Community Housing Listings

Stanford's official listing service is and only Stanford affiliates can view the Stanford listings.

Search for Housing Listings:

There are two ways to access the rental listings.

  • Current Stanford affiliates with Stanford email accounts create a "student" user account with Places4Students (you will log in as a student regardless of your status at Stanford).
  • Incoming Stanford affiliates who do not yet have a Stanford email address will need to request a temporary user name and password in order to access the rental listings. 

For Landlords to Submit a New Housing Listing:

  • Create a landlord account with
  • Once the account is activated, you can create rental listings, upload photographs, update your listings, and deactivate your listings.
  • Fees are as follows:
    $25 for a single-unit general ad
    $35 for a single-unit featured ad
    $50 for a multiple-unit general ad
    $70 for a multiple-unit featured ad.
  • You can list online at or call 1-866-766-0767.

For Students to Submit a New Shared Housing Listing or Roommate Profile:

If you are a Stanford affiliate, you can create a "student" account with Once the account is activated, you can create free listings under the Sublet category, or post and view profiles if you wish to find someone else with whom to find a rental. 

Last modified Tue, 3 Mar, 2015 at 15:30