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Where We Are Going

Our mission is to enable biomedical discovery by connecting people with knowledge.

Through innovative means, we create, acquire, deliver and integrate information to support excellence in research, education, and patient care.

Knowledge Acquisition Strategies

Resource Management
  • Implemented by the Resource Management Team
  • Maintains world class collection of resources to support research/patient care/education
  • Saves time and effort of SUMC community by effectively and efficiently managing access to information resources
  • Enhances discovery of and access to all digital, physical, and virtual resources

Knowledge Delivery Strategies

  • Implemented by the Access Services Team
  • Enhance access by providing researchers and clinicians with information with the greatest possible relevance to their specialties
  • Maximize value by developing communication networks that share information effectively

Knowledge Creation & Education Strategies

Research & Instruction
  • Implemented by the Research & Instruction Team
  • Establish Lane as an active education PARTNER integral to achieving SUMC's common goal of improved health
  • Contribute to the development and support of an INQUIRY AND DISCOVERY based culture at SUMC
  • Make Lane an exemplar of Information Literacy (IL) for the SUMC community

Knowledge Integration Strategies

Knowledge Management
  • Implemented by the Knowledge Management Team
  • Establish Lane as a national leader in efforts to integrate biomedical literature resources into clinical system interfaces such as the EMR.
  • Create capability for individuals and groups to annotate biomedical literature and control sharing of their annotations.
  • Develop innovations for integrating Lane’s biomedical literature tools and services with informatics research to accelerate work in translating knowledge from labs to clinics.

Organizational Infrastructure Strategies

Lane Management Team

  • Implemented by Lane Management Team
  • Communication: increase awareness and promote communication about Lane’s services, activities and initiatives throughout the Stanford community
  • Evaluation: establish a meaningful and ongoing system of evaluating our service to promote continual quality improvement of Lane services and initiatives
  • Financial: create a modern funding strategy to support expanding collection and services in an increasingly digital age