Blood Center

Fact Sheet
Fiscal Year 9/1/13 - 8/31/14

Annual Draw: 42,425 Whole blood donations
405 Autologous donations
204 Directed donations
11,978 Apheresis donations
174 Therapeutic phlebotomies
Products Shipped: 84,566 products for transfusion
48,881 products for research or further manufacture
Service To: Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
O'Connor Hospital, San Jose
Palo Alto V.A. Hospital
Livermore V.A. Hospital
Biotech and academia researchers
Clinical laboratories
Staff: 265 Operational full time equivalents
Licensed Staff: RNs, LVNs, CLSs, MDs
Budget: $58.5 million
Revenue Source: Billable blood products and services
Histocompatibility testing

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