Blood Center

Update on Ebola

Joint Statement on Ebola and the Safety of the Blood Supply

The following is a joint statement issued by AABB, America’s Blood Centers, and the American Red Cross on October 15, 2014 regarding the blood community’s response to Ebola. Stanford Blood Center is a member of America’s Blood Centers.  

“The top priority of the blood banking community is the safety of blood recipients, donors and staff. Individuals who have traveled to countries where Ebola is prevalent are currently deferred from blood donation because these areas are also considered at risk for malaria.

Ebola virus has never been transmitted by blood transfusion, but we are being very cautious while the epidemic unfolds in Africa. With the current health history screening process, the risk of transfusion-transmission is incredibly low. Anyone with a temperature of higher than 99.5 is automatically deferred from giving blood.

In addition, we are asking individuals who have been told by public health authorities that they may have been exposed to a patient with Ebola virus to not donate blood for 28 days following their last contact with the infected person. This request for donors to self-defer from giving blood comes as a recommendation from AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks).

Ebola testing is only performed by highly specialized labs such as those operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is currently no test available to screen routine blood donations in the United States.

While there is no proven treatment available for Ebola, blood collected from patients who have recovered from the disease may provide effective treatment. The blood plasma in former Ebola patients contains antibodies that may be successful in fighting off the disease.

Donating blood is a safe process, and people should not hesitate to give or receive blood. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood, and that need can only be met through the generosity of volunteer donors.”


Stanford Blood Center Addressing Ebola

We recommend that presenting donors who have been told by a public health authority that they may have been exposed to a patient with Ebola virus refrain from donating until 28 days (seven days longer than the maximum incubation period) or longer after their last possible direct contact with an infected person. This is a precautionary measure consistent with public health guidance by AABB, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the above joint statement.

Stanford Blood Center staff continues to use universal precautions related to blood safety.

For additional information regarding Ebola, please visit


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