stores from coast to coast. (April 19)
Fast Forward: Ebooks and DRM

Fast Forward: Ebooks and DRM

E-books are supposed be like books, only without the weight, the risk of paper cuts and the cost of bookshelves. But they're not in one way: Most e-books come locked with "digital rights management" controls that prevent you from treating your purchase like the physical sort.
Fast Forward: Head in the Cloud, music's there too

Fast Forward: Head in the Cloud, music's there too

Amazon's new Cloud Player forgoes syncing with your devices, and lets you stream your music to any device with a wi-fi signal. Well, almost any device.

Tablet wars heat up

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It seems like a new tablet hits the market every day. Here’s a look at a few that are vying for people’s attention.

Top consumer gadgets

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For the technophile in your life, these items are must-haves.