Agreements and Policies

These documents must be read, signed and submitted through the website to Audrey Samon.

Shabbat Policies

Hillel@Stanford acknowledges that students come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have different ways of personally observing Shabbat, and is committed to creating a pluralistic Shabbat experience where everyone can express the holiness of the day to her or his comfort. During Shabbat students using the building are expected to be aware that many students are observing Shabbat and should be cognizant that their actions may affect the Shabbat observance of others.

Lights: Lights at Hillel at Stanford are motion activated during the week, but are preset for Shabbat and holiday observance to stay on, so please don’t touch them!

Events: If electronic, instrumental music or other non-halakhic (breaking traditional Jewish law) action is integral to a community’s observance of Shabbat, it is allowable. If the occurrence could happen on any other day of the week with no harm to the program, it is not allowable. It must be central to enhancing the practice of Shabbat for individuals or communities.

  • Example: “Folk dancing on Shabbat enhances my celebration of Shabbat and I’d like to play music from a CD after dinner so people can join in the dancing. It wouldn’t have that power on Sunday night.” This event is permissible.

  • Conversely, “I want to have a get together for Jewish students with amplified music at Hillel on Saturday afternoon before the Big Game”. Because it is incidental that this event would take place on Shabbat, it is not permissible.

Services: Instrumentation during Shabbat services is entirely permissible, as it enhances the Shabbat practice of that community. Please be respectful of our thin walls when planning where services with loud instrumentation will be held.

Electronics usage: Shabbat at Hillel is a sacred space focused on connecting to the people in our midst. Give your electronics and yourself a night off! If an attendee does wish to use a cell phone, computer, or other electronic device on Shabbat, we ask that it is done outside of the space where others might see so that the space and others’ observance is respected. Please place your phone on vibrate or off during services. Outside of the spaces where Shabbat is being celebrated, computer usage is permitted. If it will not bother anyone, Xerox machine usage is permitted.

Photography: If you wish to photograph, please be respectful of those who do not use cameras on Shabbat. If it’s possible to leave the main space to take pictures, please do. If not, ensure that you aren’t photographing people who follow this Shabbat practice.

In all cases, Hillel@Stanford’s staff and student leaders are encouraged to respect the diversity of religious practice present in our community. If a practice is going to take place that is unfamiliar or jarring to others, we make every attempt to make the occurrence as minimally disruptive as possible.


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Taube Hillel House & Koret Pavilion at the Ziff Center for Jewish Life
565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305-8456
(650) 723-1602