The TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy funds research in science, technology and policy that will lead to a transformation of the world's energy systems for a sustainable future. The seed grants fund faculty research with the potential for high impact. These proof-of-concept awards enable researchers to move from theory to early experiments and analysis.

TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy Seed Grants

Funding Year Research Topic Description Principal Investigtors
2014 Low-cost polymer materials for efficient waste heat reclamation Thermoelectricity, the direct conversion of heat into electrical power, can be used to reclaim otherwise wasted thermal energy from cars, factories...

Zhenan Bao, Chemical Engineering; Kenneth Goodson, Mechanical Engineering

2014 From ‘waste’ water to fresh water: Anaerobic treatment for energy-neutral potable water Wastewater is typically treated with oxygen-consuming (aerobic) bacteria, an energy-intensive process that converts organic-rich wastewater...

William Mitch and Craig Criddle, Civil and Environmental Engineering

2014 Economic assessment of polygeneration energy systems Polygeneration energy systems use multiple feedstocks (such as coal, natural gas and biomass) to generate multiple products (electricity, hydrogen,...

Stefan Reichelstein, Graduate School of Business; Adam Brandt, Energy Resources Engineering

2013 Electrochemical Splitting of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide In theory, excess power created by intermittent renewable power can be used to remove CO2 from the environment and extract carbon monoxide, which can...

Mark Cappelli, mechanical engineering; Reginald Mitchell, mechanical engineering; Tsuyohito Ito, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan.

2013 Making Large Wind Farms More Productive, Less Expensive Power output by large wind farms is typically 25 percent less than what it should be due to rear windmills operating in the turbulent wakes of those...

Sanjiva K. Lele, aeronautics and astronautics, and mechanical engineering; John Weyant, management science and engineering

Funded by the TomKat Center with support from PIE

2013 Junctionless Solar Cell for Enabling Third-Generation Photovoltaics This project will seek to increase efficiency and decrease manufacturing costs of solar photovoltaic panels by developing junctionless solar cells...

Krishna Saraswat, electrical engineering

2012 Wireless Power Transfer to a Moving Vehicle In a follow-up to an earlier study, the researchers will test the feasibility of using magnetic resonance technology to transmit electricity from...

Shanhui Fan, electrical engineering

2012 Reliability vs. Cost Tradeoffs in California Wind Energy Investments This project will quantify the added costs of serving California’s electricity demand with an increasing share of intermittent renewable...

Frank Wolak, economics; Burton Richter, SLAC

2011 Storing Electricity in the Form of Chemical Bonds: An Alkaline Exchange Membrane Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell One way to deal with the intermittent nature of solar power is by storing some of it for use when output drops. This research seeks to develop a type...

Thomas Jaramillo and Curtis Frank, chemical engineering

2011 Effects of Large-Scale Solar Energy on Land and Water Resources in The Southwest U.S. Some of the world’s highest agricultural yields come from irrigated systems in deserts, which are also attractive sites for large solar power...

Chris Field, Noah Diffenbaugh and David Lobell, environmental Earth system science

Funded by the TomKat Center with support from PIE 

2011 Consuming Renewable Power: Information and Reliability as a Resource This study aims to better manage the inherent variability of solar power. Unexpected cloud cover frequently cuts solar supplies. To keep an electric...

Ram Rajagopal, civil and environmental engineering

2011 Upconverter-Enhanced Molecular Photovoltaics: Towards Cost-Effective, Broadband Solar Energy Conversion The conversion efficiency of such devices can be enhanced by adding upconverters, which combine below-bandgap photons to emit above-bandgap photons...

Jennifer Dionne and Michael McGehee, materials science and engineering

2011 Market-Based Valuation of Ecosystem Services for Competitive Large-Scale Solar Power Generation One of the largest benefits of renewable energy generation is reduced degradation of natural ecosystems as compared to fossil-based energy generation...

Michael Lepech and David Freyberg, civil and environment engineering; John Weyant, management science and engineering; Stefan Reichelstein, Graduate School of Business

Funded by the TomKat Center with support from PIE

2010 Analysis and Control of Smart Electrical Distribution Systems This research focuses on the development of systems analysis, control, and monitoring technologies for the distribution segment of the electrical...

Dimitry Gorinevsky and Sanjay Lall, aeronautics-astronautics and electrical engineering

2010 GridSpice: A Virtual Platform for Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of the Smart Grid The project aims to research and begin prototype development of GridSpice, a software simulation system for modeling, design, planning and...

Stephen Boyd, electrical engineering; Abbas El Gamal, electrical engineering; Amit Narayan, Smart Grid Research and Modeling; Dan O'Neill, electrical engineering; Benjamin Van Roy, management science and engineering and electrical engineering

2010 Reducing the Regulatory Barriers to a Transmission Network that Facilitates Renewable Energy Deployment in a Wholesale Market Regime The research proposed here will develop a quantitative model that seeks to fill these gaps-specifically for the case of the transmission upgrades in...

Stephen Boyd, electrical engineering; Mark Thurber, PESD; Frank Wolak, economics

2010 Catching Wind by the Tail: Improving Intermittent Power Operations with Sensing, Statistics and Control The project seeks approaches to increase the penetration of wind energy production by decreasing the planning, safety and operating costs due to wind...

Ram Rajagopal, civil and environmental engineering