Take a d.school class

“Students take on real-world projects in our classes and labs, giving them practice and confidence in their innovation process.”

Classes 2014-2015

If you are a Stanford student, please see below for our current class offerings. Admission to all classes is by application.

If you’re not a Stanford student (or if you are a student but can’t wait for next quarter to try out design thinking) check out our Virtual Crash Course, which is a 90-minute introductory experience in design thinking. This page also has resources to help you continue your learning journey, wherever you are.


Spring 2015


Dive Into Design Thinking

Focus on Design Process to Build a Foundation in Design Thinking
Design Garage: A Deep Dive in Design Thinking

Tackle Big Challenges

Use Design Thinking to Make Impact through Real World Projects
Collaborating with the Future: Launching Large Scale Sustainable Transformations
Design for Extreme Affordability
Introduction to Legal Design
From Play to Innovation
Scaling Design Thinking Globally (when everyone isn’t in the same room)
LaunchPad: Design and Launch Your Product or Service
Design Thinking for Public Policy Innovators
d.compress: Designing Calm
Engelbart’s Unfinished Legacy

Hone Your Skills

Strengthen Your Capacity for Innovation, Design & Collaboration
Creative Gym: A Design Thinking Skills Studio
Creativity and Innovation
Fail Faster
Rapid Experimentation Lab
d.org: Prototyping Organizational Change


Pop-Up Classes

Application now closed


Learn the Building Blocks of Design Thinking
Life Transitions: Designing Your Return Home


Build Your Design Thinking Toolkit
Special Effects Studio
Improv and Design
Motion/Graphics?: Investigating Improvisational Movement and Embodied Design Strategies
Change that has a Chance: Co-designing with Implementers
Teaming with Purpose–How to Brand Yourself and Your Team in Alignment with your Individual and Collective Purpose


Bring Your Design Thinking Practice to the Next Level
Expressive Interaction Design
d.media Studio Sessions
Streets, Squares & Roundabouts: Creative Tools for Urban Spaces
Activating Potential in Urban Space
Designing Banking and Payment Solutions for Mobile Users on Low-End Smartphones
Networking by Design
Iterating your Way to Healthy Behaviors

Need some help navigating the options? Check out these tools to see what classes are available to you and what categories they fit.

Graduate Student

Undergraduate Student



1. Are you interested in teaching a class at the d.school? See more information here.

2. Apply for the d.school Teaching Fellowship



Classes Taught in Past Years

Browse classes taught in past years. These classes may be taught again in the future.

Business Collaboration to Promote a Sustainable Food System
Collaborating with the Future: Launching Large Scale Sustainable Transformations
Creativity and Innovation (Winter)
Creativity and Innovation (Spring)
d.compress: Designing Calm
d.health: Design Thinking for Better Health
d.leadership: Design Leadership in Context
d.media: Designing Media that Matters
d.science: Design for Science
Design for Extreme Affordability (2 Qtrs)

Design Garage: A Deep Dive in Design Thinking (2 Qtrs)
Designing Liberation Technologies
Design Thinking Bootcamp
Design Thinking Studio: Experiences in Innovation and Design
Design Thinking for Public Policy Innovators

Designing for Sustainable Abundance
Designing the Way Up: Disruptive Solutions for Poverty in America
FEED Lab: Innovating in the Local Food System
Foundations of Design for Design Thinkers
Founder’s Studio: Guerrilla Tactics for Entrepreneurs
From Maps to Meaning
From Play to Innovation
Give Big or Go Home
Innovations in Education
LaunchPad: Design and Launch Your Product or Service
Prototyping and Rapid Experimentation Lab
Rebooting Government with Design Thinking
ReDesigning Theater: Interactive Art & Performance Design (2 Qtrs)
SparkTruck: Designing Mobile Interventions for Education
The Designer in Society
Understanding Superfans and Their Heroes
Engineering Innovation
Movie Design
StoryViz: Communication Redesigned
Building Innovative Brands
Design @ Intersection of Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
FEED the Change: Redesigning Food Systems
Game Design: Making Play
Humanize My Ride
Redesigning the Neonatal ICU

Pop-Up Classes

21st Century Schools Challenge 
A d.school Sampler
Agile Feds: A Design Sprint
Bridging the Technology/Customer Divide in Big Data
Chocolate Head-Space
d.nature: Exploration in Biologically Inspired Design
Design for the Weary
Design Sprints for Startups
Design Thinking Basic Training
Design Thinking for Schools
Design Thinking Tonic – First Shot: People & Spaces
Design Your Startup
Designing Empathy Based Organizations
Designing Life, Essentially
Designing Organizations
Designing Your Leadership Legacy
EngagED: Redesigning the Classroom Experience
Flail or Flourish: The SuperPower of Resilience
Game Design: Making Fun
Get Smart: Making Complicated Information Simple
Give Big or Go Home
Giving Tuesdays for #GivingTuesday
Heartistry: Design Thinking from an Artist’s Perspective
How To Be a Cyborg
Human-Centered Sustainability
Improv and Design
Interactions with a Human Touch
Know Your Humans: Designing Effective User Research
Law by Design: Making Law People-Friendly
Leadership through Flow: Boxing, Dance, and Philosophy
Look Mom, I Hacked the Refrigerator! New Approaches to Designing and Prototyping Systems
Parks, Plazas, Public Spaces: Designing for Communities at Play
Prototyping Systems
Redesigning Criminal Justice
ReDesigning the Hospital Birth Experience
Sex & Design
Social Brands
Subjective Obsessive Beauty: Amplifying Your Creative Practice
Taming Tempation: Design for Self-Control
The Consumer Mind and Behavior Design
The Decay of Digital Things
The Future of Participation: Games, Storytelling, Music
The River of Life: Designing for Flow
Topics in Design Research: d.think Outside the d.school
Designing with Data
d.loops: Reimagining Sustainability
Needfinding in the Wild
Prototyping San Francisco
Scaling Sharing
Where Did You Go, Olympia Snowe?
Design for Everyday Social Good
Whizbang! Toy Invention
Designing Fun
d.media Pop Up Class: Visual Design Basics
From Maps to Meaning: MapLab
Get on the Truck! Building Creative Confidence with the SparkTruck Team
Getting to Trust in Conflict Environments
In the Heart of Social Movement
Notebook Neophyte to Whiteboard Warrior
#PML: Prototype My Life
Special Effects Studio
Open Eyes, Open Minds: Visual Thinking Strategies
Brainstorming Beyond Post-Its
Notebook Neophyte to Whiteboard Warrior
Iterate an Everyday Object
Research as Design: Redesign Your Research Process
Sticky Stories
The Art of Observational Research
Ritual Design: Designing Meaning into Everyday Experiences
Scaling Design, Thinking Globally
Redesigning the News Ecosystem


Special Projects

d.school-OpenIDEO Partnership: Unlocking Creative Confidence in Young People 

Take a d.school class

Building Innovative Brands

How leading brands may leverage a Design Thinking approach to become ever more participatory, experiential and experimental.

Fall 2014
Mon/Wed/Fri Sep. 22, 24, 26, 29 & Oct. 1, 3
3:15p – 6:15p
Studio 2
MKTG 552
2 Units
GSB Pass/Fail

Building Innovative Brands is a hands-on two-week dive into how leading brands may leverage a Design Thinking approach to become ever more participatory, experiential and experimental. Together, we will explore how leading organizations stoke conversations, co-create experiences, spark stories and build engaging relationships with consumers.

Inspired by provocative real-world examples and industry guests, diverse student teams will employ human-centered design methods to conceive of and visualize their own creative proposals for how the Stanford Athletic Department could engage in innovative, brand-enhancing new ways. Student teams will ultimately pitch their experience design concepts to the Athletic Department leadership for feedback, consideration and potential real-world implementation by Stanford.

Visit our website for more information: http://dschool.stanford.edu/buildinginnovativebrands/

Teaching Team
Chris Flink, d.school, GSB, IDEO
Jennifer Aaker, GSB

Enrollment limited to 44 graduate students. Applications close on Monday, Sept. 15. Deadline has been extended to 11:59pm. Apply here: http://bit.ly/BIBFall2014 

jaaker@stanford.edu, cflink@stanford.edu


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Building Innovative Brands

Design @ Intersection of Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

Turn your research into a product or service

Fall 2014
Mon 5:15p – 7:15p
Studio 1
ME 350A
1 Unit
Credit/No Credit
Launched 2013

This 1 credit class is for graduate students who are passionate about turning their research into a product or service. This is a chance to explore the potential impact of your work beyond your lab or research group. We are looking for students from the sciences, engineering, or mathematics, or students who have business acumen or start-up experience focused on technology driven companies. If you want to get out of your lab, away from your machine, and start to design your future come join us. The class will begin your journey from research to product conceptualization and user centered design through exercises and group activities.

We’ll meet once a week over the quarter in 10 self-contained 2 hour workshops where students will focus on their own work as well as explore the practical applications of fellow students’ ideas, experience team formation and collaboration, and begin to explore product and service design. Aside from class time you will need to commit up to one hour per week outside the class on customer and market exploration. Advisors from industry and academia will mentor student teams. The class will be structured for individuals with team formation optional.

Enrollment limited to 40 graduate students. To apply: fill out the online application here: http://bit.ly/designxfall2014 and attend the first day of class on Sep. 22. The online portion of the application will close on Monday, Sept 22 at 11:59pm.

Teaching Team
Dave Blakely, IDEO
Jon Feiber, d.school and Mohr Davidow Ventures

jdfeiber@stanford.edu, dblakely@dschool.stanford.edu

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Design Thinking Bootcamp: Experiences in Innovation and Design

Be a breakthrough innovator

Fall 2014
Mon/Wed/Fri 1:15p – 3:05p
Studio 2 & 3
ME 377
3 – 4 Units
Letter Grade
Launched 2005

Bootcamp is a fast-paced immersive experience in design thinking. You will use Design Thinking to work on multiple real world challenges in a diverse team. Tenets of design thinking including being human-centered, prototype-driven, and mindful of process. Topics include design processes, innovation methodologies, need finding, human factors, visualization, rapid prototyping, team dynamics, storytelling, and project leadership. Field work and deep collaboration with teammates are required of all students. Through coaching and guest lectures, you’ll get exposure to the application of design thinking across a broad sample of fields. Students and faculty from areas including business, earth sciences, education, engineering, humanities and sciences, law, and medicine. Limited enrollment.

This class is primarily for graduate students. Apply here: bit.ly/bootcampfall2014  Applications close Sep. 17 at 11:59pm.

Teaching Team
Alissa Murphy, d.school
Ashish Goel, d.school
Erik Olesund, d.school


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Design Thinking Bootcamp: Experiences in Innovation and Design

Engineering Innovation

Fall 2014
Tue/Thu 10:00a – 11:50a
Studio 1
MS&E 177
4 Units
Letter Grade
Launching This Year

Open to undergraduates from across the university, this course offers an immersive set of experiences related to creative problem solving. Sessions include workshops, field trips, virtual reality experiences, and movement exercises that reinforce lessons related to reframing problems, challenging assumptions, creative collaboration, risk taking, and building a culture of improvisation.

Enrollment limited to 24 undergraduate students. To apply:

1. Sign up in Axess for MS&E 177 Engineering Innovation
2. Fill out the application here: http://bit.ly/enginnovfall2014
3. Come to the first day of class at the d.school: Sep. 23, 10:00-11:50am in Studio 1. Applications close at 1 PM on Tuesday, Sept 23, right AFTER the first class. Students will be notified with admissions decisions by 5 PM on Sept 23.

Teaching Team
Tina Seelig, Stanford Technology Ventures Program
Aleta Hayes, Theater and Performance Studies


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Engineering Innovation

FEED the Change

Redesigning Food Systems

Fall 2014
Tue/Thu 1:15p – 3:05p
Studio 2
2 – 3 Units
Letter Grade
Launched 2013

FEED the Change is an introductory course in design thinking and food system analysis offered through the FEED Collaborative. Targeted at upper-class undergraduates, this course provides a series of diverse, primarily hands-on experiences (design projects, field work, and storytelling) in which students both learn and apply the process of human-centered design to projects of real consequence in the food system. Students will also develop knowledge and basic tools for working effectively in teams and for analyzing complex systems. The goal of this course is to develop the creative confidence of students and, in turn, to work collaboratively with thought leaders in the local food system to design innovative solutions to the challenges they face.

See our website for more information: http://feedcollaborative.org/classes/

Enrollment limited to 20 undergraduate students. Applications close Thursday, September 18th at 11:59 pm. Apply here: http://bit.ly/FEEDthechange2014

Teaching Team
Debra Dunn, d.school
Matt Rothe, d.school

ddunn@stanford.edu, matt@dschool.stanford.edu

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FEED the Change

Humanize My Ride

Investigating User-Centric Vehicle Design

Fall 2014
Mon/Wed 3:15p – 5:05p
Studio 1
ME 292
3 Units
Letter Grade
Launching This Year

Humanize My Ride is vehicle design targeting the extreme user. We will explore the relationship between specialized vehicles and their user’s needs, to inform a deep dive into designing and prototyping a unique purpose-modified ride for a new type of user. Using the design thinking approach, student teams will interview drivers and users of specific-purpose cars and trucks, and then build a deployable environment-vehicle for the new user. Teams will work collectively on different elements of one vehicle to test for their users needs. This project-based course is accessible to students of all backgrounds, interested in exploring and transforming the intersection of user centric design, automotive technology, creative customization and hands-on building. Class sessions will be held at the d.school and VAIL (Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Lab).

Enrollment limited to 20 students. Class is open to undergraduates and graduate students. Applications close September 22 @ 11:59pm. To apply fill out the online application here: http://bit.ly/humanizemyride2014 and attend the first day of class on Sep. 22 at the d.school.

Teaching Team
Michael Sturtz, ME Design
Mike Serpe, G Wagen Preserve Inc.
with special guest industrial designers from GoogleX, the PRL, the d.school, Tesla, Google’s autonomous car project, and the FBI automotive unit.


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Humanize My Ride

Game Design: Making Play

An exploration of games, gaming, and game design

Fall 2014
Tue/Thu 1:15p – 3:05p
Studio 1
TAPS 23/TAPS 223
3 Units
Letter Grade
Launched 2013

This class is about using design thinking to create new games of any kind — live, digital, verbal, physical, turn-based, synchronous, narrative, strategic, luck based, skill based, educational, you name it. Make it, play it, test it, improve it.

Enrollment limited to 24 students. Freshmen and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by noon on Monday, September 22nd (1st day of classes). All applicants must attend the first class on Tuesday the 23rd. Enrollment selections will be made on Wednesday in time for Thursday’s class.

Apply here: http://bit.ly/gamedesignfall2014

Teaching Team
Dan Klein, Theater and Performance Studies & Graduate School of Business
Mathias Crawford, Communication
Michael St. Clair, Theater and Performance Studies


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Game Design: Making Play

Movie Design

Movie Design. Take 2 weeks. Make 3 films.

Fall 2014
Oct. 23 – Nov. 2
Thusdays 6:00p – 9:00p
Fri/Sat/Sun* 11:00a – 4:00p
*Nov. 2, Sun 11:00a – 9:00p
Studio 1
ME 207
1 Unit
Credit/No Credit
Launching 2014

Apply design techniques to movie-making. Learn the ins and outs of high-speed filmmaking in the digital age, from writing & casting to directing, shooting, & editing. These techniques are useful whether you plan to move to Hollywood or create a video for the web. Project-based: students design, write, shoot, edit, and screen a short film in the span of one week.

Students should be prepared to spend significant amount of out of class work-time creating movies: especially during the week of Oct 26 and the weekend of Nov 1-2.

Enrollment limited to 24. Admission by application. Apply here: http://bit.ly/moviedesign2014 Applications close Sep. 22 at 11:59pm.

Teaching Team
Bill Guttentag, Oscar winning filmmaker and Lecturer, Stanford GSB
Scott Doorley, d.school Creative Director
Seamus Harte, d.school Storytelling and Media Curriculum Designer


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Movie Design

Redesigning the Neonatal ICU

Applying design thinking principles to a challenging medical setting

Fall 2014
Tue/Thu 3:15p – 5:05p
Studio 2
ME 359
3 Units
Letter Grade
Launching 2014

Redesigning the Neonatal ICU will inform students about current challenges in the NICU environment through expert speakers, literature, CAPE simulations and field trips. Simultaneously, we will be studying the users: their environment, their behavior, and their emotions. Our goal is to identify needs that will lead to product, system, or service innovation that will improve safety and quality of care. Student groups will have structured access to NICU clinicians at LPCH, as well as parents of preterm infants for conducting ethnography. Opportunities for direct observation in three different Bay Area hospitals are planned as well. Physical prototypes and/or scenarios can be tested and presented at CAPE’s simulation lab to give students a realistic environment in which to evaluate and present their ideas. For more information, and to see a confirmed list of guest speakers for this class, please visit our class website.

Enrollment limited to 20 graduate students. Applications deadline extended to Sept. 16 at 11:59pm. Apply here: http://bit.ly/redesigningNICU2014

Teaching Team
Jules Sherman, JS Design Group Inc., Maternal Life, LLC
Dr. William Rhine, Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital


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Redesigning the Neonatal ICU

StoryViz: Communication Redesigned

Fall 2014
Thu 9:00a – 12:00p
Studio 2
ME 375A
2-3 Units
Credit/No Credit
Launched 2010

StoryViz is about designing communication with intention. You will gain practice with storytelling, graphic & media design, and performance by redesigning the means, methods, and content of communication all around us.

This class is a studio: you’ll share work during weekly design critiques building up to a 3-week project to exercise everything you’ve learned.

StoryViz is focused on practicing principles rather than building tech skills… we won’t teach details of FinalCut or paintbrush selection in PhotoShop. It is an opportunity to apply skills you have and stretch into new ones by designing across any and all media.

Enrollment limited to 24 graduate students. Application deadline extended to Sep. 17 at 11:59p. Apply here: http://bit.ly/storyviz2014  Take a look at the StoryViz syllabus when you apply.

Teaching Team
Scott Doorley, d.school
Scott Witthoft, d.school


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StoryViz: Communication Redesigned