Research Management Group (RMG)

Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities

This webpage is based on the postdoctoral funding opportunity announcememt distributed on June 9, 2015. This contains fellowships and mentored career development grants for postdoctoral and clinical fellows.

What's new
School of Medicine Internal Proposal Submission Policy has changed for all grants and fellowships
more >>

Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Postdoc-to-faculty transition awards
more >>

DoD Prostate Cancer Research Program RFPs
more >>

NIH NRSA F Series Individual Postdoctoral and Pre-doctoral Fellowship: required Grantsgov computer lab sessions are available in **June and July** more >>

NIH K Award Grantsgov computer labs will be announced by the end of June.


Master List of Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities

Download List >> (updated 06/09/2015)    Excel

Master List of over 200 Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities includes: links to sponsor webpages; citizenship requirements; deadlines; institutional representative for each program

PLEASE READ:   Institutional representatives and Stanford's Internal Proposal Deadline Policy:

Unless otherwise stated, Stanford's policy requires that you submit your fully approved and completed PDRF form and your application materials to your institutional representative* at least 5 working days prior to the sponsor's deadline. See the School of Medicine/RMG internal proposal deadline policy per this webpage >>.

NOTE: For any funding opportunity that does not appear on the list or this webpage, you will need to check with Debra Porzio in the RMG Fellowship Office at to determine whether your application should be processed through her office or through the Research Process Managers (RPM) in RMG.

*School of Medicine: institutional representative [RMG Fellowship Office or the Research Process Manager (RPM) in RMG ] for each funding is listed under each announcement and on the master list.

*For other Schools: the institutional representative is your Department's Contract officer in the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR). For contact information and the OSR internal proposal deadline policy, please see this DoResearch webpage >>.



Internal Stanford Funding Opportunities and Training Programs

Internal Stanford Funding Opportunity webpage >>
Check the table for programs currently accepting applications.





NIH, AHRQ, NIOSH K Career Development awards
Citizenship Exception: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is required for all K awards except for the K99/R00 awards (postdoc-to-faculty transition award).
This resource webpage contains funding opportunity announcements, deadlines, links and information on the NOTE: required grantsgov computer lab sessions will be announced by the end of June.


NIH NRSA F series Individual Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Note: Required 3-hour Grantsgov computer lab sessions are available in November for individuals submitting applications for the standard December deadlines.
The following webpage includes program announcements, and the **available** required grantsgov computer lab sessions offered in June and July, and application support materials.



DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

SPECIAL NOTE: These are the only DoD CDMRP programs per Stanford’s PIship policy that medical residents, medical fellows or postdoctoral fellows are eligible for.

Prostate Cancer Research Program
Physician Research Training Award

Amount of funding: maximum of $130K for direct costs (plus indirect costs) per year for up to 4 years
Eligibility: at the time of the application submission, the PI (who is the trainee) must be a physician with clinical duties and/or responsibilities who, at the time of the application is either:
1) In the last year of an accredited graduate medical education program, either as a medical resident** or fellow** or
2) Within 3 years of having initiated an appointment as an Instructor**, assist. prof. with PI eligibility or CE assist. prof. (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained prior to the pre-application deadline)
No citizenship requirement.
Purpose: Supports training of physicians with clinical duties for careers in prostate cancer research. PIs must demonstrate a commitment to a career at the forefront of prostate cancer research and clinical practice. PIs must have a designated mentor with an established research program in prostate cancer. Institutions must provide at least 40% protection of PI’s time for research.
Pre-application-“letter of intent” (required) deadline: July 30, 2015, 5pm p.m. ET via eBrap
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: Aug. 6, 2015
Full proposal: Aug. 13, 2015 11:59 p.m. ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget.
RPM assignments >>

Prostate Cancer Research Program
Postdoctoral Training Award

Maximum funding of $125K for direct costs (plus indirect costs) for up to 2 years
Eligibility: by March 31, 2016, the PI must:
1) Have successfully defended a doctoral thesis or possess an M.D. degree (or equivalent)
2) Be involved in an accredited training or residency program*;
3) and have 3 years or less of postdoctoral fellowship experience (excluding clinical residency or clinical fellowship training)
No citizenship requirement
Purpose: Supports prostate cancer research training opportunities for postdoctoral trainees who are recent doctoral graduates. PIs must have a designated mentor who is an experienced prostate cancer researcher.
Pre-application-“letter of intent” (required) deadline: July 30, 2015, 5 p.m. ET via eBrap
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: Aug. 6, 2015
Full proposal: Aug. 13, 2015 11:59 p.m. ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget.
RPM assignments >>


Burroughs Wellcome Fund


Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS)

New this year: Unlimited numbers of pre-proposals ("self-nominations") may be submitted. An internal selection process is no longer required.
This is a transition award for physician scientists- postdoctoral and clinical fellows and Instructors- to bridge advanced postdoctoral /fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are ineligible.
Eligibility highlights: physician-scientists: postdoctoral and clinical fellows and Instructors; Candidates must hold an M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M., or D.O. degree. (M.D./Ph.D.s are eligible.
**STANFORD ELIGIBILITY CLARIFICATION: for Stanford Instructors (appointed on or after July 1, 2013) and registered postdoctoral fellows in research or clinical years, 90/10 or 80/20 postdoc/instructors, with established mentors and two years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the applications (as of Nov. 12, 2015), and who have been a first author on at least one publication in a high impact top-tier journal, and have a significant publication record, and who can devote 75 percent of their time to research related activities and who meet all of the other eligibility criteria may be considered.
See the program overview webpage for additional criteria.
Career Development PI waiver request & pre-proposal form submission** deadline to your RPM in RMG: July 29, 2015
Pre-proposals (required) deadline: Aug. 5, 2015
Invitiation to submit a full proposal to be sent to 80-100 individuals in early October
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG)** deadline: Nov. 5, 2015
Full proposals (by invitation only) deadline: Nov. 12, 2015
Program overview >>
**Institutional representative (RPM in RMG):
The sponsor requires an "signing official signature" for your pre-proposal so you must submit your pre-proposal to your department's or division's Research Process Manager (RPM) by July 29th. A PDRF form is not needed for the pre-proposal phase. RPM dept. assignment webpage >>.
SoM postdoctoral and clinical fellows/Instructors-must submit a Career Development PI waiver request per these instructions >> to their RPM by July 29th as well.


Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Awards at the Scientific Interface
Postdoctoral Fellow to faculty transition award
Eligibility highlights (see the guidelines for complete criteria):
Postdoctoral fellows who hold a Ph.D. degree in one of the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, or engineering
Candidates are expected to draw from their training in a scientific field other than biology to propose innovative approaches to answer important questions in the biological sciences.
Candidates whose Ph.D. is in biochemistry/biophysics/biology/cell biology/etc. may be eligible if significant accomplishment or competence in one of those areas can be shown (i.e., papers published, advanced coursework, or undergraduate major), and if the proposal draws on that background. Work must be interdisciplinary and making use of non-biological approaches.
Candidates who hold an M.D. are eligible to apply if they hold both an M.D. and a Ph.D., and the Ph.D. is in one of the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, or engineering. This includes related areas of physical and computational science. Exceptions will be made only if the applicant can demonstrate significant expertise in one these areas, evidenced by publications, undergraduate major, or master's degree. In addition, the applicant cannot have spent more than 48 months in postdoctoral research since receipt of a Ph.D. If the candidate holds an M.D. without also holding a Ph.D., the candidate is not eligible to apply to this program.
Candidates must have completed at least 12 months but not more than 48 months of postdoctoral research by the date of the full invited application deadline.
Citizenship: These awards are open to U.S. and Canadian citizens or permanent residents as well as to U.S. temporary residents.
SoM Postdocs: Career Development PI waiver request to be submitted to your RPM by Aug. 26, 2015
Pre-proposal: Sept. 2, 2015*
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline: December
Full proposal (by invitation only): Jan. 8, 2015
*Institutional representative: BWF requires your signature and your mentor's or the pre-proposal form, but the form does not require an institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) signature.
School of Medicine postdoctoral fellows must submit a Career Development PI waiver request per these instructions >> to their RPM by Aug. 26th as well.





Foundation/Association Postdoctoral Fellowships


Special Announcements:

Simons Foundation
Bridge to Independence Award

$150K/yr x 3 yrs.
Purpose: This request for applications (RFA) is aimed at senior postdoctoral fellows who intend to seek tenure-track faculty positions during the 2015-16 academic year. In the first stage, Ph.D. or M.D. applicants currently in mentored training positions, ideally in laboratories currently pursuing autism-relevant studies, must submit an autism-relevant research project, describing studies to be pursued once the applicant has attained an independent, tenure-track faculty position at an academic institution. Applicants must have fewer than eight years of postdoctoral or otherwise mentored training since receiving their Ph.D. or M.D.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM in RMG or OSR) deadline: Aug. 21, 2015
Stage one proposal: Aug. 28, 2015
Finalists notified: Nov. 23, 2015
Finalist deadline for accepting the award or deferring it.
Full proposal submission (rolling basis): Dec. 1, 2015- Dec. 1, 2016
The award is administered through the institution at which the PI is appointed to the faculty
Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

Alfred B. Sloan Foundation
Microbiology of the Built Environment Postdoctoral Fellowship

Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from graduate students for a first postdoctoral fellowship only, and the fellowship must begin within one year of completion of the Ph.D. degree. U.S. citizenship is not required. Graduate students will initiate the applications for the fellowships but these applications must include a letter of commitment from the potential postdoctoral advisor.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office) deadline: Aug. 25, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2015
PDF file of the guidelines
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >> (or through OSR-for PIs in other schools)


Proposals accepted on an ongoing basis


European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Short Term Fellowships

Short-Term Fellowships fund research visits of up to three months to laboratories in Europe and elsewhere in the world
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline**: prior to submitting your application to the sponsor
Deadline: There is no deadline for applications, however applications should be made three months before the proposed starting date.
**Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship Office proposal submission procedures >>

Office of Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and Policy Fellowships

Fellowships will be awarded to applicants based on academic level and experience. Senior Fellows are Master's or Ph.D. graduates who have held a graduate degree for more than three years at the time of application and have post-degree experience in a technical or research capacity. Fellows are recent Master's or Ph.D. graduates who have held a graduate degree for less than three years at the time of application. Junior Fellows are recent Bachelor's graduates who have held a degree for less than five years at the time of application.
Be a U.S. citizen, have Permanent Resident (Green Card) status or be eligible for an Exchange Visitor (J) Visa, if a foreign national.
The EERE STP Fellowships provide an opportunity for highly talented scientists and engineers to participate in policy-related projects at DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Washington, D.C.
Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round.
Institutional representative: not applicable, because these are appointments in Washington, D.C., you can apply directly to the program.





The LAM Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship

(Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, or LAM, is a progressive lung disease that affects women almost exclusively)
Letter of intent (required): July 15, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 8, 2015
Full proposal (by invitation only): Sept. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>


American Heart Association (AHA)
AHA Membership or application fee: The American Heart Association requires applicants to be an AHA member or pay an application fee. For more information see this AHA webepage >>
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)

AHA award mechanisms:

American Heart Association - Western States Affiliate
Pre-doctoral Fellowship

Research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems, including multidisciplinary efforts.
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: July 17, 2015
Western States Affiliate Deadline: July 24, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>

American Heart Association - Western States Affiliate
Postdoctoral Fellowship

Research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems, including multidisciplinary efforts.
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: July 17, 2015
Western States Affiliate Deadline: July 24, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>


American Heart Association-AHA/Myocarditis Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

Supports an investigator proposing innovative basic, clinical or translational research projects relevant to the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment epidemiology and/or prevention of myocarditis
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)
NOTE: Submit your application via the Western States Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellowship Guidelines
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: July 17, 2015
Western States Affiliate Deadline: July 24, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>


American Heart Association
National Scientist Development Award

To bridge the gap between completion of research training and readiness for successful competition as an independent investigator.
Eligibility: postdoctoral fellows in their last year may submit applications, Instructors, early assist. prof. with PI eligibility within four years of their first faculty appointment, early CE assist. prof. (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver)
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 14, 2015
National deadline: July 21, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

American Heart Association
Mentored Clinical and Population Research Award

Eligibility: Early career assistant professors with PI eligibility and early career CE assistant professors (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver). Researchers (e.g. Postdoctoral Scholars, Instructors, and other Academic Staff members-Research associates) are also eligible to apply with an approved career development PI waiver.
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship or permanent residency or certain visas (see the guidelines)
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 14, 2015
National deadline: July 21, 2015
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 17, 2015
Western States Affiliate Deadline: July 24, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

AACR American Association for Cancer Research
Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Fellowship in Clinical Cancer Research

Clinical or postdoctoral fellows with Ph.D., M.D., D.O, etc.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: July 15, 2015
July 22, 2015

*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>

AACR American Association for Cancer Research
Amgen, Inc. Fellowships in Clinical/Translational Cancer Research

$65K for 1 yr
Clinical or postdoctoral fellows with Ph.D., M.D., D.O, etc.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: July 15, 2015
Deadline: July 22, 2015

*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>

AACR American Association for Cancer Research
Judah Folkman Fellowship for Anti-Angiogenesis Research

$50K/yr x 2 yrs
Physicians-clinical or postdoctoral fellows with M.D., D.O., M.D./Ph.D or equivalent. (see additional criteria)
No citizenship requirement.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: July 15, 2015
Deadline: July 22, 2015
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>

AACR-American Association for Cancer Research
Genentech BioOncology Fellowship for Cancer Research on the HER Family Pathway

$150K for 2 yr
No citizenship requirement.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: July 15, 2015
Deadline: July 22, 2015
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>


JDRF-Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowships

Ordinarily, their first degree (PhD, MD, DMD, DVM, or equivalent) will have been received no more than five years before the fellowship.
Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowships
Generally, their first degree (PhD, MD, DMD, DVM, or equivalent) will have been received no more than 5 years before the fellowship. Applicants who have completed 1-3 years of postdoctoral training and now show extraordinary promise may wish to apply for this advanced award
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: July 23, 2015
Deadline: July 30, 2015 via proposal central
Scroll to the bottom of this webpage to find the fellowships:
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>


Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation

$25,000 (2 awards to be made)
Eligibility: clinical and postdoctoral fellows, Instructors, and faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver)
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 24, 2015
Deadline: July 31, 2015
Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>




Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Research Training Grant

This is intended to provide funding to support the development of a scientist in emergency medicine.
$50,000/yr x 2 yrs
The PI is the faculty member with PI eligibility, not the trainee.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): July 25, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 1, 2015
Institutional representative for the faculty member (PI)

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Education Fellowship Grant

$50K/yr x 2 years
Be board eligible or certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, American Board of Osteopathic Emergency Medicine, or pediatric emergency medicine practicing in an emergency care setting; or a senior resident (3rd or 4th year) in good standing to graduate from an ACGME accredited EM residency program. (see additional criteria).
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): July 25, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 1, 2015
Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

Hereditary Disease Foundation-Hungtinton Disease
John J. Wasmuth postdoctoral fellowships

Letter of Intent Deadline for requesting an application (required): Aug. 1, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office): Oct. 8, 2015
Full application (by invitation only): Oct. 15, 2015
Institutional representative: you do not have to submit your Letter of intent through your institutional representative. However, if invited to submit a full proposal, you will need to submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>



The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Environmental Chemistry

Eligibility: faculty with PI eligibility with an established record in environmental chemistry and engineering
The PI is the faculty member. The Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry provides a principal investigator with an award of $120,000 over two years to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow in environmental chemistry.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR*) deadline: July 27, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 3, 2015
Institutional representative for the faculty member who is the PI

Rheumatology Research Foundation
Scientist Development Award

up to $225K for up to 3 years
Mentored postdoctoral fellowship. See additional criteria.
Applicants must be an ACR or ARHP member at the time of the submission.
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 27, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 3, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


National Ataxia Foundation
-Young Investigator (YI) Award
-Young Investigator (YI) for SCA Award for SCA

Eligibility: senior postdocs, and clinical fellows, for assist. Prof. w/ PI eligibility, CE assist. prof. (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver obtained prior to the LOI submission)
No citizenship requirement
Letter of intent (required): Aug. 3, 2015
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: Aug. 25, 2015
Full proposal: Sept. 1, 2015
*Institutional representative: you do not have to submit your leter of intent to your institutional representative. However, because this is a grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Mentor-Based Postdoctoral Fellowship in Rehabilitation Research

Eligibility: the PI is the faculty mentor.
No citizenship requirement
Submit a pre-application: submit in late June or early July at the latest (to allow the sponsor time to review your pre-app. and determine whether or not to invite you to submit a full proposal.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: July 29, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 5, 2015
Guidelines >>
Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) and
Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Tropical Infectious Diseases
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): Aug. 5, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 12, 2015*
*However, when you link to the RFP for this program, it still displays the 2014 RFP.
Therefore, you will need to check back for a 2015 program.
Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


National Multiple Sclerosis Society and ABF American Brain Foundation
Clinician Scientist Development Award

Applicants must be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. and be at the PGY4 or PGY5 stage of an accredited residency program in the U.S. at the time of the application.
No citizenship requirement
Submit a pre-application (required): submit in late June or early July at the latest (to allow the sponsor time to review your pre-app. and determine whether or not to invite you to submit a full proposal)
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office*): Aug. 5, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 12, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Sylvia Lawry Physician Fellowships

Applicants must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States and be at the PGY4 or PGY5 stage of an accredited residency program in the United States at the time of application]
No citizenship requirement
Submit a pre-application (required): submit in late June or early July at the latest (to allow the sponsor time to review your pre-app. and determine whether or not to invite you to submit a full proposal)
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office*): Aug. 5, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 12, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


National Multiple Sclerosis Society:
Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Care Physician Fellowship

a one-year, post-residency program designed to train board eligible/certified neurologists or physiatrists in specialized MS clinical care. [Applicants must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States; Residents who have or will have received training in neurology or physiatry in the United States, and who are in the PGY3 or PGY4 stage or beyond, are eligible to apply.]
No citizenship requirement
Submit a pre-application (required): submit in late June or early July at the latest (to allow the sponsor time to review your pre-app. and determine whether or not to invite you to submit a full proposal)
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office*): Aug. 5, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 12, 2015
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research Fellowship Grant

For anesthesiology trainees-residents and fellows after the CA-1 year
U.S. citizen, permanent U.S. resident, or holder of H-1 visa with minimum of three years remaining
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: Aug. 8, 2015
Full proposal: Aug. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


National Ataxia Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship

Eligibility: completed one but not more than 2 years of postdoctoral training (see the guidelines)
No citizenship requirement
Letter of intent (required): Aug. 17, 2015
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: Sept. 8, 2015
Full proposal: Sept. 15, 2015
Institutional representative: You do not have to submit uour leter of intent to your institutional representative. However, because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Long-Term Fellowships

Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Aug. 8, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 15, 2014
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
Long term fellowship
Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship

No citizenship restriction
HFSP fellowships are for three years. Fellows may choose to stay for up to three years in the host country or use the last year of their fellowship to return to their home country or to move to another HFSPO member country.
Online initiation deadline: August 13, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Aug. 20, 2015
Full proposal deadline: Aug. 27, 2015
*Institutional representative: Postdoctoral fellows: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
Young Investigator Award

Up to $50K
The principal investigator must be an early career orthopedic surgeon, fellow, or resident with interests in sports medicine research. Any investigational team seeking such a grant must include at least one member of AOSSM in good standing.
Pre-review Deadline: Aug. 15, 2015 (strongly recommended if applicants want feedback for their full proposals)
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: Nov. 24, 2015
Full proposal: Dec. 1, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award

Unlimited applicants permitted
See the guidelines for eligibility criteria
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative deadline (RMG Fellowship Office*): Aug. 10, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 17, 2015
Eligibility guidelines:
Fellowship application guidelines:
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN)
Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS)

Lipedema Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards Program
Supports postdoctoral fellows in clinical or basic science research. Areas of research include adipose tissue biology, lymphatic biology, and areas relevant to lipedemia including physiology, genomics, immunology and endocrinology.
See guidelines for eligibility.
Only ONE fellow from the mentor’s laboratory may apply,
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship office) deadline: Aug. 21, 2015
Deadline: Aug. 28, 2015
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .




Sturge-Weber Foundation
Young Investigator Award (postdoctoral fellowship)

$30K/yr for up to 2 years
Applicants must be no more than four years out of M.D. or Ph.D. program and work under the supervision of an established mentor.
Letter of intent (required) deadline: Sept. 1, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG fellowship office) deadline: Dec. 8, 2015
Full proposal (by invitation only): Dec. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: Submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.


Paralyzed Veterans of America Research Foundation
Fellowship Grant

For postdocs within 4 years of receiving their Ph.D. or M.D.
No citizenship restriction but research must be conducted in the U.S. or Canada.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Aug. 25, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2015
*Institutional representative: Submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.


Lymphoma Research Foundation
Clinical Investigator Career Development Award

$225,000 over 3 years
Eligibility: physician investigators-advanced fellows, Instructor, assist. prof w/ PI eligibility and CE assist. prof. with an approved CE faculty PI waiver) who are no greater than five years of experience beyond completion of their fellowship or post-doctoral training (the five year limit may be non-sequential in cases of interruptions for pregnancy or illness).
the development of new lymphoma therapies and diagnostic tools.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015 via proposal central
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


Lymphoma Research Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowships

No citizenship requirement-must be affiliated with a U.S. or Canadian institution for the duration of the grant
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Clinical fellowships (for 3rd, 4th & 5 Yr Fellows)

U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


OREF-Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
New Investigator Grant

Eligibility: residents, fellows, orthopedic surgeons having completed formal training within the last 4 years (Institutional representative: your dept.’s RPM)
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


OREF-Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
ORS/OREF Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant

$50K for 1 yr
Eligibility: Ph.D., M.D., DVM, or DO
Applications must be dedicated to an orthopaedic-related project and focused on development of a career in orthopedic research. Applications from trainees who have established a working relationship with an academic orthopaedic or musculoskeletal research unit are strongly encouraged.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


OREF-Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
Resident Clinician Scientist Training Grant

$20K for 1 yr
Eligibility: residents, fellows
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG): Aug. 26, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 2, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
LeRoy Matthews Physician Scientist Award

This award will provide up to six years of support for outstanding, newly trained pediatricians and internists (M.D.’s and M.D./Ph.D.’s) to complete subspecialty training, develop into independent investigators, and initiate a research program.
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Sept. 2, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 9, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Harry Shwachman Clinical Investigator Award

This three-year award provides the opportunity for clinically-trained physicians to develop into independent biomedical research investigators who are actively involved in CF-related areas. It is also intended to facilitate the transition from postdoctoral training to a career in academic medicine.
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Sept. 2, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 9, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>



Pasteur Foundation
Postdoctoral fellowships

To bring U.S. post-doctoral researchers to work in Institut Pasteur laboratories in Paris thanks to the generosity of U.S. donors. This fellowship is open to American citizens who have received their PhD degree within the last five years.
U.S. citizenship
Deadline: Sept. 10, 2015
Institutional representative: not applicable. You can apply directly to the foundation.


The EGL Charitable Foundation
Gruss Lipper Family Postdoctoral Fellowship

Supports Israeli scientists whose research involves biomedical science (see the website for topics) and who will be working in U.S. institutions
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 8, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


American Philosophical Society
Daland Fellowship in Clinical Investigation

No citizenship restriction
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 8, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >> .


Thrasher Research Fund
Early Career Awards (Child health research)

Physicians in a residency/fellowship training program or completed that program no more than one year before the submission of the concept paper; postdocs who received their doctoral degree no more than 3 years prior to the concept paper deadline).
No citizenship requirement
Concept Paper Deadline (required): Sept. 11, 2015
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: Oct. 19, 2015
Full proposal deadline (by invitation only): Oct. 26, 2015
Institutional representative: You do not have to submit your concept paper to your institutional representative. However, because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>


Hope Funds for Cancer Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship

No citizenship requirement but the research must be conducted in an institution in the U.S.
Letter of intent (required) deadline: Sept. 18, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Jan. 19, 2016
Full proposal (by invitation only): Jan. 28, 2016
*Institutional representative: if initiated to submit a full proposal, please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>


Conquer Cancer Foundation (of the American Society of Clinical Oncology)
Young Investigator Award

$50K for 1 yr fellow to faculty transition award
The applicant must be a physician (MD, DO, or international equivalent) who is currently within the last two years of his/her final subspecialty training at an academic medical institution at the time of grant submission. Applicants should be planning an investigative career in clinical oncology.
No citizenship requirement.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 17, 2015
Deadline: Sept. 24, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>





The Pew Charitable Trust
Pew Latin American Fellows

Provides support for young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States). Applicants must have been awarded a Ph.D. and or M.D. degree by February 2016 but not for more than five years prior to July 1, 2016. Preference will be given to applicants who received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from institutions in Latin America. Applicants may not have had previous postdoctoral training in the United States in excess of 18 months prior to July 1, 2016.
Application site will open on July 15th.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 24, 2015
Deadline: Oct. 1, 2015
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>


Thoracic Surgery Foundation For Research and Education
Nina Staff Braunwald Research Fellowship

Support of up to $30,000 per year for up to two years for a woman resident working in a cardiac surgical clinic or laboratory research program who has not yet completed cardiothoracic surgical training
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Oct. 8, 2015
Full proposal deadline: Oct. 15, 2015
*Institutional representative: Postdoctoral fellows: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>

The Morton Cure Paralysis Fund
Research grants

$5-$75K for one year
Eligibility: faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver) and Postdoctoral fellows
(note: postdocs submit applications through your RPM-per Sonia Barragan, Associate Director-RMG)
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline: Oct. 24, 2015
Deadline: Oct. 31, 2015
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career develoopment grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>



American Epilepsy Society
Postdoctoral Fellowship

No citizenship requirement
Letter of intent (required) deadline: Nov. 6, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: Feb. 9, 2016
Full proposal (by invitation only) deadline: Feb. 16, 2016
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>

American Epilepsy Society
Pre-doctoral Research Training Fellowship

No citizenship requirement
Letter of intent (required) deadline: Nov. 6, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: Feb. 9, 2016
Full proposal (by invitation only) deadline: Feb. 16, 2016
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>

American Epilepsy Society
Clinical Fellowship

$45K for 1 yr
U.S. citizenship is not required; however, research must be conducted in the U.S.
Letter of intent (required) deadline: Nov. 6, 2015
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: Feb. 9, 2016
Full proposal (by invitation only) deadline: Feb. 16, 2016
*Institutional representative: please submit your fully approved and completed PDRF forms and application materials proposals to the RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>



National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Fellowships

Must, at the time of submission, be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a legally admitted permanent resident alien of the United States. See the respective guidelines for each announcement for additional eligibility criteria.

Note: NSF may issue new announcements. If they do, there will be a link to the new # from the webpage for the previous announcements.

NSF Medical Research/Disease-related goal restrictions

NSF Grant Proposal Guidelines Chapter 1. B:
Unless otherwise stated in the program guidelines, research with disease-related goals, including work on the etiology, diagnosis or treatment of physical or mental disease, abnormality, or malfunction in human beings or animals, is normally not supported. Animal models of such conditions or the development or testing of drugs or other procedures for their treatment also are not eligible for support.
However, research in bioengineering, with diagnosis- or treatment-related goals, that applies engineering principles to problems in biology and medicine while advancing engineering knowledge is eligible for support. Bioengineering research to aid persons with disabilities also is eligible."

NSF 15-568 Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (UPDATED)

Be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States (i.e., have a “green card”) at the time of application
Either currently be a graduate student or, at the deadline date, have served in a position requiring the doctoral degree for no more than 18 full-time-equivalent months since earning the degree.
See additional criteria
Deadline: Jan. 12, 2016
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.


NSF 11-559 Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF)
The candidate is a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States.
The candidate has earned the doctoral degree in an appropriate scientific field within five (5) years prior to the proposal deadline or will complete the doctoral degree by October 1 of the award year.
The candidate has not participated in postdoctoral training for a combined full-time-equivalent duration of more than three (3) years prior to the proposal deadline.
Deadline: Oct. 14, 2015
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.

NSF 14-582 Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF) NSF 14-582
Must, at the time of submission, be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a legally admitted permanent resident alien of the United States;
May not have held the doctoral degree more than 2 years as of January 1 of the year of the award;
Must propose research in an area of mathematics or statistics;
Deadline: Oct. 21, 2015
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.



NSF 14-595 SBE Postdoctoral Fellowship
This fellowship in two tracks: two tracks:
(i) Broadening Participation (SPRF-BP), and
(ii) Interdisciplinary Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences (SPRF-IBSS).
U.S. Citizenship or permanent residency required
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR*) deadline: Oct. 19, 2015
Deadline: Oct. 26, 2015
Institutional representative:
Medicine: Research Process Manager (RPM) in RMG. Dept. assignments >>
Other schools: Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) Contract Officer assignments>>


NSF 15-501 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology

For FY 2015 and beyond, these BIO programs are (1) Broadening Participation of Groups Under-represented in Biology, (2) Research Using Biological Collections, and (3) National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States (i.e., have a "green card")
Deadline: Nov. 3, 2015
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.


NSF 14-607 Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF): Broadening Participation and International
Applicants must be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States (i.e., have a "green card")
Deadline: Dec. 14, 2015
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.



NSF 14-509 Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF)
Applicants must be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States (i.e., have a "green card") at the time of application. Each candidate must identify one or more sponsoring scientist(s) and host institution(s) in the proposal. (See guidelines for additional details.)
Deadline: Jan. 11, 2016 [and 2nd Monday in Jan.)
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.




Proposal Central application instructions


How to delegate the authority to submit your proposal to the RPM

In order for RPMs to review and submit grants through Proposal Central, the PI has to go to the section of the application titled "Enable Other Users to Access this Proposal." The PI should scroll to the bottom of the page, enter the RPM's email address, then give the RPM"administrative" permission. The "administrative" permission allows the RPM to view, edit and submit the application. If the RPM is not given "administrative" permission, the RPM will not be able to access the submit button.

Special Note: Selecting the Institution's Name
School of Medicine PIs: Med. should select item #6 (following the “MDA clinic” listing) when they search for Stanford University. This one has the RMG Porter Drive address.
PIs in other schools: Select "the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University" which will display the OSR address.

Selecting a signing official: the "Stanford University" profile will include the list of RPMs. If "the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University" is selected, this profile will show the OSR signing officials.



Grant writing resources:

Here are some Stanford grant writing resources:



Stanford Medicine Resources:

Footer Links: