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12.5.6 Indemnification

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Employment contracts or agreements will govern the indemnification of employees in each country.

12.5.1 Visas for and Employment of Foreign Nationals

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The University and its affiliates will comply with each country’s visa and employment law at all times. All affiliated employees must have the legal right to work and reside in the country of employment.

12.4.6 Disability and Family Leaves

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Stanford provides disability coverage in each country in compliance with law and appropriate for University and affiliated staff. Leave and salary continuation policies will be maintained and communicated by Global HR Programs, in conjunction with University Benefits and disability carriers. Affiliated employees may be requested to assign their disability benefits to Stanford to continue on regular payroll in each country. Stanford disability leave, family leave, short-term and long-term disability policies remain in effect for all University employees on US payroll.

12.4.5 University Housing Programs

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.4.1 Global Benefit Administration

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Global HR Programs is the responsible party to initiate employee benefits for Stanford and its affiliates in locations outside of the US. Global HR Programs will also typically administer these benefits, unless explicitly delegated to management in a specific country. Employee benefit plans outside of the US may be taxable to the employee, depending on each country’s tax code and reporting regulations. The sections below outline employee benefit provisions as they apply to Stanford University’s international staff groupings.

  • In-Country Hires
    Contact Global HR Programs if benefit plans are not already available in the country where Stanford or an affiliate will have in-country hires.
  • US Hires
    Benefits provided to US-based employees working outside of the US will generally reflect, as closely as possible, those provided to University staff residing in the United States.

12.3.12 Out-of-State Employees

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.3.11 Violence in the Workplace

12.3.10 Gifts and Awards for Global Employees

12.3.9 Global Employee Training

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Some countries mandate employee training requirements, or specific jobs may have training or certification standards. Supervisors are responsible for identifying those employees who perform work requiring specific training and taking actions to enable the delivery of necessary training.

12.3.6 Smoke-free Environment

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Refer to Stanford University's Administrative Guide Memo 2.2.6 to the extent required and applicable in the country of operation.


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