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How to Declare

Stanford freshmen and sophomores who want to pursue a major in Civil and Environmental Engineering should follow the course plan in the SoE Undergraduate Handbook. Taking the appropriate math and sciences courses in the early years will be a great help throughout the undergraduate program.

Declaring CEE as your major

Stanford undergraduates who wish to declare Civil and Environmental Engineering as their major should review the declaring deadlines and other information about declaring on the Registrar's website. Interested students may also wish to consult with an undergraduate advisor about declaring this major.

Instructions for declaring in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Atmosphere and Energy, and Architectural Design

  • Enter your major declaration (CE, EnvE, Atmosphere & Energy or ArchDesign) in Axess.
  • Pick up your academic folder from your freshman/sophomore adviser and print out your Stanford transcript (unofficial is fine) from Axess.
  • Download and complete your major Program Sheet, which you can obtain from the School of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook.  Be sure to fill in all courses that you have taken and those that you plan to take.  You will have the opportunity to revise this later, so please fill in as many courses as you can.
  • Bring your academic folder, transcript and completed program sheet to the CEE Student Services office (in Room 316 of the Yang and Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building) and request to have a CEE advisor assigned to you. You may request a specific advisor if you wish. The Student Services office hours are 10:00 am - 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
  • Meet with your CEE undergraduate advisor and review your program sheet with them. Have your undergraduate advisor sign your program sheet.
  • Return your signed program sheet to the CEE student services specialist, who upon receiving your signed sheet will approve your major declaration in Axess.
  • You are encouraged to meet with your CEE undergraduate adviser at least once a quarter to review your academic progress.  Changes to your program sheet can be made by printing out a revised sheet, obtaining your undergraduate adviser’s signature and returning the approved sheet to the CEE Student Services Office. 
  • NOTE — it is very important to confirm that your program sheet is up to date at least one quarter prior to graduation.  Changes to your program may not be accepted within one quarter prior to graduation.

Other information:

  • Procedures for requesting transfer credits and program deviations are described in detail in the Undergraduate Handbook at the beginning of section 4 — "Policies and Procedures" (full PDF of the undergraduate handbook). The relevant forms are in the back of the Handbook in the "Forms" section, or on the UGHB site under the "Petitions" link. The on-line forms may be filled out and distributed electronically. If you are requesting transfer credits or program deviations, you should bring copies of your filled-out forms with your transcript and program sheet to the CEE Student Services office.
  • Check with the CEE Student Services Office to make sure that you are signed up on the CEE undergraduate students email list server for important announcements about CEE department events and activities.