Workers at the new fortified foods factory in Timor-Leste bag 3 kg bags of CSB, which will be distributed to malnourished mothers and children around the country. Copyright:WFP/Jose Marcal


New Food Plant Pays Nutritional Dividends In Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste's first ever food processing plant is now turning out blended foods tailored to the nutritional needs of the poor Southeast Asian nation.  The new plant, set up with crucial input from WFP, will cut the cost of distributing fortified foods, create jobs and provide a market for small farmers.


Timor-Leste is resource-rich but remains poorly developed. It ranks 120th out of 169 countries in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2010 Human Development Index. The World Bank’s 2008 Timor-Leste poverty survey showed that the population living below the national official poverty line of US$0.88 per capita per day grew from 36 percent in 2001 to 50 percent in 2007, with increases in both rural and urban areas. in Portuguese

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