If you are an undergraduate student whose family has experienced a significant change in financial circumstances, you may submit a Request for Revision (PDF) to request additional aid. Make sure to include a detailed explanation your family’s situation and specific amounts for any reported expenses or changes in income. Increased funding is determined on a case-by-case basis, and may be in the form of loan, job, or scholarship. Note that we cannot revise awards based on your family's financial decisions, such as a parent choosing not to pay your educational costs, or falling short of resources due to allocating funds elsewhere.
If you are a graduate student who will be incurring new expenses that you did not report on your aid application, you should notify the Financial Aid Office by financialaid@stanford.edu. Please be sure to include your name, Stanford ID number, and an itemization of your expenses.
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Last update: October 15, 2013 1:44 PM